Kebee - YA - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Kebee - YA

Ya 늙어죽을 친구가 명일지
Darling, when I'm old and gray, how many friends will I have?
Ya 늙어죽을 친구가 명일지
Darling, when I'm old and gray, how many friends will I have?
Ya 오래살 수록 친구들이 늘어나있긴
Darling, the longer I live, the more friends I seem to make
Ya 주말되서도 침대 위에 쓰러져있지
Darling, come the weekend, we'll all be passed out in our beds
Ya 얼굴은 봤는데 이름은 전혀 기억 안나
Darling, I've seen your face before, but your name escapes me now
Ya 여기 있다보면 짠하다 갑자기 기억날까
Darling, do you think it's strange that I might suddenly remember you?
Ya 뻘쭘하게 얘기는 혀도 담구지 말어
Darling, don't tell me those drunken stories again
Ya 나보다 네가 건너들은 얘길 많이 알어
Darling, you know more about me than I do
Ya 학교다닐 때도 기억력은 빼고 좋았는데
Darling, even in school, my memory was terrible
여기 주는 대로 받아 먹었더니
Darling, I've been drinking the Kool-Aid, and it's making me nauseous
헛구역질 나는데 너를 어떻게 기억해
Darling, how can I remember you?
나도 챙길 사람이 옆에 있고
Darling, at least I have someone to take care of me
여친도 여기 지겹대
Darling, your girlfriend is getting bored here
명함이나 주고 재밌게 놀아 재밌게
Darling, let's exchange cards and say we had a nice time
그래 peace
Darling, peace
누군간 잊어버리고
Darling, eventually we'll forget each other,
무언간 사라질텐데
Darling, and fade away
어디 영원한 것을 말할 있나
Darling, how can we speak of eternity?
기억은 때론 지겨운
Darling, sometimes memories are a pain
우린 그냥 여기 천국에서
Darling, we are just here in heaven,
Darling, in heaven.
Ya 내가 기억하는 얼굴이랑 네가 너무 많이 달라져 있어
Darling, the face I remember looks so different now
Ya 내가 기억하는 얘기들은 네가 너무 많이도 알고 있어
Darling, the stories I remember, you seem to know too well
Ya 저번에도 마시기로 했다가 fade out
Darling, last time we planned to get drinks, you flaked out
Ya 나는 진짜 모르겠고 으로 괜찮으니 잠깐 ya
Darling, I don't know what's going on, come over and let's talk for a bit
Ya 둘이 하나야
Darling, the two of us
Ya 오래놓고 ya 소주 ya 놀러와라 ya
Darling, let's catch up over soju and snacks
여기도 일단
Darling, at least for now
Ya 그냥 같으니까 밖에 나가자
Darling, let's go outside since it's just the two of us
Ya 어차피 마시고 오늘은 한참은 더하고 집에 들어가자
Darling, anyway, let's drink and stay out late tonight
Ya 여친끼리 더이상 억누를 없게 같이 마시자
Darling, let's all have a drink together so your girlfriend can relax
Ya 취했으니까 병만 쪼개고 가자
Darling, I'm drunk, let's split just two bottles and go home
Ya 뜬금없이 너도 이런 생각 해본 있냐
Darling, have you ever had a sudden thought like this?
Ya 늙어죽을 친구가 명일지
Darling, when I'm old and gray, how many friends will I have?
Ya 늙어죽을 친구가 명일지
Darling, when I'm old and gray, how many friends will I have?
누군간 잊어버리고
Darling, eventually we'll forget each other,
무언간 사라질텐데
Darling, and fade away
어디 영원한 것을 말할 있나
Darling, how can we speak of eternity?
기억은 때론 지겨운
Darling, sometimes memories are a pain
우린 그냥 여기 천국에서
Darling, we are just here in heaven,
Darling, in heaven.

Writer(s): I SAC BAE

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