Kase.O - Tutorial A.k.a. Casino - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kase.O - Tutorial A.k.a. Casino

Tutorial A.k.a. Casino
Tutorial A.k.a. Casino
Muchos MCs entran al casino, sólo yo salgo contento
Many MCs enter the casino, only I leave happy
Cuento el dinero y no te cuento cuánto
I count the money and I won't tell you how much
Yo soy la banca, sólo víctima de mi trampa
I am the bank, you're just a victim of my trap
Esta eminencia con resistencia arrogante aguanta
This eminence with arrogant resistance endures
Aunque bajara el listón seguiría estando altísimo
Even if I lowered the bar, it would still be sky-high
creías que era un santo y sólo soy majísimo
You thought I was a saint, and I'm just super nice
So nice, pero no me jodáis, don't try!
So nice, but don't mess with me, don't try!
No me conocéis bien, mal no me conozcáis, right?
You don't know me well, don't get to know me the wrong way, right?
Ahórrate los consejos ¡Es ridículo!
Save your advice, it's ridiculous!
no llegaste más lejos de tu circulo
You never got further than your circle
no llegaste tan lejos, guarda tus ínfulas
You didn't get that far, keep your arrogance to yourself
Estúpido, sólo eres mi pupilo, ¿Te crees que triunfas?
Stupid, you're just my pupil, you think you're succeeding?
Será en tu casa o con tu séquito
It'll be in your house or with your entourage
A no me impresionan tus pequeños logros, chico
Your little achievements don't impress me, kid
Fácil te quito la ilusión de tu supuesto éxito, chaval
I easily take away the illusion of your supposed success, kid
Te estoy petando el culo en tiempo real y ni siquiera me excito
I'm kicking your ass in real time and I'm not even getting excited
Andas obsesionado, orgulloso de tus visitas
You're obsessed, proud of your views
Ahora es Dios quien te visita, se acabaron las risitas
Now it's God who visits you, the giggles are over
Comienza el drama, se acabó el tiempo hadas
The drama begins, the time for fairies is over
Donde y tus amiguitas esperabais que fallara
Where you and your little friends expected me to fail
¿Que ya no me quedara clase? ¡Qué infelices sois!
That I wouldn't have any class left? How unhappy you are!
Bajo esas máscaras de duros sólo hay putos toys
Under those tough masks there are only fucking toys
Fake homies y haters de paisano
Fake homies and haters in disguise
Ahora estamos solos y yo, sal del armario, hermano
Now it's just you and me, come out of the closet, brother
Te pierdes lo bueno siempre buscando el fallo
You miss the good stuff always looking for the fault
Yo no lo hayo en mi rap, te vas a quedar bizco
I can't find it in my rap, you're gonna go cross-eyed
Date un pellizco, no es un sueño ni una cifra al azar
Pinch yourself, it's not a dream or a random number
Yo he vendido más de ciento veinte mil discos
I've sold over one hundred and twenty thousand records
Sigo pensando que vivo de la caridad
I still think I live off charity
sigues diciendo que yo soy un vendido más
You keep saying that I'm just another sellout
Como si fuera fácil reventar un escenario
As if it were easy to rock a stage
¡Reto a hacer lo mismo al que se atreva a juzgar mi salario!
I challenge anyone who dares judge my salary to do the same!
¿Que cuánto cobro por los milagros que obro?
How much do I charge for the miracles I work?
Te digo el triple, me sobro para ver tu rostro de horror
I'll tell you triple, I'm more than enough to see your face of horror
Es tan incómodo que encima te compares
It's so uncomfortable that you even compare yourself
Yo te doble como un junco, bro
I bend you like a reed, bro
Deja ya la GoPro y ponte a estudiar Rap un rato ¡Analfabeto!
Leave the GoPro and study Rap for a while, illiterate!
No me sirves ni para azafato ¡Florero de foto!
You're not even good enough for a flight attendant, flower vase in a photo!
