Kobukuro - 夏の雫 - traduction des paroles en anglais

夏の雫 - Kobukurotraduction en anglais

Summer Drops
軒先に吊るしたまま 秋も冬も越えた
Attached to the eaves, it has survived autumn and winter
風鈴の短冊が 存の風に回る
The short note of the wind chime now whirls in the summer breeze
二つ並んだ小さい方は 君が選んだ音
The smaller of the two attached pieces is the sound you chose
背伸びして 目を丸くさせながら 吹いて鳴らしてた
On tippy toes, with wide eyes, you blew and made it ring
あの日の横顔 遠く 五月雲になって
That day's profile is far away, becoming a May cloud
流れてる 解けながら 背伸びしてる
Drifting and dissolving, it's reaching higher and higher
No matter how beautifully the wind may sway it,
君が聴かせてくれた 音色にはならない
It will never make the sound you used to create
思い出に揺れる鈴を 胸の奥 結んだまま
In my heart, I'm still holding onto the bell that swings with my memories,
今年もまた 夏が来たよ
Summer has arrived again this year
祭り囃子も かき氷も 紫陽花も 海も
The festival music, shaved ice, hydrangeas, and the sea
アルバムの中 あの夏のままの君と笑ってる
Within the album, I'm laughing with that summer version of you
欲しがってたスニーカー 届いた頃にはもう
The sneakers you wanted, by the time they arrived,
君の物 何一つ 残ってなかったけど
You were already gone. Nothing of yours
もう少しだけ 一緒に歩いてたかった
Remained, but I wish we could have walked together just a little longer
叶わぬ想いを 箱に戻しても 送り返す場所はない
I put the unfulfilled dream back in the box, but there's no address to return it to
夜風に揺れる鈴が 窓の外 肩奇せ歌ってる
Outside my window, the bell swings in the evening breeze, softly singing
涼しかった 夏が終わる
The cool summer is ending
雨粒に濡れた風鈴の 短冊の裏側
On the back of the short note attached to the wind chime that's been touched by raindrops,
初めて見つけた 村の大切な願い事
I found for the first time, the important wish of the village
僕の夢を そんなふうに思ってくれていたんだね
You thought of my dream in that way. You made me realize
だから頑張れたんだ 何も無かった あの頃
That's why I could do my best. Back then, I had nothing
Because such a gentle wind was blowing
君が聴かせてくれた 音色を思い出す
I remember the sound you created
いつまでも聴いていたい いつかは外せるかな
I want to listen to it forever. I wonder if I can ever let it go
思い出に揺れる鈴を 胸の奥 結んだまま
In my heart, I'm still holding onto the bell that swings with my memories,
今年は どんな夏が来るかな
What kind of summer will this year bring?
会いたいよ 逢いたいよ
I miss you. I long to see you.

Writer(s): 小渕 健太郎, 小渕 健太郎

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