Kio feat. What's Up - Miroase A Vara - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kio feat. What's Up - Miroase A Vara

Miroase A Vara
Smells Like Summer
Miroase a vara din nou
It smells like summer again
Si-mi rasar in cale fete
And girls are popping up in my path
Lalele, garofite
Tulips, carnations
Nu mai zic de margarete
Not to mention daisies
Dar eu, eu, eu ti-am promis odata-s doar al tau
But I, I, I promised you once, I'm only yours
Cu tine-mi place ca nu trebuie mereu sa-mi fac freza
With you, I like that I don't always have to do my hair
Ma placi asa cum sunt, ne iese fotosinteza
You like me the way I am, we have photosynthesis
Curand promit sa-ti iau inel
I promise to get you a ring soon
Vreau sa ne logodim la un ceai de musetel
I want us to get engaged over chamomile tea
Imi place ca nu esti sofisticata, cum sunt altele
I like that you're not sophisticated like others
Imi place ca si tu iubesti blondele
I like that you love blondes too
Iti plac Carpatii si nu vrei pe Mississippi
You like the Carpathians and don't want the Mississippi
Ma bucur ca te-ai prins ca nu sunt unul din tipii.
I'm glad you figured out that I'm not one of those guys
Aia care stau cu capu-n flori pana le vine rau
The ones who stick their heads in flowers until they feel sick
Mie nu-mi trebuie nimic de cand cunosc parfumul tau
I don't need anything since I know your scent
Daca intelegi ce zic, permite-mi sa iti cant din nou
If you understand what I'm saying, let me sing to you again
Miroase a vara din nou
It smells like summer again
Si-mi rasar in cale fete
And girls are popping up in my path
Lalele, garofite
Tulips, carnations
Nu mai zic de margarete
Not to mention daisies
Dar eu, eu, eu ti-am promis odata-s doar al tau
But I, I, I promised you once, I'm only yours
Miroase a vara din nou
It smells like summer again
Si-mi rasar in cale fete
And girls are popping up in my path
Lalele, garofite
Tulips, carnations
Nu mai zic de margarete
Not to mention daisies
Dar eu, eu, eu ti-am promis odata-s doar al tau
But I, I, I promised you once, I'm only yours
Mi-au spus multi ca tu esti trandafir cu spini
Many told me you're a rose with thorns
Si ca-ntr-o zi o sa ma-ntepi
And that one day you'll prick me
Atat, atat, atat de fin
So, so, so fine
Ca te dai cuminte de fel
That you pretend to be innocent
Dar ochii iti stau pe portofel
But your eyes are on my wallet
Nu te credeam sa fii asa, tu aratai a ghiocel
I didn't think you were like that, you looked like a snowdrop
Nu-mi sta in caracter
It's not in my character
Dar mult prea multe nu mai au principii
But too many no longer have principles
Ma ademeneste o floare, ii zic: "Hai, nu te pripi"
A flower attracts me, I tell her: "Come on, don't rush"
Trage-ti fusta, ca ti se vad slipii
Pull your skirt up, your panties are showing
Stii tu ce-ai vazut la mine
You know what you saw in me
Eu nu sunt unul din tipii
I'm not one of those guys
Aia care stau cu capu-n flori pana le vine rau
The ones who stick their heads in flowers until they feel sick
Mie nu-mi trebuie nimic de cand cunosc parfumul tau
I don't need anything since I know your scent
Daca intelegi ce zic, permite-mi sa iti cant din nou
If you understand what I'm saying, let me sing to you again
Miroase a vara din nou
It smells like summer again
Si-mi rasar in cale fete
And girls are popping up in my path
Lalele, garofite
Tulips, carnations
Nu mai zic de margarete
Not to mention daisies
Dar eu, eu, eu ti-am promis odata-s doar al tau
But I, I, I promised you once, I'm only yours
Miroase a vara din nou
It smells like summer again
Si-mi rasar in cale fete
And girls are popping up in my path
Lalele, garofite
Tulips, carnations
Nu mai zic de margarete
Not to mention daisies
Dar eu, eu, eu ti-am promis odata-s doar al tau
But I, I, I promised you once, I'm only yours
Ca poa' s-apara topless toate, natural, siliconate
They may all appear topless, natural, silicone
Tot nu ma dau pe spate, nu, nu, nu
I'm still not impressed, no, no, no
Sa fie pietre nestemate, perle rare, diamante
Let them be gemstones, rare pearls, diamonds
Ce stralucesc o noapte, tot nu, nu
That shine for a night, still no, no
Ca tu esti tot ce am si tot ce-am vrut si tot ce voi avea
Because you are all I have and all I wanted and all I will ever have
Si sa zica cine vrea, ce vrea, tot nu ma voi schimba
And let anyone say, what they want, I still won't change
Si nu e doar parerea mea, asta este tot ce simt cu sufletul si inima
And it's not just my opinion, this is all I feel with my soul and heart
Cu sufletul si inima, a mea
With my soul and heart, mine
Miroase a vara din nou
It smells like summer again
Si-mi rasar in cale fete
And girls are popping up in my path
Lalele, garofite
Tulips, carnations
Nu mai zic de margarete
Not to mention daisies
Dar eu, eu, eu ti-am promis odata-s doar al tau
But I, I, I promised you once, I'm only yours
Miroase a vara din nou
It smells like summer again
Si-mi rasar in cale fete
And girls are popping up in my path
Lalele, garofite
Tulips, carnations
Nu mai zic de margarete
Not to mention daisies
Dar eu, eu, eu ti-am promis odata-s doar al tau
But I, I, I promised you once, I'm only yours
Miroase a vara din nou
It smells like summer again
Sezonul cu senzatii
The season of sensations
Petreceri, aventuri, cu greu ma abtin de la tentatii
Parties, adventures, I can hardly resist temptations
Dar eu, eu, eu ti-am promis odata-s doar al tau
But I, I, I promised you once, I'm only yours

Writer(s): Marius Marian Ivancea, Madalin Ionut Rosioru, Stefan Vlad Simbotin, Marius Ioan Moga, Florin Silviu Iordache

Kio feat. What's Up - Miroase a Vara
Miroase a Vara
date de sortie

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