Kazi Ploae - 13 (Hidden Track) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kazi Ploae - 13 (Hidden Track)

13 (Hidden Track)
13 (Hidden Track)
Ce auzi e a mia parte din ce scriu
What you hear is a thousandth part of what I write.
Restul sunt
The rest is
Definitiv nedefinite
Definitely indefinite.
Nu gasesc curajul sa renunt
I can't find the courage to give up
La arta de a trai in dezgust
The art of living in disgust.
Am inteles ca te resemni
I understand that you resign yourself
In fata neputintei
To powerlessness.
Nefericirea mea e frumoasa
My unhappiness is beautiful,
De o poezie tacuta ca pictura unui peisaj pustiu in miez de iarna
Like a silent poem as the painting of an empty landscape in the middle of winter.
Cum sa nu te doara
How can it not hurt you?
Anestezia simtului
Sense anesthesia
E singurul punct terminus din aceasta gara
Is the only terminus in this station.
SI daca totul sta in detalii
And if everything is in the details,
Atunci de ce e bibia neagra?
Then why is the Bible black?
Muta si rece ca o arma
Silent and cold as a weapon
Care imi bombardeaza Adn-ul invelit in Tungsten
That bombards my Tungsten-coated DNA.
Sunt un zigot crescut de frunze
I am a zygote grown from leaves,
Absolut neutru
Absolutely neutral.
Am riduri de rinocer pe care le iei drept scuturi
I have rhinoceros wrinkles that you take for shields.
Miezul noptii ma prinde galopand printre rebuturi
The middle of the night finds me galloping among the scraps.
Arta contemporana suna a cacealma
Contemporary art sounds like a sham
Cand apa de la robinet e cel mai bun energizant
When tap water is the best energizer
Si banii nu vor fi multi
And the money won't be much,
Dar iti spun
But I tell you,
Doar banii calzi ma tin in viata
Only warm money keeps me alive
Cand blurez conturul
When I blur the outline
Si captez cu el atata ura
And capture with it so much hatred.
Cariat pana la os
Decayed to the bone
De Petunii si Begonii autohtone
By native Petunias and Begonias.
Orfan vesel
Merry orphan,
Altar de bezna
Altar of darkness.
Se numeste Slam
It's called Slam,
Si eu sunt dus
And I'm gone,
Asa ca devine Slam Abstract
So it becomes Abstract Slam.
Tu nu tre' sa spui decat ca e praf
You don't have to say anything except that it's dust,
Si cercul devine complet in patratul pe care-l numesti obtuz cap.
And the circle becomes complete in the square you call obtuse head.
Buna, arati ca o curva
Hey there, you look like a whore,
Dar medalia are tot felul de reversuri fara de care nu am scrupul
But the medal has all sorts of reverses without which I have no scruple.
Incet dar sigur
Slowly but surely
Incerc cerc pasibil
I try a peaceful circle.
Ma intorc vorbind ca Cioran din cel mai prost film posibil
I come back talking like Cioran from the worst possible movie.
Te tentez contemplativ
I tempt you contemplatively.
Mananca de la Mec sa mori putred
Eat from McDonald's and die rotten.
Beati supa
Blessed soup.
10 se face 20 plus 2 extind trupa
10 becomes 20 plus 2 extend the troupe.
Nu scrie in zile cand iti e foame
Don't write on days when you're hungry.
Vaca Morgana devine Clara Morgane
Cow Morgana becomes Clara Morgane.
E grav sa mai sper
It's serious to hope anymore.
Eram prea tanar cand m-au rugat sa lucrez pentru guvern
I was too young when they asked me to work for the government.
Da-mi mie mike-u
Give me the mic
Daca nu ai destul I. Q
If you don't have enough I.Q.,
Sau fa-o de capul tau ca un adevarat gay clasic
Or do it your way like a real classic gay.
E telepatic de parca nu am nici o viziune
It's telepathic as if I have no vision.
Pierdut de baby-sitter la raionul de legume
Lost by a babysitter at the vegetable section.
Incet dar sigur
Slowly but surely
Incerc cerc pasibil
I try a peaceful circle.
Daca nu sunteti cu mine, inseamna ca sunt singur
If you're not with me, it means I'm alone.
