From childhood, I have never shared an ardent kiss. I found love was just a game in the hot springs.
約定要背完還看十次戀愛世紀 巴不得有愛人帶我飛
We promised to watch Love Century ten times. I yearned for you to come and take me with you.
夢裡的迴腸盪氣吹遍薔薇 飄雪中將眼淚當傳奇也沒皺眉
My dreams of extravagant romance were like the wind blowing through the roses. Snow fell, and I shed not a single tear.
散聚裡莫忘莫失也不失福氣 是愛令我的心花為你
In coming and going, never forget nor lose, nor lose your luck. Love has made my heart blossom for you.
But the truth can shatter illusions and destroy faith crushing the gentle perspiration.
I overestimated the beauty of falling in love and underestimated the number of clowns in the world. Of course, I was disappointed.
誰說過為情為愛高雅動聽 忘記了盡情換來任性 耗盡機心都只因好勝
Who said that love and romance were elegant and melodious? They forgot that self-indulgence leads to willfulness. All my machinations wasted because of my competitive nature.
愛情純真偏催我望正凶險世情如遊戲 被妒忌遮掩眼睛
Love is pure, but it drives me to a dangerous world where passion is a game. Jealousy clouds my vision.
每段情令人學會鬥爭本領 懷疑懷恨同步如絕配 太著緊一般給欺壓
Every romance teaches me how to fight. Doubt and resentment are a perfect match. If you care too much, you will be oppressed.
誰講公平 從前風景看盡了再也沒法神聖 佔有慾完全出於獸性
Who talks about fairness? I have seen all the scenery and can no longer find it sacred. Possessiveness is a beastly instinct.
敗了拾回夢想多洩氣 只覺得戀愛是於污泥中交戲
In defeat, I retrieve my dreams, but I am disheartened. I see now that love is a game played in the mud.
愛令最善良人性沒法單純名利 只因撕破了臉有對比
Love tarnishes the best of human nature. There is no purity, only fame and fortune. For it tears off the mask and reveals the contrast.
即使有迴腸盪氣總有愁眉 因暗戀灑遍各種手段也為好奇
Even though there is passion, there is always sorrow. For secret love, I employed every means, even curiosity.
愛恨有仁慈殘忍最醜的淒美 像跌爛會傷身的瓷器
Love and hate have both kindness and cruelty, the ugliest kind of tragedy. Like broken porcelain, it can injure.
But the truth can shatter illusions and destroy faith crushing the gentle perspiration.
I overestimated the beauty of falling in love and underestimated the number of clowns in the world. Of course, I was disappointed.
誰說過為情為愛高雅動聽 忘記了盡情換來任性 耗盡機心都只因好勝
Who said that love and romance were elegant and melodious? They forgot that self-indulgence leads to willfulness. All my machinations wasted because of my competitive nature.
愛情純真偏催我望正凶險世情如遊戲 被妒忌遮掩眼睛
Love is pure, but it drives me to a dangerous world where passion is a game. Jealousy clouds my vision.
每段情令人學會鬥爭本領 懷疑懷恨同步如絕配 太著緊一般給欺壓
Every romance teaches me how to fight. Doubt and resentment are a perfect match. If you care too much, you will be oppressed.
誰講公平 從前風景看盡了再也沒法神聖 佔有慾令人哭出笑聲
Who talks about fairness? I have seen all the scenery and can no longer find it sacred. Possessiveness makes me laugh and cry.
誰說過為情為愛高雅動聽 忘記了盡情換來任性 耗盡機心都只因好勝
Who said that love and romance were elegant and melodious? They forgot that self-indulgence leads to willfulness. All my machinations wasted because of my competitive nature.
愛情純真偏催我望正凶險世情如遊戲 像政治互相比拚
Love is pure, but it drives me to a dangerous world where passion is a game, like politics.
每段情令人學會鬥爭本領 懷疑懷恨同步如絕配 豁出了弱點可致命
Every romance teaches me how to fight. Doubt and resentment are a perfect match. If I expose my weakness, it will be fatal.
誰講公平 從前風景看盡了再也沒法神聖 佔有慾完全出於獸性
Who talks about fairness? I have seen all the scenery and can no longer find it sacred. Possessiveness is a beastly instinct.
曾自稱好人 然而失戀 竟使我仍無仇恨淚印 貪嗔癡怎配活到天真
I once called myself a good person. But after heartbreak, I am still without hatred or tears. How can greed, anger, and delusion be worthy of innocence?
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