¡Mujer objeto! Te lefo en el jeto y sin recato
Object woman! I'll fuck you in the face and without shame
Demasiado bien te trato si te llamo toyaco
I treat you too well if I call you a toy
¡Tú no eres del ghetto, co!
You're not from the ghetto, yo!
Basta ya de farsa, el Rapza vive en la 13
Enough of the farce, Rapza lives in the 13th
Y sin ir de gangsta te da lecciones de humildad, y no sólo él
And without being a gangsta he gives you lessons in humility, and not only him
Hay procesos en Colombia que te erizan la piel
There are processes in Colombia that make your skin crawl
Paz para Henry y para su escuelita
Peace for Henry and his little school
En una visita aprendes más de Hip Hop que con el put- Bambaata
In one visit you learn more about Hip Hop than with the fucking Bambaata
Es más, paz para los que se ocupan de esos que nadie se acuerda
Moreover, peace for those who take care of those that nobody remembers
Ellos tienen mi respesto, no artistillas de mierda
They have my respect, not shitty little artists
Pocos a día de hoy me hablan de arte o de música
Few people today talk to me about art or music
Sino de cómo llegar a ser figura pública
But rather about how to become a public figure
A ti no hay quien pague por verte, por perderte de vista
Nobody would pay to see you, but to lose sight of you
Ya verás cuando despiertes: carne de psicoanalista
You'll see when you wake up: psychoanalyst fodder
Sólo en ti has creído, pero hay borrones
Only you have believed in yourself, but there are blurs
Entre la realidad y tus propias adulaciones
Between reality and your own flattery
Lo siento, no soy Jesús, ni un dios justo
Sorry, I'm not Jesus, nor a just god
Soy más bien un susto en la cara de MCs mamones
I'm more like a scare on the face of cocky MCs
No tengo na' que demostrar, no estamos a la par
I have nothing to prove, we are not on par
Cuando aún estás por definir y yo aún estoy por abarcar
When you're still to be defined and I'm still to be embraced
Yo tengo el trono bajo mi custodia
I have the throne under my custody
tienes mucho que aprender de mi tutorial
You have a lot to learn from my tutorial
Mucho que trabajar
A lot to work on
Me da que esos humitos se os van a bajar
I think those fumes are going to come down
Vuelve el mito, estaba escrito que iba a machacar
The myth returns, it was written that I would crush
Yo no necesito tu aprobación
I don't need your approval
¡Te lanzo un socavón, cabrón!
I throw you a sinkhole, asshole!
que comentas "Kase vive de las rentas"
I know you say "Kase lives off the income"
Pero yo fabrico éxitos, co, vivo de las ventas
But I make hits, yo, I live off sales
Ni vieja guardia, ni leyenda, ni noventas
Neither old guard, nor legend, nor nineties
Soy un género en mismo, sí, como La Mala
I am a genre in myself, yes, like La Mala
No, no seré yo el que os enseñe a limitaros
No, I won't be the one to teach you to limit yourselves
Voy a visitar a los necesitados ofuscados
I'm going to visit the obfuscated needy
Enquistados siguen sus oídos nunca conquistados
Encrusted remain their ears never conquered
¡Siempre encasillados! ¡Siempre encasillados!
Always pigeonholed! Always pigeonholed!
Tengo 34 palos, pavo, me he pasado
I'm 34 years old, turkey, I've spent
Más de la mitad engañado por el estado
More than half deceived by the state
Más de la mitad engañado por todos los medios
More than half deceived by all the media
Lo que está claro es que nos quieren separados
What is clear is that they want us separated
Etiquetados, enfrentados, dualizados
Labeled, confronted, dualized
Individualizados, enemistados
Individualized, antagonized
Si simplemente os informarais entre vosotros con respeto
If you simply informed yourselves with respect
Pero ¿En qué se han convertido los foros?
But what have the forums become?
