Konex feat. Majk Spirit - Plním Bag - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Konex feat. Majk Spirit - Plním Bag

Plním Bag
Plním Bag
Konex got ′em beatz doe
Konex got ′em beatz doe
Plním bag, fill my bag
Filling the bag, fill my bag
Nápadov plná hlava, to čo poviem sa stane
Head full of ideas, what I say will happen
Plním bag, fill my bag
Filling the bag, fill my bag
Chick mi nerobí drama
Baby girl don’t give me drama
A sme makali kým oni spali
And we were hustling while they were sleeping
som makal kým on spal, do rána feel my vibe
I was hustling while he was sleeping, until morning feel my vibe
Chcem len hudbu a ne clout
I just want music and not clout
Hudba pre nás hraj
Music play for us
som makal kým on spal, do rána feel my vibe
I was hustling while he was sleeping, until morning feel my vibe
Chcem len hudbu a ne clout
I just want music and not clout
Hudba pre nás hraj, hraj
Music play for us, play
Pracujem jak stroj, nemôžem zastať, nemôžem stop
Working like a machine, I can't stop, I can't stop
Na koži vyrytá sloboda, chceli ma slovami dobodať
Freedom engraved on my skin, they wanted to stab me with words
Jediná vec čo dobodá, boy - ihla môjho tatéra, boy
The only thing that stabs me, boy - my tattoo artist's needle, boy
Shootin' na stred - sto bodov, boy
Shot in the middle - one hundred points, boy
nikdy mimo kámo
Never again outside, friend
Odvaha nebýt obľúbený, nosím Gucci belt ako suvenýr
The courage not to be popular, I wear a Gucci belt as a souvenir
Povedali, že to nedáš a ty si tomu aj uveril
They said you wouldn't do it and you believed them
Na sebe nosím [?] k tomu Raf-a čerstvo kúpený
I wear Raf on me, freshly bought
Na čo by som s nimi súperil, flow mám boy tak súperil
Why would I compete with them, I have the flow boy so compete
Supernova more superdrill, cash za hudbu to je super deal
Supernova more superdrill, cash for music is a super deal
Dropnem merch - hneď vykúpený, ice cold flow mám studený, brr
I drop merch - sold out immediately, ice cold flow I'm freezing, brr
Supernova more superdrill, cash za hudbu to je super deal
Supernova more superdrill, cash for music is a super deal
Dropnem merch - hneď vykúpený, ice cold flow mám studený
I drop merch - sold out immediately, ice cold flow I'm freezing
Plním bag, fill my bag
Filling the bag, fill my bag
Nápadov plná hlava, to čo poviem sa stane
Head full of ideas, what I say will happen
Plním bag, fill my bag
Filling the bag, fill my bag
Chick mi nerobí drama a sme makali kým oni spali
Baby girl don’t give me drama and we were hustling while they were sleeping
som makal kým on spal, do rána feel my vibe
I was hustling while he was sleeping, until morning feel my vibe
Chcem len hudbu a ne clout
I just want music and not clout
Hudba pre nás hraj
Music play for us
som makal kým on spal, do rána feel my vibe
I was hustling while he was sleeping, until morning feel my vibe
Chcem len hudbu a ne clout
I just want music and not clout
Hudba pre nás hraj, hraj
Music play for us, play
Ja som makal kým on spal, bežal kým on vstal
I was hustling while he was sleeping, running while he was getting up
Pracoval som zatiaľ čo sa on len zajebával
I was working while he was just messing around
Teraz chillujem kým on dre, legenda v tejto hre
Now I'm chilling while he’s working, a legend in this game
Neberem to ako robotu, len sa hrám
I don't take it as a job, I just play
Mám ten content, mám ten sound
I've got that content, I've got that sound
Nerobím to len pre clout, shut your fucking mouth
I don't do it just for clout, shut your fucking mouth
Z underground bol V.I.P lounge
From the underground to the V.I.P lounge
Celý crowd kričí "Woah", horí to keď zajebem show
The whole crowd screams "Woah", it burns when I rock the show
[?] je high, basy low
The beat is high, the bass is low
Tancujú hoes, tancujú bro′s
Hoes are dancing, bros are dancing
Toto skills, nepapám pills, nenosím Grillz, robíme deals
These are skills, I don't eat pills, I don't wear grills, we make deals
Chceme tie mills, bývame v hills, točím si reels
We want those mills, we live in the hills, I shoot reels
Konexov beat zajebem štýl, bude to zabité, bude to kill
Konex's beat I'll rock the style, it will be killed, it will be kill
Yeah, pln bag yeah yeah, pln bag yeah yeah
Yeah, fill the bag yeah yeah, fill the bag yeah yeah
Pln bag, pln bag, pln bag, yeah yeah
Fill the bag, fill the bag, fill the bag, yeah yeah
Pln bag yeah yeah, pln bag yeah yeah
Fill the bag yeah yeah, fill the bag yeah yeah
Pln bag, pln bag, pln bag, yeah yeah
Fill the bag, fill the bag, fill the bag, yeah yeah
Plním bag, mám plný pack
Filling the bag, I have a full pack
Z plných pľúc na celý svet kričím "Hey"
At the top of my lungs to the whole world I shout "Hey"
Aj keď viem, že ma nepočuješ a si tam niekde preč
Even though I know you can't hear me and you're somewhere far away
Príliš velké plány aj na malý svet
Plans too big even for a small world
Príliš málo času na tak nizký vek
Too little time for such a young age
keď som bol malý tak som vždy chcel trafiť stred
Even when I was young I always wanted to hit the target
Ale niekedy to nedáš a sa musíš vrátit späť
But sometimes you don't make it and you have to go back
Si v tom so mnou - to dobre viem
You're in it with me - I know it well
Čakám na ten deň, naplním bag, odídem preč
Waiting for that day, I'll fill the bag, I'll leave
Sicko moja hudba, plním bag
My music is sick, I'm filling the bag
Si v tom spolu so mnou každý deň
You're in it with me every day
Do rána každý z nás bude vibe mať
By morning each of us will be vibing
Hudba hraj, hudba znie all night
Music play, music sounds all night
Sicko moja hudba, plním bag, bag, bag,
My music is sick, I'm filling the bag, bag, bag,
Bag, bag
Bag, bag
Bag,bag, bag, bag, bag
Bag,bag, bag, bag, bag

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