Keed - Deznodamantul - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Keed - Deznodamantul

Trecutul nu conteaza - decat daca rezoneaza
The past does not matter - unless it resonates
Cu viziunea ta pe viitor cu ce va fi in fata
With your vision on the future with what will be in front
Asa ca nu fi prost si pune in balanta
So don't be silly and put in the balance
Ce ai pierdut, ce-ai castigat in ultima instanta
What you lost, what you gained in the final instance
Ce-ai obtinut in schimb pe ce ai sacrificat
What you got in return for what you sacrificed
Daca tre sa te opresti sau daca a meritat
If you have to stop or if it was worth it
Dac-apuci un drum tre sa spun fiindca tre' sa stii ca
If I take a path I have to say because you have to know that
N-o sa faci nimic daca te lasi controlat de frica
You won't do anything if you let yourself be controlled by fear
Vorbesc de faptul c-atunci cand incepi ceva
I'm talking about the fact that when you start something
Mai niciodata nu sfarsesti prin a-l termina
You almost never end up finishing it
Ca n-o sa munceasca nimeni pentru tine
That no one will work for you
Si ca nimeni n-o sa stie ce zace de fapt in tine
And that no one will know what really lies within you
Tutoriale inainte sa-ncepi jocu
Tutorials before starting the game
Daca nu te arzi n-o sa stii ce-nseamna focu
If you don't get burned, you won't know what fire means
Si daca o sa gresesti n-o sa fie altcineva
And if you make a mistake, it won't be someone else's
Responsabil pentru responsabilitatea ta
Responsible for your responsibility
Banii fac pamantu sa se-nvarta ca un carusel
Money makes the earth spin like a carousel
Gresit! Banii fac pamantu sa puta ca un bordel
Wrong! Money makes the earth stink like a brothel
Unde vrei in sistem sau in regat
Where do you want to be in the system or in the kingdom
Ce vrei sa fi in viata? Protejat sau angajat?
What do you want to be in life? Protected or employed?
Ce vrei sa ai in spate un sef sau un lider? vrei sa fi tu lider?
What do you want to have behind you a boss or a leader? do you want to be a leader?
Atunci tre sa desconsideri timpu liber
Then you have to disregard free time
Daca alegi sa fii puternic tre sa-nveti sa protejezi
If you choose to be strong you have to learn to protect
Ca vei fi tinta turmelor conduse de incompetenti
As you will be the target of flocks led by incompetents
Vorbesc de unitate si de societatea chioara
I'm talking about unity and the blinkered society
Realitatea-i falsa, libertatea-n viata-i o capcana
Reality is false, freedom in life is a trap
Vorbesc de teama de reusita, Cioara!
I'm talking about the fear of success, Crow!
Vorbesc de tara si de tot ce te-nconjoara!
I'm talking about the country and everything around you!
Si cand regele-o muri atunci traiasca regele
And when the king dies then long live the king
Atat cat eu sunt eu, eu sunt ei, ei sunt regele
As much as I am me, I am they, they are the king
Si daca vrei tu sa conduci, caractere- intelege-le!
And if you want to lead, characters- understand them!
E totu sau nimic, bai!
It's all or nothing, man!
Semnat, Regele!
Signed, The King!

Writer(s): Bogdan David Ioniță

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