Kontrafakt - Bozk na rozlúčku - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kontrafakt - Bozk na rozlúčku

Bozk na rozlúčku
Kiss Goodbye
Pamatám si to brácho, vidím to teraz
I remember it bro, I see it now
Jediné čo po mne zostalo v bare bola sekera
The only thing left of me in the bar was an ax
Bol to začiatok plavby
It was the beginning of the voyage
Bol to večer pravdy
It was the evening of truth
Chcel som čo nemohol každý
I wanted what not everyone could have
Chcel som tu zostať navždy
I wanted to stay here forever
Chcel som sa vykričať ľudu na plnú hubu
I wanted to shout out to the people at the top of my lungs
Občas to tak proste citim keď pičujem bez studu, chcel som ovplyvniť svet, chcel som ho pokoriť viem
Sometimes I just feel it when I drink without shame, I wanted to influence the world, I wanted to conquer it, I know
Neprichádza to hneď, veď nestačí iba chcet
It doesn't come today, you know, it's not enough just to want
Aj tak ma dneska vidiš stát s usmevom na tvari
You still see me standing with a smile on my face today
Dakedy sa to musí stať dakedy sa to podari
Sometimes it has to happen, sometimes it works out
Občas sa umeje šťastie, občas je to ťažšie
Sometimes luck smiles, sometimes it's harder
Bojujeme jak víme, neni to jednoznačne
We fight as we know how, it's not clear
Sme spet sme najlepší, všeckých sme potopili
We're back, we're the best, we drowned everyone
Aj tak nepotrebujem aby to o nas hovorili
I don't need them to talk about us anyway
Chcem len aby to vedeli a občas podporili
I just want them to know and sometimes support
Chcem len svoje prijebané meno v histórii (V historii)
I just want my fucking name in history (In history)
Ani nevim a ubehlo sedem rokov
I don't even know, seven years have passed
Asi milion cigaret mi zhorelo na popol
Probably a million cigarettes burned to ashes
Z týchto troch kkotov vidiš čo vzišlo potom
You see what came out of these three pricks then
Z detskej izby na pätnásť tisícový kotol
From the children's room to a fifteen thousand cauldron
Preto vytahujem vlajku Kontrafakt
That's why I'm raising the Kontrafakt flag
Nehavam ju stát vo vetre, vidiš ju viať
I'm letting it stand in the wind, you see it waving
Toto bol ten plán, to bola ta taktika
This was the plan, this was the tactic
Toto je jbo, pičus, hnus, toto je klasika
This is jbo, dickhead, filth, this is classic
Vidiš ma letet, tak naše ruky sa nemožu chycit
You see me flying, so our hands can't hold
Nepočujem tvoje slova, sme daleko v pči
I don't hear your words anymore, we're far away, bitch
Vidíš ma stat a z dálky ti mávat
You see me standing and waving at you from afar
sa nikdy nevrátim, možte ma oplakávat
I'll never come back, you can mourn me
Sedíme na vrchole sveta a z chuti sa smejem
We sit on top of the world and laugh heartily
Na vaše zúfalecke mindráky dávno jebem
I've been fucking your desperate grievances for a long time
Rozvadzam sa s vami, vracam moju obručku
I'm divorcing you, I'm returning my wedding ring
Daj si facku, davam ti bozk na rozlúčku
Slap yourself, I'm giving you a kiss goodbye
Stojím tu sam ako vojak v poli
I stand here alone like a soldier in the field
V ruke držim mikrofon, moja zbraň cítim ako horí
I hold a microphone in my hand, my weapon feels like it's burning
Naboje su moje fakty kerým možeš verit
The bullets are my facts you can believe
Toto neni prázde frázy, to čisté strely
These are not empty phrases, they are clean shots
Nepomože ci ani šiltovka čo nosíš v klipe
It won't help if you even have a vest you wear in the clip
Rozjbem ci ju v zuboch ocitne sa v realite
I'll smash it in your teeth, you'll feel it in reality
Do repu som zajebal milióny
I fucked millions into rap
Za posledný rok som zarobil tri milióny
I made three million in the last year
Možte ma fakovat, vy male kotóny
You can fuck me, you little kittens
Ja žerem sushi, a vy žerete len makaróny
I eat sushi, and you only eat macaroni
Vaše malé egá chcu stale se mnu bojovat
Your little egos always want to fight with me
Ja sa vam smejem do huby možte sa pojebat
I'm laughing in your face, you can go fuck yourselves
Deťom sa ťažko počúvaju moje slová (Yeah)
It's hard for children to listen to my words (Yeah)
Pravda bolí, svoje predsudky si možes skovat
The truth hurts, you can hide your prejudices
Ze scenu sa neporovnávam ani nahodou
I don't compare myself to the scene by any chance
Každý že Kontrafakt je davno za vodou
Everyone knows that Kontrafakt is far ahead
Keď stojím na podiu tak reperi nechcu existovat
When I stand on stage, rappers don't want to exist
Moja šou je top, po mne nikto nechce vystupovat
My show is top, no one wants to perform after me
Robí si nervy s tým si nelám hlavu
Don't worry about it
Povedz mame nech ti kupi album, dam ti zlavu
Tell your mom to buy you an album, I'll give you a discount
Kontrafakt ti ponúka nič ine iba pravdu
Kontrafakt offers you nothing but the truth
Ja som skutočný a prezentujem moju bandu
I am real and I represent my gang
Tvoj prijbaný Tatko records, tri špinavé mená
Your fucked up Tatko records, three dirty names
Bez tejto skupiny repova scena vela neznamená
Without this group, the rap scene doesn't mean much
Je toho vela čo som spravil, to mi nezebereš
There's a lot I've done, you can't take that away from me
Keby som teraz skončil v repe tak ma nedobehneš, opisujem život, to je moja taktika
If I quit rap now you wouldn't catch me, I describe life, that's my tactic
Ego, Rytmus, Anys, vyjebana klasika
Ego, Rytmus, Anys, fucking classic
Vidiš ma letet, tak naše ruky sa nemožu chycic
You see me flying, so our hands can't hold
Nepočujem tvoje slova, sme daleko v piči
I don't hear your words anymore, we're far away, bitch
Vidiš ma stat a z dálky ti mávat
You see me standing and waving at you from afar
sa nikdy nevrátim, možte ma oplakávat
I'll never come back, you can mourn me
Sedíme na vrchole sveta a z chuti sa smejem
We sit on top of the world and laugh heartily
Na vaše zúfalecke mindráky dávno jebem
I've been fucking your desperate grievances for a long time
Rozvadzam sa s vami, vracam moju obručku
I'm divorcing you, I'm returning my wedding ring
Daj si facku, davam ti bozk na rozlúčku
Slap yourself, I'm giving you a kiss goodbye

Writer(s): Michal Straka, Rytmus Rytmus

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