KEN THE 390 feat. MC NIGARI a.k.a AKAIINAZUMA - Makkoushoubu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction KEN THE 390 feat. MC NIGARI a.k.a AKAIINAZUMA - Makkoushoubu

I'll wipe 'em all out, from here to there
Don't have to worry about anything else
俺がやってやるLiveからRec Boothまで
I'm gonna handle it all, from the stage to the recording booth
全部ロックして残す 苔むすまで
Lock it all down, leave it here until moss grows over it
また沸き出す アイデアとアドレナリン
Welling up again, my ideas and adrenaline
Once you've experienced this, nothing else compares
From innocent boys to all the grown-up guys
I'll give back double the expectations you imagine
There are monsters everywhere
行くぜ We Won't Stop
Here we go, we won't stop
Beats から Rhymeまで全部 純国産
From the beats to the rhymes, all made in Japan
言葉のボクサー アマチュア僕ちゃん
A boxer of words, an amateur kid
聴き直せShock Ones 出来なきゃドクターストップ
Listen again to "Shock Ones," doctor's orders if you can't handle it
Gotta be competitive, or you're just an empty shell
We're starting from here, this is the highlight of the night
Let's not say corny stuff like "the enemy is yourself"
I wanna surpass that guy's back
真っ向勝負 いらないガイド本 ここじゃ握る拳よりマイコホン
A head-on fight, no need for guidebooks, here it's my mic, not my fists
真っ向勝負 Verse Kick It 君の耳元 ダメ元ならはなからやんじゃねー
A head-on fight, verse kick it, right by your ear, if it's a lost cause, I wouldn't even bother
真っ向勝負 Yeah 己が仕掛人 ほら食らわす必殺ギガデイン
A head-on fight, yeah, I'm the attacker, here's my killer move, Giga Drain
A head-on fight
ああすればこうなる 明日にはどうなる?
Do this, and that'll happen, what about tomorrow?
Who knows, pushing the limits in this corner
My sweat-drenched shirt from the live show
Could it be my only outfit? That's my music
あれ俺 カネ コネ とかよく知らねー
Yo, I don't know much about money or connections
そんなもんだぜ ラップするだけ
That's just how it is, just rapping
毎晩 My Verse 蹴っ飛ばす 何度も
Every night I kick out my verse, again and again
Always a head-on fight, eye to eye
Even if it's rusty, my spirit is straight
Showcases in big venues, small venues, medium venues
どこでも同じさ 一対一の繰り返しで
It's all the same, repeating one-on-one
Proving it head-on
My instincts are screaming to reach for possibility
I'll keep going until giving up is the only option
I'll keep at it with my fist gripping the mic
Smashing the wall in front of me
真っ向勝負 いらないガイド本 ここじゃ握る拳よりマイコホン
A head-on fight, no need for guidebooks, here it's my mic, not my fists
真っ向勝負 Verse Kick It 君の耳元 ダメ元ならはなからやんじゃねー
A head-on fight, verse kick it, right by your ear, if it's a lost cause, I wouldn't even bother
真っ向勝負 Yeah 己が仕掛人 ほら食らわす必殺ギガデイン
A head-on fight, yeah, I'm the attacker, here's my killer move, Giga Drain
A head-on fight
I'm starting now, open the dungeon, the book of adventures
My unique form of expression, like a magical spell
Goblins and ghouls spread throughout the land
日々貪欲になぎ倒しHere we go
Every day, I greedily strike them down, here we go
ナイフではなくマイクでサバイブ ラフでタフな奴が残るフィールド上
Surviving with a mic, not a knife, a rough and tough field where only the strong survive
Let's go harder, even if my life runs out
こちら伝説の勇者だYou know my steelo?
I'm the legendary hero here, you know my steelo?
I'm more interested in the princess than the model
Today, I'll capture her heart, and once again, be touched by the divine
Always hitting the wall with certainty
