Konsta - Osmondagi oyim - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Konsta - Osmondagi oyim

Osmondagi oyim
My Moon in the Sky
Yolg'iz kezaman bu cho'lda
I'm alone in this desert
Osmondan ko'rinmaydi yulduzlar
Stars aren't visible in the sky
Bu kecha butun dunyo bo'lar qo'lda
Tonight the whole world is in my hands
Lekin meni o'ldiradi kunduzlar
But the day kills me
Betda kunduzlari juda ham issiq
The days are so hot in the desert
Ammo kelganida tun, muzlar
But when night comes, it's icy
Kechasi betda juda ham mazza
It's so good in the desert at night
Lekin nega o'ldiradi kunduzlar
But why does the day kill me
Men bilaman yo'lni
I know the way
Uzoqdan nimadir o'xshiydi mehmonxonaga
Something looks like an inn from afar
Kechagacha yetvolaman yoniga
I'll reach it by tomorrow night
Holdan toyib kelib ko'zimni ochsam ostonaga
I'll fall unconscious and open my eyes to the threshold
Bu ko'zga ko'ringan yolg'onakan
It's a lie in plain sight
Shu ahvol, betta takrorlanadi har kuni
This situation repeats itself every day in the desert
Meni tark etdi hamma, tark etganda fortuna
Everyone left me, fortune left me
Nimadur bor senda, hadeb cho'zma, chiqar shuni
There's something in you, stop dragging it out, reveal it
Shundan boshlash kerak edi, mavzuni
I should have started with this, the topic
Men kirgandim bir martaga, tezda qaytaman deb
I entered once, thinking I'd quickly return
Bilaman yo'lni, tez qaytaman, ko'p o'tirmiman deb
I know the way, I'll return quickly, I won't stay long
Endi har kun kechqurun, o'zimga aytaman ey
Now every evening, I say to myself, hey
Agar qayta olsam, qaytib boshqa kirmiman deb
If I could go back, I wouldn't enter again
Bu yer cho'l ekanligini, qayttanam bilay
I know this place is a desert, I'll return
Axir menga vada qilishgan ediku bog'lar
After all, they promised me gardens
Ertaga yana, tong otadi yana qaytadan o'laymi
Will tomorrow dawn again, will I die again?
Lek nima qilolaman, nimadur qo'limni bog'lar
But what can I do, something binds my hands
Meni bulutlar quchoqlar, ona qarang
Clouds embrace me, mother, look
Odamlar ucha olar, har kun takrorlanar
People can fly, it repeats every day
Yordam, yordam
Help, help
Ichimdan tovushsiz nola, meni qutqar
Silent cry from within, save me
Meni qutqar, meni qutqar
Save me, save me
Bo'masa bu bir umrga qolar
Otherwise, it will stay with me for a lifetime
Osmondagi oyim
My moon in the sky
O'zing menga yo'lni ko'rsat
Show me the way yourself
Axir bor dunyoda joyim
After all, I have a place in the world
O'lsam kimdir bo'larmi xursand
Would anyone be happy if I die
Osmondagi oyim
My moon in the sky
Men bu yerdan keta olmayman bir o'zim
I can't leave this place alone
Osmondagi oyim
My moon in the sky
Meni yo qutqarasan yo o'ldirasan
Either you save me or you kill me
Zulmatdaman yo'llarim yorit
I'm in the dark, illuminate my path
O'zing ishonganim, o'zing borim
You're my hope, you're my existence
Ko'zlarim ko'rmas atrof qopqora
My eyes don't see, the surroundings are pitch black
Lekin qiynalsam ham, berma dori
But even if I'm in pain, don't give me medicine
Men zulmatdaman yo'llarim yorit
I'm in the dark, illuminate my path
O'zing ishonganim, o'zing borim
You're my hope, you're my existence
Ko'zlarim ko'rmas atrof qopqora
My eyes don't see, the surroundings are pitch black
Lekin qiynalsam ham, berma dori
But even if I'm in pain, don't give me medicine
(Berma dori, o'o'o'o'o'o')
(Don't give me medicine, o'o'o'o'o'o')

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