Keko Musik - Eres Estúpido - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Keko Musik - Eres Estúpido

Eres Estúpido
You're Stupid
Eres estupido
You're stupid
No te metas en vida ajena
Don't get involved in other people's lives
Eres estupido
You're stupid
Pa mi que tu naciste así porque yo se que no te haces
I think you were born this way because I know you don't become this way
Eres estupido
You're stupid
Si no buscas la solución eres parte del problema
If you don't look for a solution, you're part of the problem
Eres estupido
You're stupid
Me das verguenza agena
You embarrass me
Vete pa tu casa
Go home
Deja explicarte lo que tu sientes por dentro
Let me explain what you feel inside
Quizas por esa razón ya no estas contento
Maybe that's why you're not happy anymore
Porque vez que son envano tus intentos
Because you see that your attempts are in vain
De que quieres ir mas rápido pero sigues yendo lento
That you want to go faster but you keep going slow
Pero no te desesperes tengo el remedio que
But don't despair, I have the remedy you
Quieres deja de hablar tanta mierda y cambia de como eres
Want to stop talking so much crap and change how you are
Son estupidos los hombres también las mujeres
Men are stupid, women are stupid too
Que suplican amor cuando ya no los quieres
Who beg for love when you don't love them anymore
Deja ya la estupides y ponte analizar
Stop being stupid and start analyzing
Eres estupido
You're stupid
Si te mete en vida agena
If you get involved in other people's lives
Eres estupido
You're stupid
Si prendes la televisión y crees que todo lo que pasa es cierto
If you turn on the TV and believe everything that happens is true
Eres estupido
You're stupid
Yo pensaba que no era así pero supera la ignorancia
I thought it wasn't like that, but overcome ignorance
Eres estupido
You're stupid
No te escondas que todo el mundo ya lo sabe
Don't hide because everyone already knows
Esto es reggae social no se puede negociar esto lo hice pal maestro y
This is social reggae, you can't negotiate this, I did it for the master and
Pa el que sabe josear es una estupides quererte
For those who know how to josear, it's stupid to love you
Casar si sabes que tarde o temprano te vas a divorciar
To get married if you know you're going to get divorced sooner or later
Es estupido decir te amo cuando no lo sientes
It's stupid to say I love you when you don't feel it
Es estupido decir que son iguale toda la gente
It's stupid to say that all people are the same
Aunque todos salimos de algún vientre
Although we all come from some womb
Uno sale profesional y el otro sale delincuente
One comes out professional and the other comes out a criminal
Es estupido decir que la marimba te
It's stupid to say that the marimba
Hace daño cuando llevo dandole hace mil años
Hurts you when I've been giving it for a thousand years
Hay pal de estupidos que me miran extraño
There are a bunch of idiots who look at me strangely
Poeque le hablo con verdad y solamente creen en el engaño que el
Because I speak to you with truth and they only believe in the deceit that the
Desespero se caso con el fracaso no seas tacaño que tengo que
Despair married failure, don't be stingy because I have to
Criar mis creas no voy a trabajar de gratis de noche y de día
Raise my kids, I'm not going to work for free at night and during the day
Es estupido llamarme hermano pero no querernos
It's stupid to call me brother but not love each other
Es estupido pensar que una mujer no pega cuerno
It's stupid to think that a woman doesn't cheat
Y se casan por dinero literal buscando la mejor oferta
And they get married for money, literally looking for the best deal
Pero no todas son así quiero hacer la
But not all of them are like that, I want to do the
Aclaratoria que me llega una nueva se repite la historia
Clarification that a new one comes to me and the story repeats itself
Por mas que te explique la definición de estupidez
No matter how much I explain the definition of stupidity to you
Yo se que a mi tu no me va a entender
I know you're not going to understand me
Eres estupido
You're stupid
Si te mete en vida agena
If you get involved in other people's lives
Eres estupido
You're stupid
Si prendes la televisión y crees que todo lo que pasa es cierto
If you turn on the TV and believe everything that happens is true
Eres estupido
You're stupid
Yo pensaba que no era así pero supera la ignorancia
I thought it wasn't like that, but overcome ignorance
Eres estupido
You're stupid
Me das verguenza agent vete pasaa tu casa.
You embarrass me, go home.

Writer(s): hiram cruz garcía

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