Katta Lana - 20 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Katta Lana - 20

20 anys de merda 20 anys de res
20 years of shit, 20 years of nothing
20 anys que s'incrusten a les dents
20 years that are ingrained in my teeth
20 anys de festa, de quants anys tens
20 years of partying, how old are you?
Ara no em parlis no se si ho entens
Don't talk to me now, I don't know if you understand
20 anys de merda 20 anys de res
20 years of shit, 20 years of nothing
20 anys que s'incrusten a les dents
20 years that are ingrained in my teeth
20 anys de festa, de quants anys tens
20 years of partying, how old are you?
Ara no em parlis no se si ho entens
Don't talk to me now, I don't know if you understand
Abans em deies que era una nyaja
You used to call me a brat
Ara voldries tenir la meva cara
Now you'd like to have my face
Que no em maquillo i estic guapa
That I don't wear makeup and I'm pretty
Tu et poses mil cremes a la cara
You put a thousand creams on your face
Abans era risas, t'enfoties
Before it was laughter, you made fun
Quan demanava carnet a les amigues
When I asked my friends for ID
Si m'ho preguntaven tot eren mentides
If they asked me, everything was a lie
Ara si ho dic, els nois fan fila
Now if I say it, the boys line up
Young bitch ara em diuen diva
Young bitch, now they call me a diva
Em moc tan que ara flipes
I move so well that now you're tripping
És per joves la movida
It's for young people, the movement
Estic al joc i tu fent llistes
I'm in the game and you're making lists
Llistes de coses que ja no pots fer
Lists of things you can no longer do
Tanta risa el 2000 i ara què
So much laughter in the 2000s, and now what?
No ets sents a les festes de carrer
You don't feel good at street parties
Desitges tirar enrere al temps
You wish you could turn back time
20 anys de merda 20 anys de res
20 years of shit, 20 years of nothing
20 anys que s'incrusten a les dents
20 years that are ingrained in my teeth
20 anys de festa, de quants anys tens
20 years of partying, how old are you?
Ara no em parlis no se si ho entens
Don't talk to me now, I don't know if you understand
20 anys de merda 20 anys de res
20 years of shit, 20 years of nothing
20 anys que s'incrusten a les dents
20 years that are ingrained in my teeth
20 anys de festa, de quants anys tens
20 years of partying, how old are you?
Ara no em parlis no se si ho entens
Don't talk to me now, I don't know if you understand
Tinc col·legues més grans que jo
I have friends older than me
Em van ensenyar que l'edat no ho diu tot
They taught me that age doesn't say everything
Tu ets el que em va tractar com nadó
You're the one who treated me like a baby
A tu et dedico aquesta cançó
To you I dedicate this song
Mira el meu estil, et mors per tenir
Look at my style, you're dying to have it
Però mai et donaré el que jo tinc
But I'll never give you what I have
Quan supliquis i preguntis per mi
When you beg and ask for me
Hauré aconseguit el que vull a la fi
I will have achieved what I want in the end
el que vull a la fi
what I want in the end
i ara
and now
i ara
and now
i ara volen
and now they want
Volen tenir una vida com la meva
They want to have a life like mine
Estudiant i cantant els deixo enrere
Studying and singing I leave them behind
No tinc money però omplo la cartera
I don't have money but I fill my wallet
No em fa falta tenir una perra faldera
I don't need to have a lapdog
Volen que sigui jo la seva
They want me to be theirs
Els hi queda molta carretera
They have a long road ahead
No he arribat sola a la frontera
I haven't reached the border alone
Per regalar l'entrada a cualquiera
To give the entrance to anyone
Dic que no fumo i em faig un piti
I say I don't smoke and I have a cigarette
Que no et vull i et dic que si
That I don't want you and I say yes
Després em dius que no et fies de mi
Then you tell me you don't trust me
I és que normal però jo sóc així
And it's normal but that's how I am
Sóc sincera però costa
I'm honest but it's hard
Dir-li que no a la droga
To say no to drugs
Saps que em fas tornar boja
You know you drive me crazy
Anestèsia pel meu cora
Anesthesia for my heart
20 anys de merda 20 anys de res
20 years of shit, 20 years of nothing
20 anys que s'incrusten a les dents
20 years that are ingrained in my teeth
20 anys de festa, de quants anys tens
20 years of partying, how old are you?
Ara no em parlis no se si ho entens
Don't talk to me now, I don't know if you understand
20 anys de merda 20 anys de res
20 years of shit, 20 years of nothing
20 anys que s'incrusten a les dents
20 years that are ingrained in my teeth
20 anys de festa, de quants anys tens
20 years of partying, how old are you?
Ara no em parlis no se si ho entens
Don't talk to me now, I don't know if you understand
20 anys de merda 20 anys de res
20 years of shit, 20 years of nothing
20 anys que s'incrusten a les dents
20 years that are ingrained in my teeth
20 anys de festa, de quants anys tens
20 years of partying, how old are you?
Ara no em parlis no se si ho entens
Don't talk to me now, I don't know if you understand
20 anys de merda 20 anys de res
20 years of shit, 20 years of nothing
20 anys que s'incrusten a les dents
20 years that are ingrained in my teeth
20 anys de festa, de quants anys tens
20 years of partying, how old are you?
Ara no em parlis no se si ho entens
Don't talk to me now, I don't know if you understand

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