Konex feat. Kamil Hoffmann - ZAMAT - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Konex feat. Kamil Hoffmann - ZAMAT

Skáčeme dole, no hlavami hore a tvarím sa že som okej
I jump down, but my head is up and I pretend to be okay
Pozerá na mňa a nevie čo čakať
She looks at me and doesn't know what to expect
V jej izbe nad posteľou poster
In her room, above her bed, there's a poster
Chcela by na mňa, vie čo to znamená
She wants me, she knows what it means
Že ja som na nej ako vidí ona hole dole
That I'm on top of her naked
Keby tak jej foter videl čo robí jau ona v Sodome gomore
If her father saw what she was doing, in Sodom and Gomorrah
Oh jé, oh jé, zabudni na všetko, povedz dobre, dobre
Oh yeah, oh yeah, forget about everything, tell me it's okay, okay
A to všetko čo chcem teraz od nej, od nej
And all that I want now from her, oh yeah
Tak isto jak chceš to od tej svojej, svojej
So as you, want it from your girl, from your girl
Sme si podobní je nás tu more, more
We are similar, there are many of us, many of us
Zabudni na všetko, povedz dobre, dobre
Forget about everything, tell me it's okay, okay
A to všetko čo chcem teraz od nej, od nej
And all that I want now from her, from her
Tak isto jak chceš to od tej svojej, svojej
So as you, want it from your girl, from your girl
Sme si podobní je nás tu-
We are similar, there are many of us–
Striedame noc, striedame deň
We alternate the night, we alternate the day
Hore cez noc, spíme cez deň
Up during the night, sleeping during the day
Nikto z nás neni sám
None of us is alone
Nikto z nás neni lonely
None of us is lonely
Nemysli na to, čo príde zajtra
Don't think about what will happen tomorrow
Nemysli na to koľkatá platba
Don't think about the next payment
Corretto boys in town
Corretto boys in town
Chce nás každá máme
They all want us, we have
Štýl ako Zamat, jau
Style like Zamat
Moje bary, oni prrr, pália pow-pow-pow
My bars, they prrr, burn pow-pow-pow
len klony, ten tvoj starý, ten tu zavadzia
They are just clones, your old man, he's in the way
Je tu na nič, čo klamú iba závidia, snáď ma chápeš, jau
He's useless, those who lie, only envy, I hope you understand
Štýl ako Zamat, jau
Style like Zamat
Moje bary, oni prrr, pália pow-pow-pow
My bars, they prrr, burn pow-pow-pow
len klony, tento štýl ako Zamat, jau
They are just clones, this style like Zamat
Moje bary, oni prrr a ja pow-pow-pow, len klony
My bars, they prrr and I pow-pow-pow, they are just clones
-Jak tráviš karanténu, Kamil?
-How are you spending quarantine, Kamil?
-Do štúdia furt chodím iba.
-I just keep going to the studio.
-Mhm, tiež.
-Me too.
-Tam sa jedine autom a nemôžem si ani pivo tam dať
-You can only go by car and I can't even have a beer there
Lebo potom na späť, vieš taxíky nefungujú, nič, v noci.
Because then on the way back, you know, taxis don't work, nothing, at night.
-Mhm, to je v piči, no...
-Yeah, that's a pain in the ass.
Štýl ako zamat
Style like velvet
Štýl ako velvet
Style like velvet
V karanténe pijeme cez deň, v karanténe pijeme cez deň
In quarantine we drink during the day, in quarantine we drink during the day
Dávam panáky na nás, na každý deň, deň
I make toasts for us, each and every day
Oslavujem život jak Nekonečný Dan
I celebrate life like Nekonečný Dan
Kopú sa shoty a Páli sa blunt
Shots are knocked back and blunts are lit
More do corretta lejeme grappu, hm
We pour grappa into the corretto, hm
Nie že tam naleješ Alpu, hm
Don't put Alpina in it, hm
Dneska mask off, hovor mi pravdu
Today masks are off, tell me the truth
Rozjebávam pol platu
I'm blowing half my paycheck
Žijem pre moment, nevieme dátum
I live for the moment, we don't know the date
Shoty za shotmi na ex
Shots after shots
Míňame, míňame cash
We spend, spend cash
Fans to opakujú jak mantru
Fans repeat it like a mantra
Striedame noc, striedame deň
We alternate the night, we alternate the day
Hore cez noc, spíme cez deň
Up during the night, sleeping during the day
Nikto z nás neni sám
None of us is alone
Nikto z nás neni lonely
None of us is lonely
Nemysli na to, čo príde zajtra
Don't think about what will happen tomorrow
Nemysli na to koľkatá platba
Don't think about the next payment
Corretto boys in town
Corretto boys in town
Chce nás každá máme štýl ako Zamat, štýl ako Zamat
They all want us, we have style like Zamat, style like Zamat
Mám štýl ako Zamat, štýl ako Zamat
I have style like Zamat, style like Zamat
Mám štýl ako Zamat, štýl ako Zamat
I have style like Zamat, style like Zamat
Mám štýl ako Zamat
I have style like Zamat
Snáď ma chápeš, jau
I hope you understand
Štýl ako Zamat, jau
Style like Zamat
Moje bary, oni prrr, pália pow-pow-pow
My bars, they prrr, burn pow-pow-pow
len klony, ten tvoj starý, ten tu zavadzia
They are just clones, your old man, he's in the way
Je tu na nič, čo klamú iba závidia, snáď ma chápeš, jau
He's useless, those who lie, only envy, I hope you understand
Štýl ako Zamat, jau
Style like Zamat
Moje bary, oni prrr, pália pow-pow-pow
My bars, they prrr, burn pow-pow-pow
len klony, tento štýl ako Zamat, jau
They are just clones, this style like Zamat
Moje bary, oni prrr pália pow-pow-pow, len klony
My bars, they prrr and I pow-pow-pow, they are just clones

Writer(s): Kamil Hoffmann, Konex

Konex feat. Kamil Hoffmann - VOILÀ
date de sortie

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