Kisum - 맥주 두 잔 2 Beer - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kisum - 맥주 두 잔 2 Beer

맥주 두 잔 2 Beer
Two Beers
기분 좋은
Just two perfect glasses
I can't go to a second round
새벽 5시에 나가
I have to leave at 5 am tomorrow
일이 너무 많아 너무 많아
I have too much to do, too much
기분 좋은
Just two perfect glasses
I can't go to a second round
새벽 5시에 나가
I have to leave at 5 am tomorrow
일이 너무 많아 너무 많아
I have too much to do, too much
오늘도 어김없이 해가 뜨고
Today, the sun rose as usual
무거운 몸을 일으켜 밖으로
I woke up with a heavy body and went outside
나가지 반쯤 감긴 눈을 비비면서
I went out and rubbed my half-open eyes
싸구려 커피 한잔을 마셔 빈속으로
I drank cheap coffee on an empty stomach
오늘 하루도 별탈 없이 보냈으면
I hope today passes by without incident
누군가와 싸우는 일은 없었으면
I hope I don't have to fight with anyone again
상처받는 일은 없었으면
I hope I don't get hurt
그래 그러기 위해서는
So to do that
내가 잘하면
I have to do better
잘해야 된다는 잘돼야 된다는
I have to do better, I have to
부담감이 없었으면
If only I didn't feel pressured
매일 매일이 같은 하루
Every day is the same
뭔가 특별한 일이 생겼으면
I hope something special happens
좋겠어 그냥 생각이야 (생각이야)
It's nice, it's just my thought (thought)
사실 원해 그건 바램이야 (바램이야)
Actually, I want it, it's my wish (wish)
좋겠어 그냥 생각이야 바램이자
It's nice, it's just my thought and wish
내가 원하는 나만의 세상이야
It's the world I want, just for me
기분 좋은
Just two perfect glasses
I can't go to a second round
새벽 5시에 나가
I have to leave at 5 am tomorrow
일이 너무 많아 너무 많아
I have too much to do, too much
기분 좋은
Just two perfect glasses
I can't go to a second round
새벽 5시에 나가
I have to leave at 5 am tomorrow
일이 너무 많아 너무 많아
I have too much to do, too much
빠르게 변하는 Seoul city 도시
Above the rapidly changing Seoul city
혼자 멈춘듯해 검게 물든 거리
I alone seem to have stopped, on the blackened street
한적하다 못해 무서운 느낌 마저 들어
It's so quiet, it even feels scary
혼자인듯한 느낌에 어깨마저 움츠러들어
I feel lonely, my shoulders hunch
무서워 내일 무슨 일이 일어날까 벌써
I'm scared, what will happen tomorrow, already
앞은 깜깜한데 다른 이들은 어쩜
My future is dark, what about others
잘만 웃고 사네 길을 걸어
They smile and live, I walk this path again
불안해 미래는 동이 트기
I'm anxious, my future
새벽녘 우리 앞처럼
Like the front of my house at dawn
한치 앞도 안보여 어두워
I can't see an inch ahead, it's dark
잠에 들기 안처럼
Like my room before I fall asleep
내가 원하는 그저 행복한 거뿐인데
All I want is to be happy
세상은 많은걸 바라고 요구해
The world wants and demands more
내가 원하는 외로움이 아닌데
All I want is not loneliness
내가 가는 여기던 저기던 외롭네
Wherever I go, here or there, it's lonely
내가 하고 싶은
What I want to do
내가 하고 싶은
What I want to do
내가 하고 싶은
What I want to do
내가 하고 싶은
What I want to do
기분 좋은
Just two perfect glasses
I can't go to a second round
새벽 5시에 나가
I have to leave at 5 am tomorrow
일이 너무 많아 너무 많아
I have too much to do, too much
기분 좋은
Just two perfect glasses
I can't go to a second round
새벽 5시에 나가
I have to leave at 5 am tomorrow
일이 너무 많아 너무 많아
I have too much to do, too much
기분 좋은
Just two perfect glasses
I can't go to a second round
새벽 5시에 나가
I have to leave at 5 am tomorrow
일이 너무 많아 너무 많아
I have too much to do, too much
기분 좋은
Just two perfect glasses
I can't go to a second round
새벽 5시에 나가
I have to leave at 5 am tomorrow
일이 너무 많아 너무 많아
I have too much to do, too much
기분 좋은
Just two perfect glasses

Writer(s): In Ho Je, Hyun Seung Lee, Kisum

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