Keed Baby - Madre Mía (feat. Tunechikidd) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Keed Baby - Madre Mía (feat. Tunechikidd)

Madre Mía (feat. Tunechikidd)
Madre Mía (feat. Tunechikidd)
Madre mía
My mother
Tu no sabes todo lo que yo he luchado
You don't know everything I've fought for
Pa′ que algun dia tu tengas de todo
So that one day you have everything
Caminando por la tierra, por el barro, por la mierda
Walking through the earth, through the mud, through the shit
Desde chico metiendome en el lodo
Since I was a kid getting into the mud
A los mios yo los quiero codo a codo
My people, I want them side by side
El del palabreo hijo e' perra ese es mi apodo
The one with the talk, son of a bitch, that's my nickname
Andan buscandome hace rato
They've been looking for me for a while
En cualquier pista los maltrato
On any track, I mistreat them
Antes de que hablen de mi primero ponte en mis zapatos
Before you talk about me, first put yourself in my shoes
A mi taita le cogió un arrebato
My dad had a fit
Y dejo sola a mi madre con un muchacho
And left my mother alone with a boy
No creci con las cosas que otros tenian
I didn't grow up with the things others had
Pero el amor de mi madre me protegia hace rato
But my mother's love protected me for a while
A la virgen siempre le prendo una vela
I always light a candle to the Virgin Mary
Por mi vieja que siempre se me desvela
For my old lady who always worries about me
Cada vez que ando en la calle buscandome el dinero
Every time I'm on the street looking for money
Con maleantes que no son de las novelas
With thugs who are not from the soap operas
Mami, andamo′ en los callejones
Mommy, we're walking in the alleys
Pensando en puros millones
Thinking of pure millions
Al lado de puros ladrones
Next to pure thieves
Como se supone
As it should be
Mami, esto es para las poblaciones
Mommy, this is for the neighborhoods
Pa' los que andan buscando opciones
For those who are looking for options
Ahora estamo' haciendo canciones
Now we are making songs
Puras bendiciones
Pure blessings
(Sosa Mafia)
(Sosa Mafia)
Mamá Jocy siempre estubo cuando yo estaba pequeño
Mama Jocy was always there when I was little
Los jiles ahora me tiran porque me ven con un sello
The fools now throw at me because they see me with a label
Me ven ganando no me quieren ver mejor que ellos
They see me winning, they don't want to see me better than them
Tambien cargo mi tola cuando salgo pa′ la zona
I also carry my tola when I go out to the zone
Salgo negro enmascarao′ por si quieren probar suerte
I go out black masked in case they want to try their luck
Ahora cualquiera carga un arma, cualquiera se cree demente
Now anyone carries a gun, anyone thinks they're crazy
Cargo a diosito en mi cuello me bendice pa' to′s lao's
I carry God around my neck, he blesses me on all sides
Tengo base en mi carrera nunca fui todo pagao′
I have a foundation in my career, I was never all paid for
Las conexiones se dieron son lo que hize por talento
The connections happened, they're what I did out of talent
Si les hice mal cuando empecé familia lo lamento
If I did wrong when I started, family, I'm sorry
Y las jilas ahora me tiran se me sueltan por DM
And the girls now throw at me, they let go through DM
Quieren parte de mi hielo, tal vez que les chante un nene
They want some of my ice, maybe I'll sing them a baby
Y Dios, perdoname si hicimos el mal
And God, forgive me if we did wrong
Pero habia que fumar, familia alimentar
But we had to smoke, feed the family
Tuvimos que robar aunque sabiamos esta mal
We had to steal even though we knew it was wrong
Y Dios, perdoname si hicimos el mal
And God, forgive me if we did wrong
Pero habia que fumar, familia alimentar
But we had to smoke, feed the family
Tuvimos que robar aunque sabiamos esta mal
We had to steal even though we knew it was wrong
Pasteritos se creen vios
Little pastors think they're vios
Porque andan con las trenzas
Because they walk around with braids
Le puse la 40 en la guata, el loji ya no piensa
I put the 40 in his gut, the loji doesn't think anymore
Una gitana a mi me dijo que quizas lo iva a lograr
A gypsy told me that maybe I would make it
Que no me mezcle con envidiosos son tira pela
That I don't mix with envious people, they are tira pela
En los bloques calenton
In the hot blocks
Haciendo money en la poblacion
Making money in the hood
Estamos juntos con puros ladrones
We are together with pure thieves
Con puros maleantes no son de carton
With pure thugs, they are not made of cardboard
Saludos pa' to′s bendicion
Greetings to all, blessings
A to' los mios que estan en prision
To all my people who are in prison
Salgo para la calle a buscarme el millon
I go out to the street to find my million
Mi madre me tiene en su bendicion
My mother has me in her blessing
Salgo para el callejon
I go out to the alley
Me quieren tirarme hace rato
They've been wanting to shoot me for a while
Pero yo tambien cargo mi pistolon
But I also carry my big gun
Creci entre puros maleantes tambien narcotraficantes
I grew up among pure thugs, also drug traffickers
Pero yo voy a ser un cantante
But I'm going to be a singer
No me desvio, no soy el de antes
I don't deviate, I'm not the same as before
Keed Baby
Keed Baby
Rich Neo
Rich Neo
Sosa Mafia
Sosa Mafia
Balif Sosa
Balif Sosa
Sosa Mafia
Sosa Mafia
Pa' las baby, pa la calle
For the babes, for the streets
Pa′ las baby, pa la calle
For the babes, for the streets

Writer(s): Nelson Guillermo Gonzalez

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