Konsta - Bitta so'z - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Konsta - Bitta so'z

Bitta so'z
One Word
Bitta so'z bilan insonni, yo'qotish mumkin
One word can make you lose a person,
Bitta so'z bilan yurakga, yo'l topish mumkin
One word can make you find your way to the heart,
Bazan, Bitta so'z yurakga o'q otish mumkin
Sometimes, one word can shoot an arrow into the heart,
Bekorga so'zlama ko'p, bekorga otishma ko'p
There are too many words in vain, too many shots in vain.
Ey, Bitta so'z bilan insonni sindirish mumkin
Hey, one word can break a person,
Yoki o'ziga bo'lgan ishonch, singdirish mumkin
Or make him lose confidence in himself,
Bitta so'z bilan g'azab otiga, mindirish mumkin
One word can make him ride the horse of anger,
Yoki dengiz to'lqinlardek g'azabni, tindirish mumkin
Or one word can calm the anger like the waves of the sea.
Bitta so'z bilan insonni, qutqarish mumkin
One word can save a person,
Yoki dunyoni ostin ustun, to'ntarish mumkin
Or overturn the world upside down,
Bitta so'z bilan tugagan kayfiyatni, ko'tarish mumkin
One word can lift a fading mood,
Bitta so'z bilan sevib qolib, birga qarish mumkin
One word can make you fall in love and grow old together.
Bitta so'z bilan insonlar, yosharish mumkin
One word can make people younger,
Yoki bitta so'z bilan harorat, oshirish mumkin
Or one word can raise the temperature,
Bitta so'z bilan kulgan ko'zlarni, yosh qilish mumkin
One word can make laughing eyes cry,
O'ylab gapir, Bitta so'z bilan dunyoni, boshqarish mumkin
Think before you speak, one word can control the world.
Bitta so'z bilan bir umr, pushaymon bo'lish mumkin
One word can make you regret for a lifetime,
Bitta so'z bilan odam, hayvon bo'lish mumkin
One word can make a man a beast,
Bitta so'z bilan honavayron bo'lish mumkin
One word can make you homeless,
Bitta so'z qilgan ishlarga, bir umr hayron bo'lish mumkin
One word can make you wonder about your deeds for a lifetime.
Bitta so'z bilan harobalarni qasr qilish mumkin
One word can turn ruins into castles,
Bitta so'z bilan millionlarga tasir qilish mumkin
One word can affect millions,
Bitta so'zing uchun millionlar tazim qilishi mumkin
Millions can bow to your one word,
Bitta so'zni bazan butun umr hazm qilish mushkul
One word is sometimes difficult to digest for a lifetime.
Bitta so'zing bazan bo'lar hazil, bazida bo'lar hanjar
Your one word can sometimes be a joke, sometimes a dagger,
Bitta so'zing g'animat, ayta olmaganlar qancha
Your one word is a blessing, how many are unable to speak,
Yetolmaganlar qancha, bitta so'zni aytguncha
How many cannot reach, until they can say one word,
Bitta so'z butun olamu, sen uchun qanday tushuncha
What does one word mean to you, in the whole world?
Unutdingmi tegma, har bir so'zing g'animat
Have you forgotten, every word of yours is a blessing,
Bo'lar bo'masga gapirma
Don't talk about what's not there,
Kim uchundir gapira olish bir nemat
For some, being able to speak is a blessing.
Bitta so'z, yaxshi insondan yomongacha
One word, from good to bad,
Bitta so'z, bedor qilar ekan tonggacha
One word, wakes you up until dawn,
Bitta so'z, farishtadan shaytongacha
One word, from angel to demon,
Bitta so'z, eng pastdan osmongacha
One word, from the lowest to the heavens.
Bitta so'z, chin haqiqatdan yolg'ongacha
One word, from truth to lie,
Bitta so'z, chin muhabbatdan armongacha
One word, from true love to dream,
Bitta so'z, boshdagi musibatdan arqongacha
One word, from disaster to the rope,
Bitta so'z, singandan baxtli insongacha
One word, from broken to happy person.

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