Klass-A - Meghribi Walakin - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Klass-A - Meghribi Walakin

Meghribi Walakin
Meghribi Walakin
3bid samk lm3bod yaglob l7jar
The servant of the worshipped fish conquers the stones
Glob Taycha mlyana blghdar
A world of living filled with betrayal
Sanslto l9bor, Hal7a9, Ha Lmnker
Chain to the grave, rings, this is the Munkar
Lkhaz man ham lB7ar chka
A loser who cares about the sea, what's in it
Wrya7 3asfa Hjrat Lbar9 wra3d
Behind the storm, the lightning fled after the thunder
Tkhl9na 7rar, wghadi nraj3o ta7t trab
We were created free, and we will return under the soil
7san 3wan lytama, la nta walidik 9rab
It is better to have a complete stranger than you or your family nearby
7asbona mrad, mli dwina wglna l7a9
They consider us sick, full of pain and we tell the truth
Ghir blmdad mab9atch fina ro7
Only with help, there is no soul left in us
7rgona wrj3ona rmad, lblad
We left and returned as ashes, the country
Nas 7rag khwa w nas mat
People emigrated, brothers and people died
3ini katbki wkat7sab ch7al 9tra khrajat
My eyes are crying and counting how many drops came out
Zarftona flmsyab, 7sabnakom 3chran
You put us in a disaster, we thought you were friends
D7akto m3ana wa9t lfar7a, wnkrtona wa9t l7zan
You laughed with us during joy, and you denied us during sadness
Kola période w3ndha s7ab
Every period has its clouds
Wldi sir 3la 9ad jibk fhad danya n mayghrokch wlad l9
My son, go as far as your feet can take you in this world, may the children of 9 not drown you
Yla darti ydik dyad iblis, nkhaf 3lik t3aab
If you gave your hand to the devil's hand, I fear you'll get hurt
Yzayn lik l7ram, wydik m3ah nhar l7ssab
He makes haram beautiful for you, and your hand will be with him on the day of reckoning
Lah ysam7 man liwldoun, sam3o 3lina hdra ch7al
May God forgive those who gave birth, they heard a lot of talk about us
Myghorkch wlad lfchoch, l7z9a kbrtna rjal
May the children of the alleys not drown you, the moment we grew up as men
Bach tlbsi mzyan mok rah jabtha lik 7lal
Why do you dress well if what you brought is not halal
Wbach tban n9i9i bak haz 3lik lkhnachi t9al
And why do you appear pure to me, this betrayal weighs heavily on you
Kho, film kolo dayr 3la lmal
Brother, the whole movie revolves around money
Yla ma3ndkch 3ich flghaba hbat kol wla tkal
If you don't have it, live in the forest, sleep every night without eating
Yak fl7abs kaydimo rjal
Yes, men stay strong in prison
Ch7al man 7gar kan kayt3da zar whbtolo srwal
How many humiliated people used to step on gold and had their pants taken off
Katn3tona blbrahch, kan3tkom blmrad
You used to hit us with a stick, we hit you with illness
La blgrad 7gartona, rah sakht likitzad
You humiliated us with hail, it's hard to increase it
Galoha zman labiti dir lkhir, kon gad dir lkhir flichb3an
They said it a long time ago, if you want to do good, do good for the satiated
Wl3ma khlih f tghmad, wdak li fwaast lfloka mrisqué bgha ykhwi lkwan
And leave the knowledge in its sheath, and the one in the middle of the boat, risking it, wants to empty the world
Makayn ma9wad lakonti katsayn wzhrak khan
There is nothing left, if you used to wipe your face, you are a traitor
Fhad lblad talatrna, ghay7sbona ghi dban
In this country we are lost, they consider us only corpses
Fomi tab 3sa, mab9atch lblsa fin yrakbo snan
My mouth is thirsty, there is no saliva left in it to plant teeth
Mab9ach mghrib hada hda fran tfo 3la blan
There is no more Morocco, this is France, spit on white
Machakili ma3ndch dinmha lfran
I have no problem with the French
Wlad bladi, kayti7o yatijara ya idman
The children of my country, they fall and trade, oh addiction
Mima katbki 7it waldha sala 7yato ta7t train
