Kidd Santhe - Bawah - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Kidd Santhe - Bawah

Bawah tiang lampu
Down the lamppost
Aku duduk sendiri
I sit alone
Bawah tiang lampu
Down the lamppost
Bayangku pun sembunyi
Even my shadow hides
Bawah tiang lampu
Down the lamppost
Aku duduk sendiri
I sit alone
Bawah tiang lampu
Down the lamppost
Bayangku pun sembunyi
Even my shadow hides
Berapa kali polis tahan
How many times have cops stopped
Budak India tak lepas
This Indian kid, he can't slip
Hari-hari kena gari
Every day in the paddy wagon
Buat cam barang hias
I'm just a decoration
Tolak aku tolak aku
Reject me, reject me
Sampai hujung dunia
To the ends of the earth
Life is never fair
Life is never fair
Warna kulit pun tak cerah
My skin's not light enough
Ayahku pernah kata
My daddy once told me
Cahaya ku dah tenggelam
My light has gone out
Titis air mata jatuh
Tears fall like
Macam markah ujian
Marks on a test
Awek minta putus
My girl wants to break up
Tujuh tahun bercinta
Seven years of love
Hati mati rasa
My heart feels dead
Sebab dia mendua
'Cause she's been unfaithful
Urine test cam SPM
Urine tests like a standardized exam
Asyik gagal sampai bila
Forever failing, when will it end?
Mata merah dari pagi
Bloodshot eyes since morning
Tak dapat temu duga
Can't get a job interview
Aku tak ada edukasi
I don't have an education
Harap aku berjaya
Hope I'll succeed
Tapi aku jadi rapper
But I'm a rapper
Tulis lagu sahaja
I just write songs
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Bawah tiang lampu
Down the lamppost
Aku duduk sendiri
I sit alone
Bawah tiang lampu
Down the lamppost
Bayangku pun sembunyi
Even my shadow hides
Bawah tiang lampu
Down the lamppost
Aku duduk sendiri
I sit alone
Bawah tiang lampu
Down the lamppost
Bayangku pun sembunyi
Even my shadow hides
Bawah tiang lampu
Down the lamppost
Aku duduk sendiri
I sit alone
Aku duduk sendiri
I sit alone
Aku duduk sendiri
I sit alone
Aku duduk sendiri
I sit alone
Aku duduk sendiri
I sit alone
Aku duduk sendiri
I sit alone
Urine test cam SPM
Urine tests like a standardized exam
Asyik gagal sampai bila
Forever failing, when will it end?
Terpaksa masuk balai
Had to go to jail
Nasib mama sudah tiba
My mother's fate has come to pass
Urine dia clean
Her urine is clean
Dia tak ambik apa-apa
She doesn't take anything
Siapa bawak benda ini
Who brought this stuff here?
Member mana yang mengajar
Which friend of yours taught you?
Weh ini anak aku
Hey, this is my son
Bukan anak siapa-siapa
He's not just anyone's son
Kita tak cukup duit
We don't have enough money
Hukum gantung yang bersalah
Hang the guilty party
Jadi polis jawab balik
Then the cop replies
Anakmu memang salah
Your son is guilty
Kita memeriksa kereta
We searched your car
Jumpa dadah kat bawah
Found drugs underneath

Writer(s): Dj Biggie, Kidd Santhe

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