Kim Kwang Seok - The Story Three ("Life Story" 앨범 수록) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kim Kwang Seok - The Story Three ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)

The Story Three ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
Story Three (From the album "Life Story")
누구나 어떤 나이가 되면
Everyone, at a certain age, has an idea of
나이에 어떤 상황이고 싶고
where they'd like to be, what their situation might be like,
나이가 되면 하고 싶고
what they'd like to be doing at that age,
그런 바람 들이 있을 같습니다
those kinds of hopes and dreams, you know.
어, 다들 마찬가지겠지요 있기는 있는데
Uh, everyone's the same, right? We all have them,
어떻게 하면 될지도 잘은 모르지만
though we may not know how to get there,
여하튼 되고 싶은 그런 있습니다
but anyway, we all have things we want to be or do.
어, 공연 시작하구 초반이었는데
Uh, it was early on in my performing career,
같이 저녁 먹다가 물어봤어요
I was having dinner with some friends and I asked them,
환갑 뭐하고 싶니? 이렇게 물어보았더니,
"What do you want to be doing when you're sixty?"
무슨 한적한 곳에 오두막 짓고 한가롭게 살겠다는
One friend said he wanted to build a cabin in a quiet place and live peacefully,
친구도 있었고, 회춘 쇼를 하겠다는 친구도 있었고
another one said he wanted a makeover, a rejuvenation show,
뭐하고 싶으세요? 환갑 진동이 되나 보죠?
What do you want to be doing, darling? Is the vibration off?
여하간 어, 저는 환갑 연애하고 싶습니다
Anyway, uh, I want to be in love when I'm sixty.
로맨스 그냥 ㄹ자만 들어도 설레이지요
Romance. Just the word itself makes my heart flutter.
로맨스 코웃음 치지 마십시오
Romance. Don't laugh.
그때까지 그렇게 정열이
I don't know if I'll still have that much passion
남아 있을지도 모르겠지만
left in me by then,
바란다고 그렇게 되는 아니지요
but wishing for something doesn't make it happen, does it?
로맨스는 번개처럼 그렇게 번쩍해가지고
Romance should be like lightning, a flash that leaves you
정신 차려야 되는 거지요
dazed and confused.
어, 쉽지 않은 같아요 바람입니다
Uh, it seems difficult. It's just a wish.
환갑 로맨스, 가까운 시일이지요
Romance at sixty. Yes, uh, it's not that far off.
7년 7년 뒤에 마흔 되면
Seven years from now, seven years from now when I turn forty,
하고 싶은 하나 있어요 마흔 되면
there's something I want to do. When I turn forty,
오토바이 하나 사고 싶어요
I want to buy a motorcycle.
할리 데이비슨 멋있는 걸로 돈도 모아놨어요
A Harley Davidson, a really cool one. I've even saved up the money.
얘길 했더니 주변에서 상당히 걱정을 하시데요
When I told people, they were quite worried.
다리가 닿겠니? 그래 무슨 소리 하는 거야?
"Will your legs even reach the ground?" Hey, what are you talking about?
그래 놓고 있는데, 은근히 걱정이 되데요
But I started to get a little worried myself.
그래 충무로 매장에 나가봤어요
So I went to the store in Chungmuro.
그래 구경을 이렇게 하는데 멋있데요
I was looking around and they were so cool.
저기 아저씨 앉아봐도 될까요?
"Excuse me, mister, would you mind if I sat on one?"
"Are you going to buy it?"
조만간에요 저한텐 중요한 일이거든요
"Soon. This is a really important thing for me."
앉게 해주세요
"Please, just let me sit on it."
그랬더니 앉아 보래요
So he let me sit on it.
그래서 앉았더니 다린 닿아요 팔도 닿고
And my legs reached. My arms reached too.
근데 문제는 몸무게더군요
But the problem was my weight.
그게 어느 정도 몸무게가 나가야
Apparently, you need a certain amount of weight to
오토바이 무게를 이겨낼 있대요 안전하게
be able to handle the weight of the motorcycle safely.
그게 마흔쯤 되면 찌지 않을까
I figure I'll probably gain some weight by forty.
배만 나오더라도 그거 타고 세계일주 하고 싶어요
Even if it's just a beer belly. I want to travel the world on that thing.
괜찮겠죠? 타고 가다가 괜찮은 유럽의 아가씨 있으면
Wouldn't that be nice? Riding along, and if I see a pretty European girl,
뒤에 태우고 머리 빡빡 깎고 금물 이렇게 들여가지고
I'll give her a ride on the back, my head shaved, wearing gold jewelry,
가죽바지 입고, 아유 체인 감고
leather pants, chains, the whole nine yards.
나이 40에 그러면 재미있을 같아요
It would be so cool to do that at forty.
어, 아는 분이 오토바이 타구 나서서
Uh, I know someone who went off on a motorcycle trip
2년 만에 돌아오시더군요
and came back two and a half years later.
어, 멋져 보였었어요 그게 뭐,
Uh, he looked so cool. It was like,
전혀 나라 사람 얘기처럼 듣고 말하고
listening to someone talk about a completely different world,
그랬었는데 어느 순간엔가 생각이 도드라지더니
but at some point, that thought really stuck with me,
마흔 살엔 봐야지 이렇게 됐습니다
and I decided I had to do it when I turn forty.
여행 좋죠 환갑 죽을지 80 돼서 죽을지
Traveling is great. Who knows if I'll die at sixty, or eighty,
벽에 칠하면서까지 살지는 모르겠지만
or if I'll live until I'm painting the walls with my wrinkles,
인생에서 2년 정도는 그리 길지 않은
but two and a half years isn't that long a time
세월인 같아요 있을 같아요
in a lifetime. I think I can do it.
마음 놓고 여행이나 살아가는 거나
Carefree. Whether you're traveling or just living life,
그리 다르지 않은 같아요 조금 힘들고
it's not that different. Even if it's a little hard,
그러더라도 뭔가 새로운 있겠거니
I endure it with the expectation that there will be something new.
기대하면서 견뎌냅니다 그리고 갑자기 불쑥
And I get anxious because I never know when something might
무슨 일이 터질지 몰라서 불안해하기도
suddenly happen,
합니다마는, 그래도 기대감 때문에
but because of that anticipation,
결국은 행복해하기도 합니다
I end up feeling happy.
그런 불안한 기대에 관한 노래
This is a song about that anxious anticipation.
바람이 불어오는 보내드릴게요
I'll sing "The Place Where the Wind Blows" for you.