The mother is crying because her son ended his life under a train
Dwaba ghadwik, l7chich ghaykalmik, wchrab yskrak gha sa3tayn
The worries will haunt you, the hash will talk to you, and the drink will intoxicate you for only two hours
Tnsa w tbawa3 fog rajlik, machi ghir aji whaz ras
You forget and wake up on your feet, not just come and take a head
Rajla mat3brch blflos, lijoj klmat y9dro yrajlok bla 9yas
A man is not defined by money, strong words can lift you up without measure
Dam dghya da3
The blood of the rooster is three
Kanrsam machakili 3lachkal lkhtot fo9 dra3
I'm drawing problems, the problem of lines on top of three
7it dolm dghya cha3
Because the injustice of the rooster is three
Kayn lichna9 raso 7it l9a karamto fl7bs katba3
There are those who strangle themselves because they found their dignity in prison rotting
Manashich dok li mato 3l lblad, 7it mabghawch
Let's not forget those who died for the country because they didn't want to
Listi3mar yb9a, 3taw wmkhdawch
The colonizer to stay, they gave and didn't take
Manasich dok lisakno fwast jam3 7it maskhawch
Let's not forget those who live in a crowded place because they didn't steal
Manasich dok 7yathom fwast lbar makis7awch
Let's not forget those whose lives are in the middle of the sea and don't get wet
Yawdi ch7al gdak tsbar
Oh God, how much longer will I be patient
Yak rybna lbraka wskantona fchbar
Oh God, bless us and settle us in the news
Les cicatrices lifwast 9albi kathdar
The scars inside my heart are turning green
9ad mal7yat 9sira f3ini, 9ad makantwa7ch l9bar
After a little wound in my eye, I don't want to dig a grave
Flmdrasa fin 9rit bakri systéme kan s3ib
In school when I learned early, the system was difficult
Wajhi maghasloch wfatr b rba4 itroo dyal 7lib
My face is unwashed and breakfast is four drops of milk
Labs gaudasse wsrwal jin
Wearing a djellaba and jeans
Flyasamin tabliya zar9a chritha kbira bash dwaz liya 4 snin
In the classroom, the blue table I bought was big so it would last me four years
Drari sghar mgadmin dlijram wdawasa kaytwaskho
Young children, petty criminals, and smoking are intermingled
Kitbid9o, kitkalkho, afkar kaytrskho
You write, you calculate, ideas collide
Drari 3ad nabto whazin catorza
Children just woke up and are sad, four ounces
Flan chrag wajhom mcha, 27 ghorza
On the street, their faces disappeared, 27 ounces
Bent lil mo7al 3rag lfkhad ywaklak
A girl goes to a place to work out of fear that you will eat her
Fin ghatwsli ga3 lflos jamais ghadit9n3ak
Where will you end up, all the money will never satisfy you
Ta lmachiti b3id damir ghay2nbak
Even if you walk away, it will change you
Mojtama3 makayr7mach, had lhdra mab9at ga3 ghatslkak
Society is unforgiving, this talk will no longer comfort you
Bent nas 3amri wa3dtk bzwaj
A good girl, I never promised you marriage
Wlbal lah achbiti n3tik wana brasi m7taj
By God, what did you want me to give you when I myself am in need
Bghiti lflos t3i9i wana m3a lwa9t kant9aj
You wanted money to live, and I am struggling with time
Ghdartini b7ajra mli chakhsytak mabniya bzaj
You betrayed me with a stone, while your personality is built with deception
Tfo, la7t galbi fzabala
Shame, I threw my heart in the trash
7it mab9itch ba9i 9ad n3ich fhad l7ala
Because I can no longer live in this state
Wtfoo 3la mhzala
And spit on the farce
39liya khmajt mli lflos wldid tkhlik tban f 3in lbnat chi7aja
You left me for a girl full of money, your father lets you appear something to the girls
Ma7sbina ghir lah
We only calculate for God
Kayn li3bdo wbghah
There are those who worship and love Him
Kayn lit3ama w nsah
There are those who eat and forget Him
Kayn li mfrach brda, wkayn li sakht farcho 7dah
There are those whose bed is cold, and there are those whose bed is hard next to him
