Kiwi - Boys - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kiwi - Boys

Hey boy
Hey boy
You wanna kiss me tonight
You wanna kiss me tonight
I don't think so
I don't think so
Тэр хүн намайг үнсэнэ гээд бодчихсон байна лээ
You've been thinking I've been calling you
Яахав, хүүхдийн хөөрхөн санаа л байхгүй юу
Whatever, you're just a childish boy
Зүгээр ээ, хөөрхөн л залуу байна шдээ
You're just a hot young boy
Би гэхдээ сая буруу юм хэлээгүй биз дээ
But I'm not saying anything wrong
Би байсан бол ингэж л хэлэх байсан
If it were me, I would just say this
Тэд үеийн охидод дурлаж
They fall for girls their age
Нууж хамраа сөхөнө
They are shy and retreat
Эгчмэд бүсгүйд сэтгэл алдарна
They get excited when they see women
Үе үехэн үнсэлт хүсэж
They want to be loved
Халуун сексийг сэм мөрөөднө
They dream of hot and sexy things
Хөнжил дотроо хайрыг зүүдлэнэ
They dream of love inside of hate
Амьдралд тэд яарсаар ийш тийш гүйсээр
They run around desperately in life
Эр хүн болохоор сэтгэл нь догдолж тэмүүлж хөөрсөөр
Their hearts are racing and beating to become a man
Хүүхэд нас нь эргэж ирэхгүйгээр
Without their childhood ever coming back
Холдож байгааг тэд мэдэхгүй ээ
They don't know it's getting far away
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?
Don't you think it's too late?
Don't you think it's too late?
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Please don't take me, when I say not tonight
Please don't take me, when I say not tonight
Just don't know which one is right
Just don't know which one is right
Бие биедээ охидын тухай
They talk about girls with each other
Хов жив нууцхан шивнэнэ (шивнэнэ)
They share little secrets (share them)
Гуалиг бүсгүйд нүдээ унагана
They lay eyes on gorgeous women
Hot сэтгүүл ээжээсээ нууж
They hide hot magazines from their mothers
Орон дотроо сэм үзнэ
They watch pron in their homes
Зүүдэнд нь тэр цааш үргэлжилнэ
In their dreams it continues even more
Анх дурлалд хальтирч нэг шаналаад
They tremble and blush at their first love
Шүлэг дуу зохиож, шохоорхол байсныг маргааш ухаарч
The write poems and songs, only to realize tomorrow that it was insanity
Шинэхэн учрал бүхэнд цаг хугацаа
New encounters take all the time
Нисэн одохыг анзаарахгүй ээ
And they don't notice how fast it flies by
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?
Don't you think it's too late?
Don't you think it's too late?
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Please don't take me, when I say not tonight
Please don't take me, when I say not tonight
Just don't know which one is right
Just don't know which one is right
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?
Don't you think it's too late?
Don't you think it's too late?
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Please don't take me, when I say not tonight
Please don't take me, when I say not tonight
Just don't know which one is right
Just don't know which one is right
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Анхны дурлалд хальтирч зүрх нь шанална
They tremble and blush at their first love
Шүлэг дуу зохионо
They write poems and songs
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Бодол нь хүүхдийн хөөрхөн санаа
Their thoughts are those of a childish boy
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?
Don't you think it's too late?
Don't you think it's too late?
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Please don't take me, when I say not tonight
Please don't take me, when I say not tonight
Just don't know which one is right
Just don't know which one is right
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?
Don't you think it's too late?
Don't you think it's too late?
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Please don't take me, when I say not tonight
Please don't take me, when I say not tonight
Just don't know which one is right
Just don't know which one is right
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?
Don't you think it's too late?
Don't you think it's too late?
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Please don't take me, when I say not tonight
Please don't take me, when I say not tonight
Just don't know which one is right
Just don't know which one is right
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?
Don't you think it's too late?
Don't you think it's too late?
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Please don't take me, when I say not tonight
Please don't take me, when I say not tonight
Just don't know which one is right
Just don't know which one is right
Boys, boys, boys
Boys, boys, boys
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?
Do you really wanna kiss me tonight?

Writer(s): Angirmaa Balchinjav

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