Killa Fonic feat. Connect-R - Scrum - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Killa Fonic feat. Connect-R - Scrum

E dimineata si e noapte,
It's morning and it's night,
Si greierii canta in soapte,
And the crickets sing whisper softly,
Imi simt fata grea sunt un ud leoarca,
I feel my face heavy, I'm a dew puddle,
Acelasi cosmar ma provoaca,
The same nightmare provokes me,
Departe de tine e frig cancer,
Far from you, it's cold cancer,
Si niciun drog nu ma mai face,
And no drug satisfies me anymore,
Nimic nu ma mai satisface,
Nothing satisfies me anymore,
Raul din mine nu ma lasa in pace,
The evil in me doesn't leave me in peace,
Bestia din mine nu mai toarce, tace,
The beast within me doesn't purr anymore, it's silent,
Face ce-i spun doar ca vreau sa ma ingroape,
It does what I say only because I want it to bury me,
Sa-mi scoata durerea sa am lumina in ploape,
To take away my pain, to have light in my eyelids,
Sa-mi scoata durerea sa iubesc in pace,
To take away my pain, to love in peace,
Vreau sa fiu un om mai bun,
I want to be a better man,
Vreau sa te merit acum,
I want to deserve you now,
Stiu ca drumu pare lung,
I know the way seems long,
Si io ard si ma fac iar scrum.
And I burn and turn to ash again.
De-o sa stai,
If you stay,
Toarna tot ce ai pe mine,
Pour everything you have on me,
Ineaca-ma-n tine,
Drown me in you,
Nu mai su su su su suflu,
I don't breathe anymore,
Sa spun ca-ti doresc sufletu si trupu babe!
To say that I want your soul and your body, baby!
E noapte "da" e dimineata,
It's night "yes" it's morning,
Lumina ma stramba la fata,
The light distorts my face,
Aprind o tigara mi-e greata,
I light a cigarette, I feel sick,
Ma uit in oglinda e ceata,
I look in the mirror, it's fog,
Sunt obosit vreau sa dorm,
I'm tired, I want to sleep,
Mi-e teama sa ma bag la somn,
I'm afraid to sleep,
Acolo sunt demonii mei,
That's where my demons are,
Si nu mai am forta sa ma lupt cu ei,
And I no longer have the strength to fight them,
"Da" eu nu stiu gustul infrangerii,
"Yes" I don't know the taste of defeat,
Eu nu stiu gustul infrangerii,
I don't know the taste of defeat,
"Po" sa chem ingerii,
"Po" I can call the angels,
In genunchi in valea plangerii,
On my knees in the valley of sorrow,
Cerul va cerne va cuceri,
The sky will sift, it will conquer,
Nu voi mai suferi,
I will suffer no more,
Tu vino si lupta cu mine babe,
You come and fight with me baby,
Tu vino si lupta cu mine babe,
You come and fight with me baby,
Toarna-ti iubirea acum,
Pour your love now,
Sa stinga focu, focu sa ma faca scrum
To put out the fire, the fire to turn me into ash

Writer(s): killa fonic

Killa Fonic feat. Connect-R - Scrum
date de sortie

1 Scrum

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