Kazi Ploae feat. DJ Paul - Inapoi La Kierkegaard - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kazi Ploae feat. DJ Paul - Inapoi La Kierkegaard

Inapoi La Kierkegaard
Back to Kierkegaard
(E Kazi Ploae, sunt spontan de aia te speri
(It's Kazi Ploae, I'm spontaneous that's why you hope
Pun pixul pe foaie trec pe autopilot si nu ma opresc
I put the pen on the paper, I go on autopilot and I don't stop
E Kazi Ploaie, pestele asta mic mananca rechini)
It's Kazi Ploaie, this little fish eats sharks)
Te prinde impotent intr-un bordel islamic
Catches you impotent in an Islamic brothel
Cu o fetita de 9 ani stimulandu-te mecanic
With a 9 year old girl stimulating you mechanically
Oamenii's vinovati de viata pana in extinctie
People are guilty of life until becoming extinct
Natura e reincarnarea unui releu de transmisie
Nature is the reincarnation of a transmission relay
Bun venit in sistemul nervos central
Welcome to the central nervous system
Bioelecromagnetic pe frecvente in flux neuronal
Bioelectromagnetic on frequencies in neuronal flux
Reconsidera binele, rezista raului pe care il fac de 2000 de ani
Reconsider the good, resist the devil which they've been doing for 2000 years
Totu-i temporar
Everything is temporary
E doar costul unui zbor lipit de stopuri
It's just the cost of a flight stuck in the brake lights
Cu un astronaut lipsit de stofa intr-un sac mancat de molii
With an astronaut lacking in character in a bag eaten by moths
Si cand esti la roma arata-le cum sta treaba
And when you're in Rome, show them how things are done
Cand inteleg extraterestrii cum spartanii-ntelegeau sparta
When extraterrestrials understand how Spartans understood Sparta
In cautarea colapsului spre linistea din piesele lui Dali
In search of the collapse towards the peace in Dali's pieces
Dar salvatorii mei aduc moarte in fata regretului de a fi altfel
But my saviors bring death in front of the regret of being different
Migrenele bat pasul pe loc ca un pick hammer
Migraines mark time like a pick hammer
Interpolez cu fata strambata de plans mecanic
I interpolate with my face twisted from mechanical crying
Abund in glume rasiste ca la cina cea de taina
I abound in racial jokes like at the last supper
Iisus o ardea la modu: iesi afara!, e kazi ploae
Jesus was like: get out of here, it's Kazi Ploae
E despre cum ma simt acum
It's about how I feel now
Cuvinte imi vin putin taboo, pun tinta boom ca am
Words come to me a little taboo, I go for the target boom because I have
Limba ca un cutter cand contraatac sintactic
A tongue like a cutter when I counterattack syntactically
Cu un tackling mental intact calare pe un tanc tactic
With an intact mental tackling riding a tactical tank
Va vad din turnul meu mici si deplorabili
I see you from my tower small and deplorable
Crede-ma imi ating tinta ca un sniper intr-o ambuscada
Believe me, I hit my target like a sniper in an ambush
Colos ambulant in tagma sintagmei de strada
Walking colossus in a street phraseology gang
Distrat de straniu distant detestat in mod treptat de mase
Distracted by strangers, distant, gradually hated by the masses
Sunt o prapastie gata sa ameteasca-n zbor stoluri
I'm an abyss ready to stun flocks in flight
Restul sunt doar Robi Sonici
The rest are just Sonic Robos
Si cand suflu mut norii
And when I blow away the clouds
Rup sforile zorilor negre care mi-au mancat speranta
I break the strings of black dawns that ate my hope
Somn usor caine care latrii toata noaptea
Sleep well dog who barks all night
Inapoi la kierkegaard si astea, ce sloboz?
Back to Kierkegaard and this, what am I letting loose?

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