No juzgues y no serás juzgado
Judge not and you shall not be judged
Aprende del que sabe, enseña lo aprendido a tu hermano
Learn from the one who knows, teach what you have learned to your brother
Ya hay demasiada mierda en todos los putos lados
There's already too much shit everywhere
Mantente positivo, tío, haz del mundo un sitio más humano
Stay positive, man, make the world a more humane place
Si no puedes o no quieres: Deja que mi rap te sacrifique
If you can't or don't want to: Let my rap sacrifice you
Mil técnicas de Esnuque te aplique
A thousand Snooker techniques I apply to you
Fíjate: luchas contra un ente así que di que es como un dique mi palique
Notice: you're fighting an entity so say it's like a dike, my talk
No ha nacido MC que me desmitifique
No MC has been born who can demystify me
Dejo el micro como un colador
I leave the microphone like a strainer
Filtro versos y ahora te bebes este con sabor a violador
I filter verses and now you drink this tea with a rapist flavor
Pero el jugo de mi cerebro es agrio
But the juice of my brain is sour
Yo como el Mario, convierto este papel en un obsesionario
I, like Mario, turn this paper into an obsessionary
Porque el tiempo de mis fans es sagrado
Because my fans' time is sacred
Me paso un largo rato en cada cacho para darlo mascado
I spend a long time on each piece to give it chewed
Y hace años que te lo advertí
And I warned you years ago
No puedes competir con una mente febril de lo fértil
You can't compete with a feverish mind so fertile
Yo vine desde abajo con mi educación modesta
I came from below with my modest education
Eso no resta para que quiera que mi obra de arte sea grotesca
That doesn't detract from the fact that I want my work of art to be grotesque
Yo jodo con todos esos clichés "Money & bitches"
I fuck with all those clichés "Money & bitches"
¿MCs? Me los como crudos como ceviches
MCs? I eat them raw like ceviches
Bajo perfil, como ha de ser
Low profile, as it should be
Yo sin grandes aspavientos ni excentricidades agradecer
I know how to be grateful without great fuss or eccentricities
A los DJs que scratchean mis frases
To the DJs who scratch my phrases
A los rappers que me nombran en sus letras
To the rappers who mention me in their lyrics
Bien feliz que me hacen, peace and love
They make me very happy, peace and love
Pero al que reniega de mí, co, ¡un dolor atroz!
But to the one who disowns me, yo, an atrocious pain!
Una enfermedad veloz a su voz
A swift disease to his voice
En pocas palabras: yo, en números, el número uno
In short: me, in numbers, the number one
querrías verme frágil, pero no
You would like to see me fragile, but no
Con Kase.O no puedes hacer un pack
You can't make a pack with Kase.O
Defínele indefinible, jugo de puto crack
Define him indefinable, fucking crack juice
Mi música no es para tontos, pero hasta un tonto
My music is not for fools, but even a fool
Puede intuir belleza en los gordos flows que monto, motherfuckers!
Can sense beauty in the fat flows I ride, motherfuckers!
(This is how it should be done)
(This is how it should be done)
(Puliéndome a tontolabas)
(Polishing myself to fools)
Sin esfuerzo
(This is how it should be done)
(This is how it should be done)
(How can one man possess so much power?)
(How can one man possess so much power?)
(This is how it should be done)
(This is how it should be done)
(True master)
(True master)
(The teacher, that's right: el maestro)
(The teacher, that's right: el maestro)
(This is how it should be done)
(This is how it should be done)
Sobrado de estilazo estoy, puedes verlo
I am overflowing with style, you can see it
(This is how it should be done)
(This is how it should be done)
(Todo un símbolo en el rap, después, discute mi caché)
(A whole symbol in rap, then, discuss my cache)
(This is how it should be done)
(This is how it should be done)
(Microphone master, super rhyme maker)
(Microphone master, super rhyme maker)
(This is how it should be done)
(This is how it should be done)
(¡Qué bueno!)
(¡Qué bueno!)
(El rey del estilo: Kase.O)
(The king of style: Kase.O)
(This is how it should be done)
(This is how it should be done)
(I'm bigger, better and deffer, so however, wherever, whenever!)
(I'm bigger, better and deffer, so however, wherever, whenever!)

Writer(s): Agustin Burillo Tomas, Javier Ibarra Ramos

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