Klumben - Hobby - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Klumben - Hobby

Pige, det her ja det er min hobby...
Baby, this is my hobby...
Jeg siger pige du dig en hobby...
I tell you baby, you should get yourself a hobby...
Pige du dig en hobby...
Baby you should get yourself a hobby...
Pige du dig en hobby...
Baby you should get yourself a hobby...
Ja, pige du dig en hobby, en hobby...
Yeah, baby you should get yourself a hobby, a hobby...
Derfor jeg er træt, nok ting skal gøres og når ting de skal forstås
That's why I'm tired, there are so many things to do and when things have to be understood
Det først nu jeg fatter at det hele det ikke kan nås
Only now I realize that it's all impossible
Jeg prøvede i 3 år, men jeg kom ingen vejn'
I tried for 3 years, but I didn't get anywhere
Jeg spillede med i spillet og jeg legede med legen
I played the game and I played along
Jeg brugt den tid jeg havde, men det var aldrig nok
I spent the time I had, but it was never enough
Aldrig glad det eneste jeg hører fra dig det brok
Never happy, the only thing I hear from you is whining
Mange mennesker som du syntes der er rigtig interresant,
Many people like you think it's really interesting,
Jeg burde fortælle dig sandheden men du er ignorant
I should tell you the truth but you're ignorant
Men jeg blev glad første gang du sagde du elskede mig
But I was happy the first time you said you loved me
Og jeg tænkte hvad - hvad vil du med hashoman der ikke har været i bad
And I thought - what - what do you want with a hash addict who hasn't had a bath
Jeg syntes du var smuk og jeg syntes du var speciel
I thought you were beautiful and I thought you were special
Du syntes det samme om mig og det var jo et held
You thought the same of me and that was lucky
For pige jeg er ked af de ting som jeg har gjort
Because baby I'm sorry for the things I've done
Når jeg tænker tilbage ja virker det helt sort
When I think back, it seems all black
Men hvad skal jeg gøre? - Og hvad skal jeg sige?
But what should I do? - And what should I say?
Ingenting for vores ting den er forbi, den er forbi, den er forbi...
Nothing because our thing is over, it's over, it's over...
Ja - men jeg blev glad da vi købte en lejlighed og vi skulle bygge en red
Yeah - but I was happy when we bought an apartment and we were going to build a nest
Du måtte gøre det alene fordi ham klumben han blev vred
You had to do it alone because Klumben got angry
Måske er det mig som der skal tage mig sammen
Maybe it's me who needs to pull myself together
Jeg mig en hobby og det lige med det samme, lige med det samme.
I need to get myself a hobby and I need to do it right now, right now.
For jeg, jeg mig en hobby...
Because I, I need to get myself a hobby...
Du, du dig en hobby...
You, you need to get yourself a hobby...
Vi, vi os en hobby...
We, we need to get ourselves a hobby...
Men det her, ja det er min hobby, ja det her det er min hobby, hobby, hobby...
But this, yeah this is my hobby, yeah this is my hobby, hobby, hobby...
For jeg, jeg mig en hobby...
Because I, I need to get myself a hobby...
Du, du dig en hobby...
You, you need to get yourself a hobby...
Vi, vi os en hobby...
We, we need to get ourselves a hobby...
Men det her, ja det er min hobby, ja det her det er min hobby, hobby, hobby...
But this, yeah this is my hobby, yeah this is my hobby, hobby, hobby...

Writer(s): C. Andersen, P. Jim, S. Villemoes

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