Un copil sarac incalzit de lipsuri
A poor child warmed by deprivation,
Dereglat de regrete ca un sfinx de blitzuri
Disrupted by regrets like a sphinx of flashes.
Sunt o surpriza cu substrat tragic
I'm a surprise with a tragic substrate,
Liber in lanturi care trag pragul
Free in chains that pull the threshold.
Rag gratis
I scream for free.
Bocancii astia ma strang si ma dor
These boots are tight and hurt,
Dar m-am atasat de ei atat de mult incat ii suport
But I've become so attached to them that I can stand them.
Primul biscuit se rupe intotdeauna
The first biscuit always breaks,
Fiindca primul nou nascut e continuarea ultimei papusi
Because the first newborn is the continuation of the last doll.
Ii pierzi urma
You lose track of her.
Un milion de betivi carismatici,
A million charismatic drunks
Trantesc usile cand pleaca sa se stie ca o sa se intoarca
Slam the doors when they leave to let everyone know they'll be back.
Un milion de femei privesc in gol intr-o
A million women stare into space in a
Oglinda in care visele se sparg in timp ce dorm
Mirror where dreams break while they sleep.
Un milion de junkisti de dedubleaza in
A million junkies cashing out in
Extinctii aluzive ca profesorii cand vor spaga
Allusive extinctions, like teachers when they want a bribe.
Stii coaie, cand noi dadeam la Hades,
You know, man, when we were rapping to Hades,
Tu nu stiai nici sa desparti hip hop pe silabe
You didn't even know how to break down hip-hop into syllables.
Dau foarte aproape de mike, lipit de sita de parca-s o insecta
I go very close to the mic, glued to the screen as if I were an insect.
Si trec peste ei pana descrentralizez centru
And I go over them until I decentralize the center.
Foamea cronica provoaca geniu
Chronic hunger provokes genius.
Te inchini la zei plin de praf ca un cargo din Peru
You worship dusty gods like a cargo ship from Peru.
Cutreier in eter cu greier in creier etern sceptic
I wander in the ether with a cricket in my brain, eternally skeptical.
M. c-s la curent cu asta ca pe scaunul electric
My words are as current with this as in the electric chair.
Dependent de independenta
Dependent on independence.
Iti servesc secvente frecvent pe frecventa
I serve you sequences frequently on frequency.
Rabdarea e un paradox stupid
Patience is a stupid paradox,
Deci nu te razbuna, eventual o sa privesti cadavrele plutind
So don't get revenge, eventually you will watch the corpses float.
Exprim stres cand observ peste
I express stress when I notice over
Intr-o mie de piese, despre o mie de chestii
A thousand songs, about a thousand things.
Scoti coarne de melc
You take out snail horns.
Ura conserva
Hatred preserves
Impresia de stat la coada greu ca plumbu
The impression of standing in line, heavy as lead
Cu un trup lugubru
With a lugubrious body.
Esti un poponar scarbos ca Travolta
You're a nasty pervert like Travolta,
Spanzurat cu cravata in fata colectivului din clasa a 8-a
Hanged by your tie in front of the 8th grade class.
Membre trandafirii aduc miros de votka
Pink limbs bring the smell of vodka
Si somn in zapada ca un inger din grenade
And sleep in the snow like an angel from grenades,
Reinventand hip hop-ul
Reinventing hip-hop.
Nu esti botanist doar daca iti plac florile
You're not a botanist just because you like flowers.
I-a Ciclon 6 la orizont la unison in mortii ma-tii
Take Cyclone 6 on the horizon in unison in your motherfuckers.
Aduc cu mine un milion de nopti ingrozitoare
I bring with me a million horrifying nights.
Sunt ca un pumn prematur dat iubitei tale
I am like a premature punch thrown at your girlfriend.
Pubic nebagat inseama
Unstuffed pubic means
Traiesc intr-un peisaj difunctional
I live in a dysfunctional landscape,
Surmenat, intr- zi de vara
Overworked, on a summer day.
Fac asta pentru nimeni
I do this for no one.
Eu doar imi astept meniul
I'm just waiting for my menu.
Ramanem sub pamant ca Granitul
We remain underground like Granite.

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