Konsta - Insonlar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Konsta - Insonlar

Qarang, bu yulduzlar - ucha olgan odamlar
Look, these stars are people who can fly
Sonsiz tunu-kunduzlar bardosh bera olganlar
They've endured countless days and nights
Cheksiz tunu-kun izlab, o'ziga sodiq qolganlar
They've searched endlessly, day and night, remaining true to themselves
Qarang bu - yulduzlar, insonlar
Look, these are the stars, people
Qarang, bu yulduzlar - ucha olgan odamlar
Look, these stars are people who can fly
Sonsiz tunu-kunduzlar bardosh bera olganlar
They've endured countless days and nights
Cheksiz tunu-kun izlab, o'ziga sodiq qolganlar
They've searched endlessly, day and night, remaining true to themselves
Qarang bu - yulduzlar, insonlar
Look, these are the stars, people
Oldinda yo'l, faqat omad ko'rinmas
The road ahead, only luck is not visible
Sharif bu hobby, ko'pam urinma
This hobby is noble, don't try too much
Juda ko'p pul kerak, noldan qurilmas
You need a lot of money, it can't be built from scratch
Ishinga borib kel, yo'ldan burilma
Go to work and come back, don't deviate from the path
Uxlab olish kerak ishdan keyin
I need to sleep after work
Tekstlarni bosaman g'ishtdan keyin
I write lyrics after bricklaying
Nechi yildirki tanish yangi yil
New Year is familiar for many years
Yolg'iz nishonlayman ishdan keyin
I celebrate alone after work
Nechi marta o'zgardi kasbim, lekin o'zgarmadi hobby
My profession changed many times, but my hobby didn't
Qanaqa ish bo'lsa ham, keyin naushniklarda o'chgani yo'q beat
No matter what job I have, the beat in my headphones never turned off after
Nechi marta charchadim, lek ortga qaytib qabul qilmadim doping
How many times I got tired, but I didn't accept doping in return
Amallab chiqdim qiyshiq yo'ldan, shu bilan qaytib kirganim yo'q keyin
I got out of the crooked path, and I didn't go back then
Oyoqlardan sovuq o'tardi, lekin yulduzlarga bir qadam
The cold used to pass through my legs, but one step to the stars
Sabr qilsang 41 keladi deb, to'rt yilim o'tdi 40 da
I was patient, thinking that 41 would come, four years passed at 40
Bitta narsa qoldi omadgacha, shuni topda va tur qidir
One thing remains until luck comes, find it at the top and stand there
Boshqa tilda ayt deyishardi, o'zbeklarim o'zini yurtida
They told me to say it in another language, my Uzbeks in their own country
Boshlaganda yosh bola edim, endi bugun uyimda kutadi qizim
When I started, I was a young boy, now my daughter is waiting for me at home
Sen o'ylaysan meni omadim keldi, bu 10 yildan ko'proq tuzilgan tizim
You think my luck came, it's a system built over 10 years
Bugun nomim topadi ma'no, qatorlarim qoqadi qanot
Today my name finds meaning, my lines spread wings
Lek boshqalarni so'ramagin, ba'zida zo'rg'a ishondim o'zimga o'zim
But don't ask others, sometimes I barely believed in myself
Qarang, bu yulduzlar - ucha olgan odamlar
Look, these stars are people who can fly
Sonsiz tunu-kunduzlar bardosh bera olganlar
They've endured countless days and nights
Cheksiz tunu-kun izlab, o'ziga sodiq qolganlar
They've searched endlessly, day and night, remaining true to themselves
Qarang bu - yulduzlar, insonlar
Look, these are the stars, people
Qarang, bu yulduzlar - ucha olgan odamlar
Look, these stars are people who can fly
Sonsiz tunu-kunduzlar bardosh bera olganlar
They've endured countless days and nights
Cheksiz tunu-kun izlab, o'ziga sodiq qolganlar
They've searched endlessly, day and night, remaining true to themselves
Qarang bu - yulduzlar, insonlar
Look, these are the stars, people
(Qarang, bu yulduzlar - ucha olgan odamlar)
(Look, these stars are people who can fly)
(Sonsiz tunu-kunduzlar bardosh bera olganlar)
(They've endured countless days and nights)
(Cheksiz tunu-kun izlab, o'ziga sodiq qolganlar)
(They've searched endlessly, day and night, remaining true to themselves)
(Qarang bu - yulduzlar, insonlar)
(Look, these are the stars, people)

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