Katarzia - Kde Sa Slzy Berú - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Katarzia - Kde Sa Slzy Berú

Kde Sa Slzy Berú
Where Tears Come From
Keď deti majú deti
When children have children
Dospejú skôr ako ich rodičia
They grow up faster than their parents
Nestihli nič vysvetliť
They didn't have time to explain anything
Nestihli ani rozmýšľať
They didn't even have time to think
Vystrihnuté z obalov na gumené city z cukríkov
Cut out from the wrappers of gummy candies
Kyslé chute studené z neba vytrhnuté
Sour flavors cold and pulled from the sky
Prvýkrát si sa nadýchol
You breathed for the first time
V jazerách fantázie, si zapamätaj navždy
In lakes of fantasy, remember that forever
Bez nej tu neprežiješ nedá sa kamarátiť s každýmKde sa slzy berú
You can't survive here without it, you can't be friends with everyoneWhere do tears come from
Nikto tu nechcel byť ich dôvodom
No one wanted to be their reason
Kde sa slzy berú
Where do tears come from
Nič sa ti nestalo len náhodou
Nothing happened to you, just by chance
Kde sa slzy berú
Where do tears come from
Nikto tu nechcel byť ich dôvodom
No one wanted to be their reason
Kde sa slzy berú
Where do tears come from
KatarziaKatarziaKeď deti majú deti
KatarziaKatarziaWhen children have children
Vkladá ich do postelí sloboda
Freedom puts them to bed
V noci im plačom svieti
At night it lights their way with crying
Desí ťa ako sa ti podobá
You're terrified by how much you resemble it
Vystrihnutí z predlohy zamenení v roli plyšákov
Cut out from a model, switched for stuffed animals
V detskej izbe ako vo väzení
In a children's room like a prison
Prvýkrát si sa nezľakolReklama
You weren't afraid for the first timeAdvertisement
Kde sa slzy berú
Where do tears come from
Nikto tu nechcel byť ich dôvodom
No one wanted to be their reason
Kde sa slzy berú
Where do tears come from
Nič sa ti nestalo len náhodou
Nothing happened to you, just by chance
Kde sa slzy berú
Where do tears come from
Nikto tu nechcel byť ich dôvodom
No one wanted to be their reason
Kde sa slzy berú
Where do tears come from

Writer(s): Katarina Kubosiova

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