Keilandboi - Better Know - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Keilandboi - Better Know

Better Know
Better Know
In the name of God Merciful and Benevolent.
Eyo check aku punya style
Hey, I want you to know my style
Kau boleh check
You can check it out
Yang kenal sukma
Those who know the truth
Tak basa basi dalam respect
Don't waste time on hollow words
Setahun bertapa di dalam lautan pasifik
I've spent a year in meditation in the Pacific Ocean
Aku faham arti fasik, aku tau itu sarkastik
I understand the meaning of "impiety". I know it's sarcastic
Jangan tunjuk ajar aku soal ini
Don't try to teach me about this
Pelajaranku tuntas dibawah kaki sang mursyid
I've learned everything I need from my spiritual guide
Jika kau belum berisi, janganlah berisik
If you're not well-versed in something, don't be so noisy
Mulut makin lebar otak makin sempit
The bigger your mouth, the smaller your brain
You, You better stay lowkey
You, you better stay lowkey
Pantaskan diri sebelum kau sebut kau laki laki sejati
Be a man before you call yourself a real man
Pembawa ayat ayat suci dari arasy
I bring the verses from the throne
Umat harus ikuti narasi
The people must follow the narrative
Tubuh perlu makan nasi
The body needs to eat
Ruh pun juga perlu gizi
The soul also needs nourishment
Jadi tolong fikir empat kali
So please think twice
Jangan asal bunyi bikin telinga sakit
Don't just make noise and cause me pain
Apa bila sudah khatam baca, baca (lagi)
Once you've finished reading, read it again
You should know me better
You should know me better
You should know me better
You should know me better
Yes You should know me better baby
Yes, you should know me better, baby
Cause i'm not, Cause i'mnot like others
Because I'm not like the others
Aku tangkis peluru macam letnan komarudin
I deflect bullets like Lieutenant Komarudin
KB tak ada lawang
KB is unstoppable
Manari depan senapan, bung
Dancing in front of guns, man
Buang rasa takut dan mulai berjuang
Get rid of fear and start fighting
Real Anak bangsa berada di dalam lindungan
True patriots are protected
Jadi maka jadi jangan heran gigi jari
So don't be surprised if I get angry
Anak kulit hitam terbang dengan cendrawasih
A black boy flying with a bird of paradise
Masi aku masih pegang culture dari bayi, genggam mati tetap bangga
I still hold onto my culture from when I was a baby, holding on tight, still proud
Dengan jati diri negri
Of my country's identity
Lalu? apa boleh buat,
And? What can you do about it,
Bertahan yang kuat
Stay strong
Tak perlu keluar jika harus lupa adat
Don't leave if you have to forget your traditions
Kau boleh hustle tapi harus dengan siasat
You can hustle, but you have to be smart about it
Agar tak dijerat tipu tipu daya
So you don't get caught up in deception
Oii Jang terlalu sotoy
Hey, don't be so cocky
Baru hafal satu kitab aja udah konvoi
You've just memorized one book and you're already parading around
Ilmu tak terbatas
Knowledge is infinite
Kau selami masih dangkal
You're still shallow
Kenali jati diri ayo ulang dari pangkal
Recognize your true self and start over
You should know me better
You should know me better
You should know me better
You should know me better
Yes You should know me better baby
Yes, you should know me better, baby
Cause i'm not, Cause i'mnot like others
Because I'm not like the others

Writer(s): Syafrudin Bugis, Zulham Fatah

Keilandboi - Better Know
Better Know
date de sortie

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