KOKIA - 心の季節 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction KOKIA - 心の季節

The Season of the Heart
心の季節は春の訪れを じっと耐え忍んで待っているの冬の寒さの中
The season of the heart is patiently waiting for the arrival of spring, enduring the winter's cold.
やがてやってくる光の季節を覚えている 穏やかな雪解けを待ち焦がれている
It remembers the season of light that will soon come, longing for the gentle thaw.
いずれ終わりを告げる冬の寒さよ 足元に見つけた小さな花が笑う季節へ
The winter's cold will eventually announce its end, leading to a season where a small flower blooming at your feet will smile.
春へ運んで 私の心 光の中で開かれてゆく
Carry me to spring, my heart, opening up in the light.
新しい扉を開けてみれば ほら あたたかい春の光
When you open a new door, look, there's the warm light of spring.
長い冬は終わり 花が香る頃には
The long winter will end, and when the flowers are fragrant,
過ぎた日のこととして 想い出に変わっているだろう
it will have become a memory, a thing of the past.
春夏秋冬のそれぞれの季節を 楽しむ過ごし方 訪れる度に探してる
I'm searching for the way to enjoy each season, spring, summer, autumn, and winter, with each visit.
枯れたように見えた木々が春には 一斉に芽吹く 長い準備の眠りから覚めて
The trees that seemed withered will sprout anew in spring, awakening from their long preparatory slumber.
光求めて 芽吹く力は 心の中に備わっている
The power to sprout, seeking light, is within our hearts.
始めから持ってる 生きる力を 信じたい人も同じと
The will to live, that we possess from the beginning, I believe those who trust are the same.
春に咲き 夏に育ち 秋に実り 冬に休む そうして少しずつおおらかに 育つ
Blooming in spring, growing in summer, bearing fruit in autumn, resting in winter, growing gradually and majestically.
大丈夫きっと 春はすぐそこ 光の中で開かれてゆく
Don't worry, spring is just around the corner, opening up in the light.
新しい扉を開けてみれば ほら あたたかい春の光
When you open a new door, look, there's the warm light of spring.

Writer(s): Kokia

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