Kim Kwang Seok - Box Set (Song of My Life Box Set)
Box Set (Song of My Life Box Set)
date de sortie

1 Unfortunate Guy
2 Song of My Life ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
3 It's Not Love If It Hurts Too Much ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
4 A 60's Couple's Story ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
5 The Story Four ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
6 Love Has Gone ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
7 Please Wait for Me ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
8 Where Wind Comes From ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
9 A Letter from a Private ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
10 On the Street ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
11 With the Heart to Forget You ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
12 In the Name of Love ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
13 The Car With Two Tires ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
14 The Day When She Cried for the First Time ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
15 Writing a Letter On a Cloudy Autumn Sky ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
16 the Night Alone ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
17 the Story Three ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
18 Don't Think Too Deep ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
19 Your Laughter (1993)
20 Sad Song (1993)
21 Those Days (1993)
22 Folk Medley: The Car With Two Tires / Kite / I've Been Living Like a Fool / Changing / Song of My Life
23 Mungbean flower
24 Friends
25 With Burning Thirst
26 The Unfinished Song
27 Here
28 Here We Are
29 Unsent Letter
30 Now, Please Leave
31 You Need Me
32 Song of My Life ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
33 It's Not Love If It Hurts Too Much ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
34 A 60's Couple's Story ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
35 The Story Four ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
36 Love Has Gone ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
37 Please Wait for Me ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
38 A Letter from a Private ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
39 Where Wind Comes From ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
40 The Story Three ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
41 In the Name of Love ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
42 With the Heart to Forget You ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
43 The Story Two ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
44 The Story Four ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
45 The Car With Two Tires ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
46 The Day When She Cried for the First Time ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
47 Freely ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
48 Stand Up ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
49 About Thirty ("Life Story" 앨범 수록)
50 the Story Three ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
51 Don't Think Too Deep ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
52 The Story Two ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
53 Your Laughter ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
54 Those Days ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
55 Flower ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
56 As Dust
57 It's Not Love If It Hurts Too Much (1995)
58 Song of My Life (1995)
59 A Friend in a Cage
60 Languid Afternoon ("Song Story" 앨범 수록)
61 Changing
62 My Love
63 to Be Forgotten
64 Me and the Wind
65 Freely (1994)
66 Purely and Fragrantly
67 Broken Road
68 the Night Alone (1994)
69 About Thirty (1994)
70 Recurrence
71 Stand up (1994)
72 In the Wilderness
73 Your Laughter (1993)
74 Writing a Letter On a Cloudy Autumn Sky (1993)
75 Please Wait for Me (1993)
76 A Stump
77 My Love That I Couldn't Talk To
78 On the street (1993)
79 Sad Song (1993)
80 My Image that You Remember
81 Love Has Gone (1993)
82 Closure. Lullaby (Instrumental)
83 Door of Happiness
84 In the Afternoon Lean On While I'm Sitting
85 Languid Afternoon (1992)
86 Prelude. Lullaby (Instrumental)
87 Morning Again
88 One Side Love
89 Tree
90 Scenery of Mind
91 Memory (Instrumental)
92 Those Days (1991)
93 You Were All I Had
94 The Wtory of Heart
95 In the Name of Love (1991)
96 Flower (1991)
97 In the Heat of Asphalt
98 That's Because You Don't Love Yourself
99 Window
100 Open Up the Door of My Heart
101 To You
102 Hello, My Friend
103 Sad Coincidence
104 My Dream
105 Little Hero

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