Flor a flor ventilandolas, picaflor va saqueandolas.
He goes from flower to flower to open them, Hummingbird is gradually stripping them.
Colibrí, de mi corazon, picaflor de mi sin razon flor a flor ventilandolas.
Hummingbird of my heart, hummingbird of my madness he goes from flower to flower to open them, Hummingbird is gradually stripping them.
Picalflor va saqueandolas.
Hummingbird is gradually stripping them.
Algo parecido flota en mi corazon su zumbido en el aire como el picaflor.
Something that looks like you flutters in my heart, its buzzing in the air like a hummingbird.
Algo parecido flota en mi corazon suspendido en el aire como el picaflor algo parecido flota enmi corazon, suspendido en el aire como el picaflor.
Something that looks like you flutters in my heart suspended in the air like a hummingbird something that looks like you flutters in my heart, suspended in the air like a hummingbird.
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