Koffi Olomide - Washington - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Koffi Olomide - Washington

Liboso okende otika nga eh
Before you leave and abandon me, eh
Cendrillon, ne t'en va pas sans me laisser ta chaussure. Washington gucci
Cinderella, don't go without leaving your shoe. Washington, my love
Washington eh tika nga natuna
Washington, eh, you've truly left
Washington eh tika nga natuna
Washington, eh, you've truly left
Banda eve aliya mbuma bolingo ekenda na mboka nini oh
The way you left without a word, where is love going in this world, oh
Washngton eh motema na nga o dynamiter
Washington, eh, you've dynamited my heart
Likonga ya deception epesa maladie sans traitement
The deception's pain has caused an illness without a cure
Chimiotherapie sans effet
Chemotherapy is ineffective
Et ba practicien sans succès
And practitioners have no success
Ritha bola au secours ah
Ritha, please come to my aid, ah
Nga nakomi omitunaka soki penza amour ezalaka
I've started to wonder if love truly exists
Nga nakomi omituna soki penza amour e existaka
I've started to question if love truly exists
Kolngola yesu
Our Mandela
Kolongola gandhi Ayiiii
Our Gandhi, ayiiii
Kolongola yesu
Our Mandela
Kolongola sainte mère theresa aaa
Our Saint Mother Theresa, aaa
Po bango nde ba demontra
For they demonstrated
Ba signe ya bolingo
The signs of love
Mabe na nga obimisi na web na internet
You've exposed my pain on the web, on the internet
Po ba internautes ya mokili ba naviguer
For the world's internet users to navigate
Bamona oyo suka soni eh
They'll see the one who ultimately brought shame, eh
Ritha bola au secours ouhhhh
Ritha, please come to my aid, ouhhhh
Na chemin de la croix jesus
On the path of the cross, Jesus
Simon de sirene asalisaka ye
Simon of Cyrene helped him
Nga natiaki elikya epa na yo
I placed my hope in you
Washingron na nga
Washington, my love
Okomemisa nga kuruze
You've turned me into a cross
Kuruze ya bolingo
A cross of love
Nzoto ekomi osila nga
Pain has become my companion
Lokola mungwa na biley
Like bread and butter
Nzoto ekomi olimwa nga eh
Pain has become my water, eh
Mayi ya mvula
Ekokweyaka na mabele
Falls on the ground
Oyo ya bolingo
But love's water
Ekokweyaka na motema
Falls on the heart
Minzoto elakisa yo bolingo
The stars show you love
La lune ememela yo tendresse
The moon offers you tenderness
Moyi ememela yo
The sun offers you
Patience na bolingo
Patience in love
Yobimi Guillaume le conquerant ya motema na nga
You left, Guillaume, the conqueror of my heart
Oyaki lokola sonzo osali nga mabe
You came like a dream and caused me pain
Yawe na nga
You've wronged me
Lembisa motema ya cherie po akoka te kokweyisama na mitambo ya ba mbanda ah Bountchi
Comfort my darling's heart so she won't be swayed by the tricks of the witches, ah Bountchi
Yo moko olobaki
You yourself said
Okomema nga na mokongo
You would carry me on your back
Tokatisa ebale ti na ngambo esusu
We would cross the river to the other side
Tokoma na katikati obwakisi nga
We got to the middle and you threw me down
Nakomi otepa tepa
I'm struggling, stumbling
Sauvetage te
No rescue
Faute eza ya yo te
It's not your fault
Mabe ezali ya ngayi mey
The blame is mine, my dear
Il fallait pas na lia dindon
I shouldn't have tied a turkey
Na esprit ya soso
With the spirit of a chicken
Yokoki oyeba soki oza première amour ya moto
You can know if you are someone's first love
Kasi garantie ekozalaka te Washington
But there's no guarantee, Washington
Que okoya kozala dernière amour ya vie na ye oh
That you will be the last love of their life, oh
Awa pe ko echographie ya sentiment ezalaka te
There's no ultrasound for feelings
Verité ya motema ya moto na maboko ya nzambe
The truth of a person's heart lies in God's hands
Totikaka kolota koleka molayi ya mpongi ehhh
We're left to dream, more than a night watchman, ehhh
Nakomi convaincu que ozali mosantu eh
I'm convinced you're a witch, eh
Mpo tongo nyonso inventaire se ya mabe na nga
Because every morning, the inventory is only of my pain
Oyo osali nga lelo, nandimi Kaps kapangala que yesu abotama ne vraiment na ndeko te
What you've done to me today, I believe Kaps Kapangala, that Jesus was truly born without siblings
Yozalaki oloba que ozali soeur en christ
You used to say you were a sister in Christ
Verité ebimi lelo
The truth is out today
Yozalaki no soeur en crise
You were a sister in crisis
Natangi soyi
I read the newspaper
Monoko ya kizengi eee
The gossip's words, eee
Kombo na nga oteki ango
They put my name
Na wenze ya bitula
In the trash bin
Bakakoli nga koleka ata tombola
They've mocked me more than even a lottery
Yoteki nga prix mangondo
You've given me a monthly prize
Na zando oyo ya pokwa
In this morning's newspaper
Nakomi otambola à zero metre na liwa eh
I'm now walking at zero meters from death, eh
Yokomisi nga cherie vraiment kota pona Washington bountchi
You've really made me suffer, my darling Washington Bountchi
Liboso okende otika nga
Before you leave and abandon me
Liboso okende otika nga eh
Before you leave and abandon me, eh
Lakisa nga mboka oyo ebomba sekele ya liwa
Show me the country where death's laughter rings
Lukela nga libongo oyo motema na nga ekosema
Teach me the language my heart will speak
Po assurance ya vie na nga
So that my life insurance
Ezwa ata merite ya bolingo napesaki yo
Gets at least the merit of the love I gave you
Washington okomi o barrer no nga eh
Washington, you've become my barrier, eh
Washington okomi o martyriser nga
Washington, you're martyring me
Washington ozongisa film sima
Washington, you're rewinding the film
Washington temoi na nga Ritha bola
Washington, witness me, Ritha Bola
Washington okomi ko achever non nga
Washington, you're finishing me off
Washington gucci mama, hum koboya te
Washington, my love, hum, don't deny it
Lobi nayaki na tongo kobondela yo
Last night I came to pray to you
Yotindi baleki baloba yozali te oh
You sent messengers saying you weren't there, oh
Boni okonyokolo mwana moninga boye
Why are you mistreating a friend's child like this

Writer(s): koffi olomide

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