Konex feat. Separ - Supernova - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Konex feat. Separ - Supernova

Supernova, je obrovská explózia na konci životného cyklu hviezdy
Supernova, is a massive explosion at the end of a star's life cycle
Tieto explózie dosť zriedkavé ale ak sa vyskytnú
These explosions are quite rare but when they occur
Môžu zatieniť celé galaxie
They can outshine entire galaxies
Pojem nova, čo znamená po latinsky nový
The term nova, which means new in Latin
Označuje, že sa objavuje ako nová,
Indicates that it appears as a new,
Veľmi jasná hviezda na nebeskej sfére
Very bright star on the celestial sphere
Pojem super ju odlišuje od obyčajnej novy
The term super distinguishes it from an ordinary nova
Chceš byť s nami no my e-e
You wanna be with us but we a-a
Nestíhaš ma e-e
You can't keep up with me a-a
Do rána v štúdiu robíme tam bomby
Till morning in the studio we drop bombs
V rape doma som, v tom vieme chodiť
I own this rap game, I can do this
Poznajú po hlasoch, ževraj to oni
They recognize our voices, they are who they say
Supernova flow, mám supernova flow
Supernova flow, I have supernova flow
Supernova flow, mám supernova flow
Supernova flow, I have supernova flow
Supernova flow, mám supernova flow
Supernova flow, I have supernova flow
Supernova flow, mám supernova flow
Supernova flow, I have supernova flow
Supernova flow a super moja hoe
Supernova flow and super is my hoe
Super nálada sa cítim ako nikdy predtým boy
Super mood I feel unlike never before boy
Môj flow letí high
My flow flies high
Jedenásť som mal keď som nahral na prvý mic čo bol ku Skype-u more
When I was eleven I recorded my first mic on my Skype boy
Shoutout to my mama, si vychovala bossa
Shoutout to my mom, you raised a boss
Boy bol som broke ale nechcel som tam ostať
Boy I was broke but I didn't want to stay there
Skúšali sme veci aj tak neni zo mňa troska
We tried things and I am not a mess
Dokázali sme to aj keď nemali sme fotra
We made it even though we didn't have a father
Na mojej ruke vykerovaný mŕtvy potkan
On my hand is a tattoo of a dead rat
Je to niečo jak keby som tam mal tvoju fotku
It's like I had your picture there
Chceš byť s nami, no my e-e
You wanna be with us, but we a-a
Nestíhaš ma, e-e
You can't keep up with me a-a
Do rána v štúdiu robíme tam bomby
Till morning in the studio we drop bombs
V rape doma som, v tom vieme chodiť
I own this rap game, I can do this
Poznajú po hlasoch, že vraj to oni
They recognize our voices, they are who they say
Supernova flow, mám supernova flow
Supernova flow, I have supernova flow
Supernova flow, mám supernova flow
Supernova flow, I have supernova flow
Supernova flow, mám supernova flow
Supernova flow, I have supernova flow
Supernova flow, mám supernova flow
Supernova flow, I have supernova flow
Všetci dobre vedia kto flowy, kto je Separ
Everybody knows who has the flows, who's Separ
To zviera nedá dokopy ani zverolekár
This animal can't be put together, not even by a veterinarian
Vždy keď som na beate je to vyjebaný prepal
Whenever I'm on a beat it's a fucking overkill
Že tento rok je tvoj, um, zase si len kecal
You said that this year is yours, um, you just bullshitted again
Zase si len trepal, je to nič
You just chattered, it's nothing
Tvoja? je jak jedna vec dokola, piča, riť
Yours? is like one thing over and over, cunt, ass
Stále jeden flow, viacej nevieš vyčariť
Still one flow, you can't do more
Sleduj ja mám full spektrum, more multi-vitamín
Watch me I have the full spectrum, boy multivitamin
Multivita heat, more jak ty vitalead
Multivita heat, boy like you are a vitalead
Vyber náhodné albumy a boy mal by som tam byť
Pick random albums, and boy I should be there
Všetci chcú mať feat, more nedivím sa
Everybody wants to have a feat, boy I'm not surprised
Vždy keď nastúpim na slohu s prehľadom pochovám beat (Kde si ty?)
Whenever I start in the verse, I bury the beat with ease (Where are you?)
Pome ďalej, skip, ty pojebaná guma
Let's go next, skip, you fucking gum
Vôbec neni skill triafať tempo ty čurák
There is no skill in hitting the tempo, you wanker
Napi sa vody, zrazu vyschla ti huba
Have some water, suddenly you're thirsty
si pochopil že si toy? No hurá
Did you realize you're a toy? Well, hurray
Chceš byť s nami, no my e-e
You wanna be with us, but we a-a
Nestíhaš ma, e-e
You can't keep up with me a-a
Do rána v štúdiu robíme tam bomby
Till morning in the studio we drop bombs
V rape doma som, v tom vieme chodiť
I own this rap game, I can do this
Poznajú po hlasoch, že vraj to voni
They recognize our voices, they are who they say
Supernova flow, mám supernova flow
Supernova flow, I have supernova flow
Supernova flow, mám supernova flow
Supernova flow, I have supernova flow
Supernova flow, mám supernova flow
Supernova flow, I have supernova flow
Supernova flow, mám supernova flow
Supernova flow, I have supernova flow
Flow ulalá, skáče celá sála
Flow la-di-da, the whole hall is jumping
Skáče celý dom, trase sa mi barák
The whole house is jumping, my house is shaking
Flow ulalá, rap mi nedá spať
Flow la-di-da, rap won't let me sleep
Bary lietajú mi v hlave
I have bars flying in my head
Dobré ráno, nahrávam to hneď keď vstanem
Good morning, this is the first thing I record when I get up
Dávam na nich tlak, môj flow au
I put a pressure on them, my flow hurts
Nikdy som nebol ten čo chce clout (Nikdy)
I never was the one who wants clout (Never)
Nevrátim sa back, nikdy down (Nikdy)
I'll never go back, never down (Never)
Mám ice in my veins, v žilách ľad
I have ice in my veins, an ice in my veins

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