Karym feat. Mellina - Anonim - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Karym feat. Mellina - Anonim

Am sa-ti spun adio intr-o scrisoare
I'm going to bid you farewell in a letter
Dar mai am o simpla intrebare
But I have one simple question
Ce-am facut de te-ai schimbat
What did I do to make you change
Eram noi doi impotriva lumii
We used to be us against the world
Dar am ajuns ca si nebunii
But we've ended up like lunatics
Ce s-a intamplat de ne-am schimbat
What happened to make us change
Stiu ca de azi o sa te vad doar in fotografii
I know that from today I'll only see you in photographs
Si comediile de ieri sunt azi doar tragedii
And yesterday's comedies are today just tragedies
Ne-am comportat ca doi copii
We behaved like two children
Si ce-i ciudat e ca nu mai suntem cei de la-nceput
And the strange thing is that we're no longer the same as when we started
Nu mai zambim ca-n ziua-n care noi ne-am cunoscut
We no longer smile like the day we met
Unul e surd, altul e mut
One is deaf, the other is mute
Si nu mai stim ce-am vrea sa fim
And we no longer know what we want to be
Deviem sentimentele atunci cand mintim
We deflect our feelings when we lie
Ne transformam in doi straini
We're turning into two strangers
Ne indepartam cate putin
We're drifting apart little by little
Si stergem cu buretele tot ce iubim
And we're wiping away everything we love with a sponge
Azi ma semnez un anonim
Today I sign myself an anonymous
Odata nu era nimic sa ne doboare
Once there was nothing to bring us down
Azi nu vedem lumina, chiar daca e soare
Today we can't see the light, even though the sun is shining
Ce-am facut atat de grav
What did we do that was so serious
Poate tu nu crezi la fel, dar nu mai arde
Maybe you don't think so, but it's no longer burning
Focul, tu te-ai dat lovit, te-ai dat deoparte
The fire, you've been hit, you've moved aside
Si nu credeam ca tocmai tu
And I didn't think it would be you
Stiu ca de azi o sa te vad doar la televizor
I know that from today I'll only see you on TV
Si sunt departe zilele nebune-n dormitor
And are gone the crazy days in the bedroom
Ieri eram doi, azi patul e gol
Yesterday we were two, today the bed is empty
Si ce-i ciudat e ca nu mai suntem cei de la-nceput
And the strange thing is that we're no longer the same as when we started
Nu mai zambim ca-n ziua-n care noi ne-am cunoscut
We no longer smile like the day we met
Unul e surd, altul e mut
One is deaf, the other is mute
Si nu mai stim, ce-am vrea sa fim
And we no longer know, what we want to be
Deviem sentimentele atunci cand mintim
We deflect our feelings when we lie
Ne transformam in doi straini
We're turning into two strangers
Ne indepartam cate putin
We're drifting apart little by little
Si stergem cu buretele tot ce iubim
And we're wiping away everything we love with a sponge
Azi ma semnez un anonim
Today I sign myself an anonymous
Stiul ca de azi o sa te vad doar in fotografii
I know that from today I'll only see you in photographs
Si poeziile de ieri sunt azi doar fantezii
And yesterday's poems are today just fantasies
Ma tem ca azi nu voi mai fi
I'm afraid I'll no longer be here today
Si ce-i ciudat e ca nu mai suntem cei de la-nceput
And the strange thing is that we're no longer the same as when we started
Nu mai zambim ca-n ziua-n care noi ne-am cunoscut
We no longer smile like the day we met
Unul e surd, altul e mut
One is deaf, the other is mute
Si nu mai stim ce-am vrea sa fim
And we no longer know what we want to be
Deviem sentimentele atunci cand mintim
We deflect our feelings when we lie
Ne transformam in doi straini
We're turning into two strangers
Ne indepartam cate putin
We're drifting apart little by little
Si stergem cu buretele tot ce iubim
And we're wiping away everything we love with a sponge
Azi ma semnez un anonim
Today I sign myself an anonymous

Writer(s): Oana-madalina Dumitru

Karym feat. Mellina - Anonim (feat. Mellina) - Single
Anonim (feat. Mellina) - Single
date de sortie

1 Anonim

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