Kidd Santhe - MURAH - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kidd Santhe - MURAH

Aku tak nak join PP murah
I don't wanna join your cheap party
Milo ais dalam cawan merah
Iced Milo in a red cup
Papa, mama dah keluar rumah
Mom and dad are out of the house
Tapi aku tak nak join PP murah, yeah
But I don't wanna join your cheap party, yeah
Uu, forever belakang queue
Ooh, forever at the back of the queue
Uu, berapa raya kau tunggu?
Ooh, how many holidays are you waiting for?
Uu, dah masuk tahun baru
Ooh, it's a new year already
Jap, dan kau masih kat situ?
Wait, and you're still there?
Bawak poskod aku ke bank account
Bring my postcode to the bank account
57000 bukan nombor tapi digit maut
57000 not a number but a deadly digit
Budak India warna kulit bising ku terlalu loud
Indian kid, skin color, they say my voice is too loud
Korang ada sos, bawak lauk tapi aku laut, yeah
You guys have the sauce, bring the dish, but I'm the ocean, yeah
Uu, jangan tanya mana awek kau
Ooh, don't ask where your girl is
Uu, dia gerak gi ke PP aku
Ooh, she went to my party
Ed, Edd, Eddy, ku tak banyak kawan
Ed, Edd, n Eddy, I don't have many friends
Ed, Edd, Eddy, korang layan papan
Ed, Edd, n Eddy, you guys are playing board games
Aku takde tenaga tuk layan
I don't have the energy to entertain
Aku tak cukup masa tuk datang
I don't have enough time to come
Aku tak nak join PP murah
I don't wanna join your cheap party
Milo ais dalam cawan merah
Iced Milo in a red cup
Papa, mama dah keluar rumah
Mom and dad are out of the house
Tapi aku tak nak join PP murah, yeah
But I don't wanna join your cheap party, yeah
Uu, forever belakang queue
Ooh, forever at the back of the queue
Uu, berapa raya ksu tunggu?
Ooh, how many holidays are you waiting for?
Uu, dah masuk tahun baru?
Ooh, is it a new year already?
Jap, dan kau masih kat situ?
Wait, and you're still there?
Aku tak nak join PP murah
I don't wanna join your cheap party
Selamat datang ke PP murah
Welcome to the cheap party
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Dua tahun aku hilang
Two years I was gone
Banyak nak runtuhkan bintang
A lot of stars to tear down
Takde kawan dekat bidang
No friends in the field
Aku pecat manager tanpa bincang
I fired my manager without discussion
Kan aku kata, aku tak nak masuk PP murah kamu
I told you, I don't wanna join your cheap party
Tapi korang asyik nak tarik, nak tarik aku ni pendiam, aku tak nak cari drama
But you guys keep pulling, pulling me, I'm quiet, I don't want drama
Weh, kulit kita sama, darah kita sama, latar kita sama
Hey, our skin is the same, our blood is the same, our background is the same
Minda je tak sama
Only the minds are different
Sebab ku takkan jatuhkan adik atau member atau keluarga
Because I won't bring down my brother or friend or family
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Hidup aku takde bos, yah
My life has no boss, yeah
Perangai takde ibu, yah
My behavior has no mother, yeah
Dulu gadis-gadis lain tak
Other girls didn't use to
Layan messages aku, yah
Answer my messages, yeah
Sekarang ajak PP murah
Now they invite me to cheap parties
Buat cam member aku, yo
Acting like they're my friends, yo
Kali ini aku tak malas angkat
This time I'm not too lazy to pick up
Aku block je
I just block them
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee, hup
Dua tahun aku hilang
Two years I was gone
Banyak nak runtuhkan bintang
A lot of stars to tear down
Takde kawan dekat bidang
No friends in the field
Aku pecat manager tanpa bincang
I fired my manager without discussion

Writer(s): Kidd Santhe

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