Klinac - Pijun - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Klinac - Pijun

Daj mi crne figure i ajde igraj prvi
Give me the black pieces and come on, play first
Ovu igru što igramo,igramo do smrti
This game we're playing, we're playing until death
I jedino što imaš da igraš su tvoji prsti
And all you have to play are your fingers
Pazi šta napraviš njima,jer život je na crti
Be careful what you do with them, because life is on the line
Stavi teret na mene,kao da su medalje
Put the weight on me, like they're medals
Bacim srce na teren,igram runde ko zadnje
Throw my heart into the field, I play rounds like they were final
Je l′ znam da od jedne loše može lako da se padne
I know one bad move and you can easily fall
I nije momenat juče i sutra,već sad je
And it's not a moment for yesterday or tomorrow, but now
Dok gledam sunce kako vene kroz ovaj prozor
As I watch the sun fade through this window
Gledam sve scene i vreme koje je prošlo
I see all the scenes and time that has passed
Sve što sam ostavio iza,ne bih ost'o
Everything I left behind, I wouldn't have stayed
A sada k′o da nemam dodirne tačke sa sobom
And now it's like I have no points of contact with myself
Ne'am komfort zonu,jer sam je ostavio
I don't have a comfort zone, because I've left it
I ono samopouzdanje me je ostavilo
And that self-confidence left me
U ovih godinu dana sam dosta toga vid'o
In this past year, I've seen a lot
Borim se sa standardima što sam postavio
I struggle with the standards I've set
Nema me na ćošku,ali pazi
I'm not on the corner, but watch out
Nema me na poslu,ali radim
I'm not at work, but I'm working
Nema al′ radim i kad je praznik
I'm not there, but I'm working even when it's a holiday
I kada kasni su sati
And when it's late
Nema me na ćošku,ali pazi
I'm not on the corner, but watch out
Nema me na poslu,ali radim
I'm not at work, but I'm working
Nema al′ radim i kad je praznik
I'm not there, but I'm working even when it's a holiday
I kada kasni su sati
And when it's late
I znam da svi smo rodjeni sa odredjenom svrhom
And I know that we're all born with a certain purpose
Svoje sam post'o svestan,ona je mesto prvo
I've become aware of my own, and it's top spot
Najveci zalogaj jedem,al′ je dosta toga krhko
I eat the biggest bite, but a lot of it's fragile
Idem glavom u zid,zbog toga sam i prso
I go head-on into the wall, that's why I'm a breast
Opet sam gladan k'o nekad,al′ sad je veći stomak
I'm hungry again like before, but now my stomach's bigger
Šta sve sam svario sa osamn'est nisi do groba
What I've learned since eighteen will last you a lifetime
Opet sam srećan k′o nekad,al' sad je osmeh gorak
I'm happy again like before, but now the smile is bitter
Jer jedino si samom sebi uvek pravi ortak
Because only to yourself are you ever a true partner
Ceo svet je crno-bel,ne vidim glavu sličnu
The whole world is black and white, I don't see a similar head
Ja sam slikar,al' niko ne vidi sliku istu
I'm a painter, but nobody sees the same picture
I treba predugo dok stvarno ne skapiras igru
And it takes too long to really understand the game
I neko dodje do kralja,al′ svi smo bili pijun
And someone comes to the king, but we were all pawns
Ej,svi smo bili pijun
Hey, we were all pawns
Svi smo bili pijun
We were all pawns
Svi smo bili pijun
We were all pawns
Al′ svi smo bili pijun
But we were all pawns
Svi smo bili... jea je o
We were all... Yeah, yeah
Nema me na ćošku,ali pazi
I'm not on the corner, but watch out
Nema me na poslu,ali radim
I'm not at work, but I'm working
Nema al' radim i kad je praznik
I'm not there, but I'm working even when it's a holiday
I kada kasni su sati
And when it's late
Nema me na ćošku,ali pazi
I'm not on the corner, but watch out
Nema me na poslu,ali radim
I'm not at work, but I'm working
Nema al′ radim i kad je praznik
I'm not there, but I'm working even when it's a holiday
I kada kasni su sati
And when it's late

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