Konex - IDEM NA STAGE - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Konex - IDEM NA STAGE

Mhm, jedna osem karát
Mhm, one eight carat
Tuním sa jak keby som na Tuning CAR AT
I'm tuning myself like I'm at Tuning CAR AT
Gucci belt, Gucci balaclava
Gucci belt, Gucci balaclava
Tvoja neschopnosť mi hrá do karát
Your inability plays into my hands
Chceš ma v klube, platba, takže zaplať
You want me in the club, pay me
Mhm, Dior boty, Dior Flacon, voní celý barák
Mhm, Dior shoes, Dior Flacon, the whole bar smells
V hlave toľko vecí, mám tam šalát
So many things in my head, I have a salad
Na zápästí tridsaťšesťka švabach
Thirty-six karat swag on my wrist
Chcem len drip, yeah
I just want drip, yeah
Chcem len love, chcem len drink, chceme klid
I just want love, I just want a drink, we want peace
Chcem len drip yeah-yeah
I just want drip yeah-yeah
Nemali sme nič, iba dobre je
We had nothing, now we're fine
Konex got ′em beatz doe
Konex got ′em beatz doe
Konex dneska v tvojom city
Konex in your city today
Jumpin' and jumpin′ v building
Jumpin' and jumpin′ in building
Voilà čarujem triky
Voilà I conjure tricks
Do rána pijeme drinky
We drink drinks until the morning
Idem na stage a hodím tam bombu
I go on stage and drop a bomb
Idem na stage a hodím tam bombu
I go on stage and drop a bomb
Idem na stage a hodím tam bombu
I go on stage and drop a bomb
Idem na stage a hodím tam- (Konev)
I go on stage and drop there- (Konev)
Skladám beat jak Lego
I compose a beat like Lego
Skladám nech mám bando
I compose to have a gang
Škola naučila iba jedno
School has taught me one thing
Že na zub dávam aurum
That I put aurum on my teeth
Bitch nekaz mi vibe, bitch nekaz mi auru
Bitch don't spoil my vibe, bitch don't spoil my aura
Máš stary zvuk bro, v minulom živote si bol dinosaurus
Your sound is old bro, in your past life you were a dinosaur
Ja sa necítim jak víťaz, aj tak búcham šampus
I don't feel like a winner, but I'm popping champagne anyway
Čúza hovorí daj bacha ma nezadus
The chick says be careful not to choke me
Ententýky čúza chce dicky
Ententyky chick wants dick
Od každého z nás je to normálne trápne
It's normally awkward from each of us
A padajú jeany a drží ich Gucci opasok
And the jeans fall down and are held by a Gucci belt
A cítim že my máme náskok
And I feel like we have the edge
Robíme cash, robíme moolah
We make cash, we make moolah
Keď život je kurva tak pôjde na 4 čúza
When life sucks, the chick is going to do it on all fours
Narobíš bordel tak si to uprac
If you make a mess, clean it up
To čo si vysypeš to si aj sfúkaš
What you pour out, you snort
Konex dneska v tvojom city
Konex in your city today
Jumpin' and jumpin' v building
Jumpin' and jumpin' in building
Voilà čarujem triky
Voilà I conjure tricks
Do rána pijeme drinky
We drink drinks until the morning
Idem na stage a hodím tam bombu
I go on stage and drop a bomb
Idem na stage a hodím tam bombu
I go on stage and drop a bomb
Idem na stage a hodím tam bombu
I go on stage and drop a bomb
Idem na stage a hodím tam-
I go on stage and drop there-
36 na mojej ruke, 96 na mojom krku
36 on my hand, 96 on my neck
Na stagi svietim jak blinker
I shine on stage like a blinker
Konex dneska v tvojom bloku
Konex in your block today
Beatmaker, rapper aj DJ a furt mi je málo (multifunkčný)
Beatmaker, rapper and DJ and it's still not enough for me (multifunctional)
23 rokov a robím to toľko, že cítim sa staro
23 years old and I've been doing it so much that I feel old
Ja sa nepretekám s nikým, pretekám sa iba sám so sebou
I'm not racing with anyone, I'm only racing with myself
Ja sa nepretekám s nikým, pretekám sa iba sám so sebou
I'm not racing with anyone, I'm only racing with myself
A to čo prísť, to príde, ja tlačím na to jak nám to príde
And what has to come, will come, I'm pushing for it to come to us
Poď, tu máš celý album, nie len singel
Come on, here's the whole album, not just a single
Poď, sadnite si, zapnite si seatbelt
Come on, sit down, fasten your seatbelt

Writer(s): Konex

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