Kid Milli feat. DSEL - 10시41분 (feat. DSEL) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kid Milli feat. DSEL - 10시41분 (feat. DSEL)

10시41분 (feat. DSEL)
10시41분 (feat. DSEL)
차있지 너와 달리
I'm full, unlike you.
먼저 해석 해야만 했어
I had to interpret it first.
매일이 판독해야만 됐던
I had to read it every day.
데이터 였고
It was data.
뇌리에 박힌
The thing that got stuck in the brain
베이스와 드럼 어떤
Bass and Drums Any more
녀석들의 눈에선
In their eyes.
I'm not.
You fucked up
You fucked up
같은 말을
Say the same thing.
같잖게도 반응해
Respond the same way.
주기엔 내겐 사랑의 존잰
Love to me in the cycle.
It's over big.
너완 다른데 증오로
You're different, but you're hateful.
차있지는 않은데
It's not full.
게임을 다르게 바꿀게
I'll change the game differently.
Now look at it.
삶은 드라마 같았고
My life was quite like a drama.
아직도 연재중
Still serializing
메인 각본은 내가 적었어
I wrote the main screenplay.
외적인 요소와 그외의 모든것
External elements and everything else
누군가는 컷에 들어와 말했어
Someone must have come into the cut and told me.
What the fuck
What the fuck
자주 말이지
Quite often.
안돼 이젠 메인 감독
No, I'm the Main Director now.
필요하겠어 담배 냄샌
I need this. The smell of cigarettes.
매일 배있어 이게 base
Every day I'm hungry This is my base
Started from the basement
Started from the basement
내겐 고속 엘리베이터 될게
It'll be a high-speed elevator for me.
필요해 네게의 tape은
I need your tape.
내게는 몇층짜리의
For me, a few layers of
계단이되어 줬지만
It was a staircase.
불감증은 나은적이 없네
Frigidity has never been better.
Rap game에 대해
About Rap game
scene에 대해
About this scene
대뜸 swag에 대해
About swag
다했지만 답이 없었고
I did everything, but there was no answer.
그때 내게 물었지
Then I asked me.
What Is the Most
What Is the Most
Important Thing in Life
Important Thing in Life
답은 찾았지만
I didn't find the answer.
I've changed.
You know that shit
You know that shit
많은것을 봐왔고
I've seen a lot of things.
나는 나에게 받아 들였지
I accepted me
랩퍼들은 뺏고
Rappers take it.
바치는것만을 해댔지
He said he was only offering it.
십일조는 아직도
Those tithes are still
매일 돌고있지
I'm turning every day.
안부러 비계덩어리
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
랩퍼들의 paparazzi
paparazzi of rappers
Stay on my grind go 0 to 100
Stay on my grind go 0 to 100
Always runnin′
Always runnin′
우린 너무 달려왔어 인마
We're running too much, man.
Need a lot of protein
Need a lot of protein
죽을때까지 black gang
black gang until death
I've always been rugged
I've always been rugged
Ten fourty one
Ten fourty one
시계를 열면
When you open the clock
어김없이 밤이 오고
Night is coming.
Now i′m Feeling alive
Now i′m Feeling alive
10시 41분 눈은 붉게 빛나
10: 41 My eyes glow red.
Plz don't kill my vibe
Plz don't kill my vibe
느낌에 취해
I'm drunk on this feeling
So i'm Feeling alive
So i'm Feeling alive
Feeling a vibe feeling alive
Feeling a vibe feeling alive
깊게 들이마셔
Breathe deeply.
이건 물이 아니니까
This is not water.
I went.
여기 둘중 누가큰지
Who's the big one here?
잣대는 대지마
Don't put a stick on it.
시간이 없어 신경 끄지
I don't have time. I don't care.
내가 너에게
Why I tell you
You have to explain to me.
내가 하고싶은 대로
Do what I want to do.
하기도 벅찬데
I can't wait to see if I can get it.
10시 41분 나만이
10: 41. I'm the only one.
느낄수 있는 vibe
Feel the vibe
No 우리 둘이 만들어가는
No, we two are making it.
우리의 vibe
Our vibe
Bye bye bye bye
Bye bye bye bye
이제 집에 들어갈래
I'm going into the house now.
멋진 멋진 차도
Cool clothes cool driveway
필요한데 내일 얘기해
I need it, but I need you to talk to me tomorrow.
One Day One One Day One I
하루를 너무 길게
Too long a day
사용하는거 같아
I think you're using it.
다른 사람이였다면 혼수상태
If it was someone else, it would be a coma.
비켜 것을
Get mine out of the way.
지켜가기에도 힘든데
It's hard to protect.
Don't get annoyed.
직접 하기 전에는
Before you do it yourself
입밖에도 토해내듯 꺼내지마
Don't get it out of your mouth like you're throwing it out of your mouth.
답변에 답해줄
When I answer your answer,
필요없어 긴말
I don't need a long word.
불을 붙혀 몸을 눕혀
Put it on fire and lie down.
시간을 느리게
Slow down time
느끼며 고갤 숙여
Feel it and look down.
주어진 매일을
Given every day
감사하게 썼어
I wrote it gratefully.
손에 안쥐어져있는
Not in hand
것들을 꾸며
Dreaming of things
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Lights camera action
Stay on my grind go 0 to 100
Stay on my grind go 0 to 100
Always runnin′
Always runnin′
우린 너무 달려왔어 인마
We're running too much, man.
Need a lot of protein
Need a lot of protein
죽을때까지 black gang
black gang until death
I′ve always been rugged
I′ve always been rugged
Ten fourty one
Ten fourty one
시계를 열면
When you open the clock
어김없이 밤이 오고
Night is coming.
Now i'm Feeling alive
Now i'm Feeling alive
10시 41분 눈은 붉게 빛나
10: 41 My eyes glow red.
Plz don′t kill my vibe
Plz don′t kill my vibe
느낌에 취해
I'm drunk on this feeling
So i'm Feeling alive
So i'm Feeling alive

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