Katta Lana - Deliris - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Katta Lana - Deliris

Asseguda a la finestra veig el teu reflex
Sitting at the window, I see your reflection
La lluna m'il·lumina però no és suficient
The moon illuminates me, but it's not enough
M'entrebanco amb paraules que ja no conec
I stumble over words I no longer recognize
La foscor m'abraça i em mata el mareig
The darkness embraces me and the dizziness kills me
No veig res, és dur estar tota sola
I see nothing, it's hard to be all alone
Quan creia que et tenia, et converties en boira
When I thought I had you, you turned into mist
Quan creia que em seguies, estaves a otra onda
When I thought you were following me, you were on a different wavelength
Quan et cansaves buscaves una altra cosa
When you got tired, you looked for something else
Tinc moltes penes per explicar-te
I have so many sorrows to tell you
Però no les llegiràs si te les dic per whatsapp
But you won't read them if I tell you through WhatsApp
Vull parlar-te, tocar-te, veure't la cara
I want to talk to you, touch you, see your face
Vull que confiïs en mi i no en algú altre
I want you to trust in me and not someone else
Però em reviso, i ho veig tot tan negre
But I examine myself, and I see everything so dark
Aquesta no sóc jo, no almenys la que era
This isn't me, not at least who I was
Seguia el meu camí, estava molt completa
I was following my path, I was so complete
Ets la major lluita que he lliurat en una guerra
You're the biggest fight I've fought in a war
Perquè m'has tret l'armadura sencera
Because you've taken away my entire armor
Ara cada nit que passa és més freda
Now every night that passes is colder
Estic molt perduda, enyoro la meva terra
I'm so lost, I miss my land
Aquest paper relata la lluita més sincera
This paper relates the most sincere struggle
Em sento estancada per moltes raons
I feel stuck for many reasons
La primera és que demà em farà vergonya tot això
The first is that tomorrow I'll be ashamed of all this
Ho tornaré a amagar, em beuré l'últim glop
I'll hide it again, I'll drink the last drop
Quan et trobi t'abraçaré i et faré un petó
When I see you, I'll hug you and kiss you
I és que jo, no cantar-te, no cantar-te
And it's that I, I don't know how to sing to you, I don't know how to sing to you
Sense melancolia perquè noi em tens feta un desastre
Without melancholy because boy, you've made a mess of me
I és que jo, no cantar-te, no cantar-te
And it's that I, I don't know how to sing to you, I don't know how to sing to you
Sense melancolia perquè noi em tens feta un desastre
Without melancholy because boy, you've made a mess of me
Diria que ets la meva persona preferida
I would say you're my favorite person
Però estic segura que tant no em feriria
But I'm sure it wouldn't hurt me this much
Trenco i intento veure dins la cornisa
I break down and try to see inside the ledge
Que envolta el meu cor i plora cada dia
That surrounds my heart and cries every day
Potser no és el que vull o mai ho sabré
Maybe it's not what I want or I'll never know
Per això segueixo escrivint en paper
That's why I keep writing on paper
Que els sentiments hi són però no els entenc
That the feelings are there but I don't understand them well
No em vull arriscar i fer-ho malament
I don't want to risk it and mess it up
I és que mai m'hagués imaginat
And it's that I never would have imagined
Que tu m'afectaries tant el cap
That you would affect my mind so much
I és que no estàs tan enganxat
And it's that you're not as hooked
Com jo hauria desitjat
As I would have wished
Després d'haver-ho tret queda treball intern
After having let it out, there's internal work left
Remullar-me, amb l'aigua, del meu infern
To soak myself, with the water, of my hell
Potser crema, hauré de fer més d'un intent
Maybe it burns, I'll have to try more than once
Però el resultat que espero és millor que el present
But the result I expect is better than the present
I és que jo, no cantar-te, no cantar-te
And it's that I, I don't know how to sing to you, I don't know how to sing to you
Sense melancolia perquè noi em tens feta un desastre
Without melancholy because boy, you've made a mess of me
I és que jo, no cantar-te, no cantar-te
And it's that I, I don't know how to sing to you, I don't know how to sing to you
Sense melancolia perquè noi em tens feta un desastre
Without melancholy because boy, you've made a mess of me

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