Layn litka janb lmima fa9 wga3ma l9aha m3ah
There are those who wake up next to their mother and don't find her with him
Stylo baki mdad fwast stori
The pen is still full of ink in the middle of the story
Wakha tkon ga3 mchdod bl7did razman ti fori
And even if you are tied with iron chains, you will eventually break free
Danya 7ni 3lina mra mra dori
The world is kind to us sometimes
7ssbnak mdrassa mli bladna 7ssbatna ghi kori
You thought you were a school, while our country considered us just a notebook
Jrit b'cv 7it bghithom ywadfoni
I ran with my CV because I wanted them to hire me
Ta7t fwlad lab li3la9rayti 7asdoni
Under the children of the lab, I hung my degree, they envied me
Nmout wla nchomi
I die or I smell
Khoti sam7oni, diplomk masawcih fblad lamakntich bistolé
My brothers, forgive me, your diploma has no value in a country where you don't have a gun
7ssan 3wan dok li3aychin fjbaal
It's better to help those who live in the mountains
Sabrin wakha amal l7yat 3andhom kay9lal
They are patient even though the hope of life for them is diminishing
Mzyan ybghiwk katmout, bash tkhfaf lit9al
Good looks make you die so that you can relieve what is heavy
Ghathdar ghaysr9ok, tawlcrédit li ktsal
The guard will steal from you, take the loan that you requested
Zahri jma3 sak wgali by by bslama
My back is broken and tell me bye bye bye bye
Ch7al gdk madra3 lb7ar kidi gha l3wama
How much longer will you study the sea as if it were going to flood
Flmdrasa nhar d7akt frga3o liya libtisama
At school, the day you laughed, my smile came back
Makhrjnach kif bghaw, ghabznasa wzrama
We didn't graduate as they wanted, they imprisoned us and threw stones
Wdok licharfo 7it déplasaw 60 3am
And those who were honored because they were displaced for 60 years
Bloza zar9a, dama, fras darb, l9jamat wtkhmam
Blue blouse, tears, hitting slippers, crowds and thinking
Tgolo 3lach l3mar tar
You say why life is bitter
Ghizad lkar, ta7t mal9aha kibghaha
Expensive living, he didn't find it the way he wanted it
Ta7d mabydo tikhtar
He has no choice
Khayba talm3awda fblad chargé chkara
Fear of returning to a country filled with ingratitude
Kaysriw sbabthom ghi b3rag lfo9ara
They justify their reasons only with extreme poverty
Wach nmouto m9atlin wla ntkbo fl9ar9ara
Will we die as fighters or be thrown into the well
Nbi3o lmarj wysaktona wla nsayno zyara
We sell the refuge and settle down or forget the visit
Ch7al man kalb chhaf l3dam wsalo ryogo
How many hearts have seen misery and their feet have reached
Wch7al man 7maar 7fad tri9 blata7d maysofgo
And how many donkeys have memorized the road, but it doesn't benefit them
9alb nazlo 3lik, wnta fr7an katchta7 fogo
A heart that fell for you, and you are happy to light a fire on it
Zra3to lkhitilaf bintatna, w3an lah kamlin egaux
You planted discord among our daughters, and by God, they are all equal
Kolchii 3tay graydi wla mas2ool
Everything is going according to my grandfather and there is no accountability
Fsghar galolna matkhafoch man lbolis ghafo man lghol
As a child, they told us not to be afraid of the police, be afraid of the wolves
Ma3nch mok lkhr9a bach trapi ach kangol
I don't have the escape route to treat what I'm saying
Ma3ndkch l9arjota bach tchrab ach kanbol
You don't have the solution to drink what I'm saying
Fsba7 fay9 mfzag frachi
I wake up in the morning with a broken heart
M3rakat lcaushmar fkola lila kan9asé
The battles of cockroach hunting every night are defeats
Mab9ach 3andi jehd find nstocké lpassé
I no longer have the energy to store the past
3askary la3damtoni darboni b 9rtasa f rassé
The soldiers executed me, they hit me with a bottle on my head

Writer(s): Klass-a

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