Kontra Marín feat. Zaki - Raza Maldita - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kontra Marín feat. Zaki - Raza Maldita

Raza Maldita
Damned Race
Somos una raza máldita
We are a damned race
Que se está muriendo y no recapacita
That is dying and does not reconsider
Con un corazón que ya casi no palpita
With a heart that almost no longer beats
Que no acepta amor aunque lo necesita
That doesn't accept love even though it needs it
Una raza máldita
A damned race
Que se está muriendo y no recapacita
That is dying and does not reconsider
Con un corazón que ya casi no palpita
With a heart that almost no longer beats
Que no acepta amor aunque lo necesita
That doesn't accept love even though it needs it
Todo se complica
Everything gets complicated
Escribo esto porque nada me tranquiliza
I write this because nothing calms me down
Ni siquiera es necesario ver las noticias
It is not even necessary to see the news
Cómo llegamos a esto ¿Alguien me explica?
How did we get to this? Can someone explain it to me?
Una madre grita porque a su hijito lo mataron
A mother screams because her little son was killed
Lo encontraron sin cabeza y con 3 disparos
They found him headless and with 3 shots
Claro, es triste que esto suene tan común
Of course, it's sad that this sounds so common
Canto un blues
I sing a blues
Por los inocentes en un ataúd ¡Ajá!
For the innocent in a coffin Aha!
No pasa un día sin que escuche una sirena pasar
Not a day goes by without hearing a siren go by
Y piense que podría ser yo el que va ahí dentro
And think that it could be me who goes in there
Todos corren el riesgo de que les tiren a matar
Everyone runs the risk of being shot to death
Constantemente llueve sangre en el pavimento
Blood constantly rains on the pavement
Hay tanto niño hambriento, esperando la muerte
There are so many hungry children, waiting for death
Detrás hay un congreso lleno de delincuentes
Behind there is a congress full of criminals
Ya no tenemos miedo, tampoco presidente
We are no longer afraid, nor president
Van unos cuantos presos, vamos por el siguiente
A few are in jail, let's go for the next one
Somos una raza máldita
We are a damned race
Que se está muriendo y no recapacita
That is dying and does not reconsider
Con un corazón que ya casi no palpita
With a heart that almost no longer beats
Que no acepta amor aunque lo necesita
That doesn't accept love even though it needs it
Una raza máldita
A damned race
Que se está muriendo y no recapacita
That is dying and does not reconsider
Con un corazón que ya casi no palpita
With a heart that almost no longer beats
Que no acepta amor aunque lo necesita
That doesn't accept love even though it needs it
Miro la balanza, el dinero no alcanza,
I look at the scale, the money is not enough
Los niños se duermen sin nada en la panza
The children go to sleep with nothing in their belly
Mi hermano descansa,
My brother rests
Mi madre y su falsa resignación alzan mis
My mother and her false resignation raise my
Ganas de apagar con fuego ésta sed de venganza
Desire to quench with fire this thirst for revenge
He visto los niños cruzando los ríos,
I have seen the children crossing the rivers
Muriendo de frío, buscando un futuro mejor
Dying of cold, looking for a better future
Vida sin anestesia
Life without anesthesia
Me envuelven escalofríos al ver que ya no
Chills envelop me when I see that I no longer
Sonrío cuando recuerdo a mi tío alejarse en la bestia
Smile when I remember my uncle leaving on the beast
Pistolas, cuchillas, ladrón, policía
Guns, knives, thief, police
Buscar las tortillas
Look for the tortillas
Asaltos de día
Daylight robbery
Memorias expuestas
Exposed memories
Casi ni comía, casi ni dormía
I hardly ate, I hardly slept
Nadie me quería
Nobody loved me
Busqué la pandilla y no me dio respuestas
I looked for the gang and it didn't give me answers
Se agrandan las minas
Mines are getting bigger
Quizás de la mina
Maybe from the mine
Invaden palestina
They invade Palestine
Pa' hacer gasolina
To make gasoline
Estamos consumidos
We are consumed
Esto no termina,
This is not over
La raza latina que no le combina piel al presidente de estados unidos
The Latino race that does not match the skin to the president of the united states
A pesar de escucharla y ver la muerte siempre,
Despite hearing it and seeing death always
No han podido borrar la sonrisa en nuestra gente
They have not been able to erase the smile on our people
Ya no tenemos miedo
We are no longer afraid
Tampoco presidente
Neither president
Van unos cuantos presos, vamos por el siguiente
A few are in jail, let's go for the next one
Somos una raza máldita
We are a damned race
Que se está muriendo y no recapacita
That is dying and does not reconsider
Con un corazón que ya casi no palpita
With a heart that almost no longer beats
Que no acepta amor aunque lo necesita
That doesn't accept love even though it needs it
Una raza máldita
A damned race
Que se está muriendo y no recapacita
That is dying and does not reconsider
Con un corazón que ya casi no palpita
With a heart that almost no longer beats
Que no acepta amor aunque lo necesita
That doesn't accept love even though it needs it
Aquí casi todos nacen condenados
Here almost everyone is born condemned
Vivir con miedo no es normal pero es lo cotidiano porque si hay un
Living in fear is not normal but it is the everyday because if there is a
"Dios" de nosotros se ha olvidado y queda
"God" he has forgotten about us and it is
Claro al ver la cantidad de muertos soterrados
Clear to see the number of dead buried
De inocentes en la cárcel
Innocents in jail
De niñas que han quemado
Of girls that have been burned
Esas muertes fueron culpa del Estado
Those deaths were the fault of the State
La violencia y la pobreza no digamos
Violence and poverty, let's not say
Sabemos que no basta con sentirnos
We know that it is not enough to feel
Indignados, hay que hacer algo al respecto
Outraged, something must be done about it
No cambiará el trayecto
It won't change the journey
Es momento de sacar a tanto funcionario inepto y ese grupo de
It is time to remove so many inept officials and that group of
Corruptos vividores que no piensan
Corrupt profiteers who don't think
En la gente y siguen robando millones
About the people and keep stealing millions
Mientras el pueblo emigra porque aquí ya no hay opciones y
While the people emigrate because here there are no longer options and
Hay menores que son madres producto de violaciones
There are minors who are mothers as a result of rape
Así quieren decirnos que tienen las soluciones
That's how they want to tell us they have the solutions
En éstas condiciones no queremos elecciones
In these conditions we do not want elections
No queremos bendiciones
We don't want blessings
Aquí nos faltan acciones
Here we lack actions
Pues en las tragedias no sirven las oraciones
Well, prayers don't work in tragedies
Ya no bastan las canciones
Songs are no longer enough
Aquí nos faltan acciones
Here we lack actions
Mientras mi tía y mi prima sigan presas sin razones.
As long as my aunt and cousin remain imprisoned for no reason.

Writer(s): Danny Marin

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