Danny Marin & Josepestañas - Autosabotaje - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Danny Marin & Josepestañas - Autosabotaje

Hoy no voy a pensar en lo que me
Today I'm not going to think about what
Hace mal tengo que respirar para despegar
Hurts me, I have to breathe to take off.
Es mi oportunidad de dejar todo atras hoy vamos a brindar para olvidar
It's my opportunity to leave everything behind, today we're going to toast to forget.
Hoy no voy a pensar en lo que me hace mal
Today I'm not going to think about what hurts me.
Prende para despegar
Light up to take off.
Es mi oportunidad de dejar todo atras
It's my opportunity to leave everything behind.
Brinda para olvidar (olvidar)
Toast to forget (forget).
Prende para despegar (despegar)
Light up to take off (take off).
Brinda para olvidar (olvidar)
Toast to forget (forget).
Que aqui todo sigue igual (sigue igual)
Because here everything remains the same (remains the same).
Parece que nada va a cambiar
It seems like nothing is going to change.
Pasame uno más para olvidar
Pass me one more to forget.
Hoy vamos a dejarlo todo atras
Today we're going to leave everything behind.
No hay doble moral
There's no double standard.
Nadie va a juzgar
No one is going to judge.
Hoy estamos aca para celebrar
Today we're here to celebrate.
Aunque hasta el momento pocas cosas tienen sentido
Although so far few things make sense.
Tal vez no estas satisfecho con como te has sentido
Maybe you're not satisfied with how you've been feeling.
Está es la oportunidad de elegir tu destino
This is the opportunity to choose your destiny.
No seas otro mas de los que viven arrepentidos
Don't be another one of those who live with regrets.
Pues seguimos vivos Kontra toda expectativa
Well, we're still alive against all odds.
Eso merece un trago y sacar la mejor sativa
That deserves a drink and to take out the best sativa.
La fiesta prendida y la banda pérdida con la
The party's on fire and the band's lost with the
Iniciativa tomando hasta la muerte celebrando la vida
Initiative, drinking till death, celebrating life.
Yo ya no siento el cuerpo, cuerpo
I can't feel my body anymore, body.
Solo estas sustancias me mantienen despierto
Only these substances keep me awake.
Quiero demostrar que es cierto
I want to prove that it's true.
Que puedes ser feliz y morir en el intento
That you can be happy and die trying.
Hoy no voy a pensar en lo que me
Today I'm not going to think about what
Hace mal tengo que respirar para despegar
Hurts me, I have to breathe to take off.
Es mi oportunidad de dejar todo atras
It's my opportunity to leave everything behind.
Hoy vamos a brindar para olvidar
Today we're going to toast to forget.
Hoy no voy a pensar en lo que me hace mal no
Today I'm not going to think about what hurts me, no.
Prende para despegar
Light up to take off.
Es mi oportunidad de dejar todo atras
It's my opportunity to leave everything behind.
Brinda para olvidar (olvidar)
Toast to forget (forget).
Prende para descargar (despegar)
Light up to take off (take off).
Brinda para olvidar (olvidar)
Toast to forget (forget).
Porque aqui todo sigue igual (sigue igual)
Because here everything remains the same (remains the same).
Y parece que nada va a cambiar
And it seems like nothing is going to change.
No puedo seguir asi
I can't go on like this.
No puedo
I can't.
Tengo tanto que decir
I have so much to say.
Ya no puedo seguir así
I can't go on like this anymore.
Con tanto miedo de vivir
With so much fear of living.
Sin recordar que es ser feliz
Without remembering what it is to be happy.
Estoy cansado de fingir
I'm tired of pretending.
Ya no puedo seguir así
I can't go on like this anymore.
Ya no, ya no
No more, no more.
Con tanto miedo de vivir
With so much fear of living.
Ya no, ya no
No more, no more.
Sin recordar que es ser feliz
Without remembering what it is to be happy.
Ya no, ya no
No more, no more.
Ya no puedo seguir asi
I can't go on like this anymore.
Ya no, ya no
No more, no more.
Auque en realidad por dentro estás mal tu mente es necia
Though you're actually bad inside, your mind is stubborn.
Y crees que con un trago tal vez consigues amnesia
And you think that maybe with a drink you'll get amnesia.
Ya buscaste antes y no encontraste anestesia
You've searched before and you haven't found anesthesia.
No puedes ignorar las voces en tu cabeza
You can't ignore the voices in your head.
Las heridas no se curan solo con cerveza
Wounds don't heal with just beer.
Ni con un par de lineas o pastillas en la mesa
Nor with a couple of lines or pills on the table.
Tampoco en linea preocupado por lo que otros piensan
Not even online, worried about what others think.
Yo hice las tres y mas tristeza fue mi recompensa
I did all three, and more sadness was my reward.
No te alejes de tu familia no desaparezcas
Don't walk away from your family, don't disappear.
Ni hagas de menos a alguien mas por mas que tu crezcas
And don't belittle anyone else, no matter how much you grow.
Todo da vueltas
Everything comes around.
Si lo digo es por experiencia
If I say so, it's from experience.
Que no debemos juzgar por las apariencias
That we shouldn't judge by appearances.
Porque cuando menos lo esperas
Because when you least expect it,
Algun conocido que tu veias tan tranquilo escoge el suicidio
Someone you knew who seemed so calm chooses suicide.
Otros lo escogimos lento con un cigarrillo
Others of us choose it slowly with a cigarette.
Otros prefieren de inmediato jalar el gartillo
Others prefer to pull the trigger right away.
Es un autosabotaje
It's self-sabotage.
Desde adentro te destruye
It destroys you from the inside.
Por eso no huyes no tienes el coraje
That's why you don't run away, you don't have the courage.
Pero aunque el medio influye yo
But even though the environment influences me,
Ya no puedo seguir asi
I can't go on like this anymore.
Con tanto miedo de vivir
With so much fear of living.
Sin recordar que ser feliz
Without remembering to be happy.
Estoy cansado de fingir
I'm tired of pretending.
Ya no puedo seguir asi
I can't go on like this anymore.
Ya no, ya no
No more, no more.
Con tanto miedo de vivir
With so much fear of living.
Ya no, ya no
No more, no more.
Sin recordar que es ser feliz
Without remembering what it is to be happy.
Ya no, ya no
No more, no more.
Ya no puedo seguir asi
I can't go on like this anymore.
Ya no, ya no
No more, no more.
Ya no puedo
I can't.
Ya no puedo
I can't.
Ya no puedo
I can't.
Ya no puedo mas
I can't anymore.

Writer(s): Danny Marin

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