Ando con gente a mi lado y con los cascos por la cera
Walking with people by my side and with headphones on the sidewalk
Pocos saben de mi vida, no saben que les espera
Few know about my life, they don't know what's coming
Soy de los que van pa' arriba pero no olvidan la esfera
I'm one of those who go up but don't forget the sphere
Bye 2016 no hice 2015, conoci gente rara, gente mala y gente simple
Bye 2016, I didn't do 2015, I met weird people, bad people and simple people
Hice mi primera gira y tuve rap hasta en la sopa
I did my first tour and had rap even in my soup
Y hasta me robaron la marca de ropa
And they even stole my clothing brand
Todo me va mejor desde que estoy con esta
Everything is better since I'm with this one (girl)
Hasta me da para ir de fiesta
I even have enough to go party
Todo son sumas, no veo ni una resta
It's all additions, I don't see any subtractions
Vendi mi coche, tuve otro coche, se rompio el coche, tengo otro coche
I sold my car, had another car, the car broke down, I have another car
¿Te crees que si algo me molesta?
Do you think that bothers me?
Hubo un Suspiros, maqueta del Kaze
There was a Suspiros, Kaze's mixtape
Y un año despues vuelve con su disco No Encajes
And a year later he returns with his album No Encajes
Con el Beto en el camino que la vida me regala
With Beto on the path that life gives me
Hemos llenado los conciertos y ¿? lagrimas en salas
We have filled the concerts and (seen?) tears in halls
La musica surfio metamorfosis
The music went through a metamorphosis
Hasta he visto abrir un concierto de rap con chicas moviendo el coxis
I've even seen a rap concert open with girls shaking their booties
Me he dejado un monton de pasta en taxis
I've spent a ton of money on taxis
Y en mi disco no colaboro con el Beto y hasta sale el Maxi
And Beto doesn't collaborate on my album, even Maxi comes out
Mi tito salio de prision despues de largos años
My uncle got out of prison after many years
Mis otros dos titos no estan pero no cesan los daños
My other two uncles are gone but the damage continues
Mi tita ingresada en el hospital con lo que le gustan los pitis
My aunt admitted to the hospital with how much she likes cigarettes
Mi madre reventada por la artritis
My mother busted from arthritis
Mi padre se marcho a Madrid alla encontro el calor
My father went to Madrid, there he found warmth
Pa' Susana y pa' sus hijos les mando todo mi amor
To Susana and her children I send all my love
Mi hermana estuvo en un centro
My sister was in a center
Y mis hermanos pequeños sin tener ni agua ni luz salieron por la mama, enserio
And my little brothers without even water or light went out for mom, seriously
Para ver a mi abuelo ahora debo esperar al cielo
To see my grandfather now I must wait for heaven
Somos carne de cañon del daño ajeno
We are cannon fodder of other people's damage
Nadie me enseño nunca a ser malo ni a ser bueno
Nobody ever taught me to be bad or good
Solo somos carnaza pal' pescado y pescado ahogado en el suelo
We are just meat for the fish and fish drowned on the ground
Me pille una casa y la tire abajo
I bought a house and tore it down
Para hacerla a mi gusto, despacio y con trabajo
To make it to my liking, slowly and with work
Son fajos que te vienen y conforme te vienen ya no los ves
They are bundles that come to you and as they come you no longer see them
Pero invierto en mi futuro con mis manos y mis pies
But I invest in my future with my hands and my feet
Tuve un perro, lo llame Kase
I had a dog, I called him Kase
Lo miraba la gente, les decia su nombre y le decian Stacy
People looked at him, I told them his name and they called him Stacy
Lo tuve que dar, pues me engañaron en mis planes
I had to give him away, because they deceived me in my plans
Soñaba con tenerla y ahora me duermo en sus flanes
I dreamed of having her (the dog) and now I sleep in her flanks
Cuando me crearon de fondo estaba Camela
When they created me, Camela was playing in the background
O cualquier musica que pusieran mis padres esa noche en vela
Or whatever music my parents put on that sleepless night
Hoy una bella estela de rap tengo detras
Today I have a beautiful wake of rap behind me
La verdad que de Camela el rap que doy por hoy hay tela
The truth is that from Camela to the rap I give today, there is a lot of fabric
Me fui de casa de la abuela y ahora soy un nomada
I left grandma's house and now I'm a nomad
He cogido veinte kilos tengo nuevas formulas
I've gained twenty kilos, I have new formulas
Seis cero cero se fue al traste
Six zero zero went down the drain
Pero para volver mas fuerte, contundente y mas grande
But to come back stronger, more forceful and bigger
Os noto como dentro de un catalogo y me da to' el palo
I notice you guys like in a catalog and it gives me the creeps
A cada cual mas copia, a cada cual mas malo
Each one more copy, each one worse
¿Cuantos flow's encuentras como el que saco?
How many flows do you find like the one I release?
Estuve un rato en tu barrio y como el tuyo vi un taco
I was in your neighborhood for a while and like yours I saw a taco stand
Dos cero uno cinco, me pase el añito entero deseando jugar al ping pong
Two zero one five, I spent the whole year wanting to play ping pong
Empece una gira con mi hermano el Harris salio to' redondo
I started a tour with my brother Harris, it came out all round
Hasta me apunte a batallas, me he atrevido a entrar al rondo
I even signed up for battles, I dared to enter the ring
Camino fuerte gracias al que me da suerte
I walk strong thanks to the one who gives me luck
Me ven y dicen "puff este" te ves in the sur-este
They see me and say "damn this one" you look in the south-east
Me sobra tecnica, a tu jefe ego
I have plenty of technique, your boss has ego
Por eso crece el que al lado tiene al mejor y no a un ciego
That's why the one who has the best next to him grows and not a blind man
Pa' terminar el disco me pire a Granada
To finish the album I went to Granada
Me volvi a Cartagena con la mente enbajonada
I returned to Cartagena with my mind down
Es cada vez mas rara la manera en que me ven por hacer rap para el bien
The way they see me for making rap for good is getting weirder and weirder
Ya que ahora de diez son nueve contadas las personas que hacen cien por cien musica copiada
Since now nine out of ten are counted the people who make one hundred percent copied music
No preguntes quien si en el panorama alguien ries quien trama un plan flamas si es no hay drama no lieis mas al que os ama, dama no te fies del que solo quiere cama por fama y orgias
Don't ask who if in the panorama someone laughs who plots a plan flames if there is no drama don't mess with the one who loves you, lady don't trust the one who only wants bed for fame and orgies
To' el dia profanas no son tonterias, son mis porquerias pero en vias sanas
All day long you profane they are not nonsense, they are my crap but on healthy paths
Como le digo a mi familia to' lo que me viene
How do I tell my family everything that comes to me
Haciendo lo que me llenó y haciendo lo que llene
Doing what filled me and doing what fills
No hay rapper que me pula ni instrumental que me rete
There is no rapper who polishes me or instrumental that challenges me
Sigo sin querer ayudar hasta el diecisiete, no hay mas
I still don't want to help until the seventeenth, that's it
Como le digo a mi familia to' lo que me viene
How do I tell my family everything that comes to me
Haciendo lo que me lleno y haciendo lo que llene
Doing what filled me and doing what fills
No hay rapper que me pula ni instrumental que me rete
There is no rapper who polishes me or instrumental that challenges me