Because I gained strength, there is victory
The fire within me, always burning
I'll land a critical hit on that guy
What are you doing playing dead in the church?
もう一度行くぜ Please Stand Up!
Once more, I'll go, please stand up!
真っ向勝負 いらないガイド本 ここじゃ握る拳よりマイコホン
A head-on fight, no need for guidebooks, here it's my mic, not my fists
真っ向勝負 Verse Kick It 君の耳元 ダメ元ならはなからやんじゃねー
A head-on fight, verse kick it, right by your ear, if it's a lost cause, I wouldn't even bother
真っ向勝負 Yeah 己が仕掛人 ほら食らわす必殺ギガデイン
A head-on fight, yeah, I'm the attacker, here's my killer move, Giga Drain
A head-on fight
トイレでゲロ吐き 見つめる鏡
Throwing up in the toilet, staring at the mirror
口ゆすいだ後 立てた中指
After rinsing my mouth, I raise my middle finger
From a first-round boy to the glorious stage
How many centimeters left to reach the other side?
The defeat of that day still haunts my dreams
The honor and money that slipped away before my eyes
だが未だ夢見てる いける気がしてる
But I'm still dreaming, I feel like I can do it
Even without a shining monk, my vision is clear
Miyamoto Musashi, stepping over corpses
流れるようなflow 美空ひばり
A flowing flow, Hibari Misora
それか空手の達人 mr.宮城
Or maybe a karate master, Mr. Miyagi
いや 待て 俺は俺だ CHICO CARLITO You got it?
No, wait, I'm me, Chico Carlito, you got it?
2016 バロンドール 最有力候補のマイクロフォン担当
2016, the most likely candidate for the Ballon d'Or, in charge of the microphone
日本の南方 三ツ星琉球本島 より参上
From the south of Japan, the three-star Ryukyu main island, I have arrived
いざ 尋常に真っ向勝負 Yeah
Now, let's have a head-on fight, yeah
真っ向勝負 いらないガイド本 ここじゃ握る拳よりマイコホン
A head-on fight, no need for guidebooks, here it's my mic, not my fists
真っ向勝負 逆境 楽勝 backboneと覚悟 ダークホース 抜き去るass hole
A head-on fight, adversity, easy win, backbone and determination, a dark horse, getting rid of assholes
真っ向勝負 9回裏二死満塁ツースリーからでもしろフルスイング
A head-on fight, bottom of the 9th, two outs, bases loaded, down by two runs, swing for the fences
A head-on fight
Always on guard, never letting my guard down
And always working twice as hard as my rivals
ぐらい気合いある 足引っ張る奴
That's the level of spirit I have. For those who try to hold me back
I'll keep pushing forward, not caring about the past or scandals
偉大なMy sweet love親愛なる
My great sweet love, my dearest
I'll become so great that even haters will get frustrated and go back home
立派になる 開くリサイタル
I'll hold a recital and rock the stadium
ゆらすスタジアム Please stand up
Please stand up
I'll take it without rehearsal
The cheerleaders will go wild, the audience will erupt
That's my freestyle rap
死者も生き返らす 病も近寄らず 正に医者いらず
It can bring the dead back to life, keep sickness away, a true cure-all
After a pause, a revival
And then, without commercials, it becomes universal
In my two-story house, with my understanding wife
And two foreign cars in the yard
真っ向勝負 いらないガイド本 ここじゃ握る拳よりマイコホン
A head-on fight, no need for guidebooks, here it's my mic, not my fists
真っ向勝負 逆境 楽勝 backboneと覚悟 ダークホース 抜き去るass hole
A head-on fight, adversity, easy win, backbone and determination, a dark horse, getting rid of assholes
真っ向勝負 9回裏二死満塁ツースリーからでもしろフルスイング
A head-on fight, bottom of the 9th, two outs, bases loaded, down by two runs, swing for the fences
A head-on fight

Writer(s): Dj Watarai, Ken The 390, Koperu, Mc☆ニガリ A.k.a. 赤い稲妻

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