Kontrafakt - Ideme Dnu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kontrafakt - Ideme Dnu

Ideme Dnu
Going In
Zapálim puf, puf
I'll light a joint, joint
Za nami húf
My crew's behind me
Vyfúknem kruh
I'll blow a circle
Ideme dnu
We're going in
Ideme dnu
We're going in
Horúci vzduch, uff
Hot air, whew
40 plus
40 plus
Dáme si džús
Let's get some juice
Pome na luft
Let's go outside
Vonku je kľud
It's quiet outside
Len basy že tuc tuc tuc,
Just bass thumping, thump, thump, thump
Znovu mám chuť
I'm feeling it again
Kvalitný klub
A quality club
Poriadny zvuk
Dope sound
Za nami hood
My crew's behind me
Dali sme sľub
We made a pact
Že budeme tu, furt
That we'll be here, forever
Snedý muž
Brown guy
Biely chrup
White teeth
Štíhly trup
Lithe body
Ready to fuck
Ready to fuck
Ready to fuck you,
Ready to fuck you
Žena jak lusk
A woman like a dream
Dajme si pusu
Let's kiss
Hovorí, ľúb
She says, "Love me
Nie len sľubuj
Don't just promise
Milujú luxus
They love luxury
Preto tu
That's why they're here
Chcú v posteli bum bum bum
They want to do it in bed, boom, boom, boom
Robíme hudbu
We make music
Robili hluk
Made some noise
Na autách vroom, vroom, vroom
In our cars, vroom, vroom, vroom
Jazdím na prúd
I ride the wave
Na Tesle zoom, zoom, zoom
In my Tesla, zoom, zoom, zoom
Zapálim puf
I'll light a joint
Za nami húf
My crew's behind me
Vyfúknem kruh
I'll blow a circle
Ideme dnu
We're going in
Zapálim puf
I'll light a joint
Za nami húf
My crew's behind me
Vyfúknem kruh
I'll blow a circle
Ideme dnu
We're going in
Meníme kurz more
We're changing course, baby
Idem cez Ducové
I'm going through Ducové
AMG+ človek
AMG+ man
Kolesá cukrové
Sugar-coated wheels
5 liter, zvuk, choré
5 liters, sick sound
Cítim ten puch, olej
I smell that stench, oil
Na pedál dup, pome
Hit the gas, let's go
Silu jak bull, olé.
Power like a bull, olé
Pusti ma dnu, čoro
Let me in, man
Aj keď je utorok
Even though it's Tuesday
Neni som raklo
I'm not a loser
No nechcem nič učoro
But I don't want to mooch
Nechcem ich čúčo
I don't want their money
Čistý jak Bengoro
Clean as Bengoro
Istý aj tento rok
Still going strong this year
Budoval ten pokrok za krokom
Built this success step by step
Rok čo rok som bol sám, neporo...
Year after year I was alone, unyielding...
Kurapťa múja
My little lady
Tekashi fúha
Tekashi, wow
Vlasy jak dúha
Hair like a rainbow
Hlasy jak trúba
Voices like a trumpet
Snitchuje úha
Snitching, oh no
Jak ten mlok hrúza
Like a disgusting newt
Na svojho jeblého uja
On his own crazy uncle
Na toho chúja.
On that asshole
Patino kiss pre moju bitch
Patino kiss for my bitch
S Jasmínou stojím pred Yasminom peace
With Jasmine, I'm standing in front of Yasmin, peace
Máme chuť na život, stále kam ísť
We're hungry for life, always somewhere to go
Raz je to kasíno, nechávam tips.
Sometimes it's the casino, I leave tips
Hladný jak rys
Hungry as a wolf
Vyprážaný syr
Fried cheese
Tlstý a hlavatý daj double-cheese
Fat and bald, give me a double-cheese
Aspoň raz do roka musí dať klis
At least once a year he has to give an enema
Vyprázdnim črevo a dotknem sa hvízd
I empty my bowels and touch the stars
Zapálim puf
I'll light a joint
Za nami húf
My crew's behind me
Vyfúknem kruh
I'll blow a circle
Ideme dnu
We're going in
Zapálim puf
I'll light a joint
Za nami húf
My crew's behind me
Vyfúknem kruh
I'll blow a circle
Ideme dnu
We're going in

Writer(s): Michal Straka, Michal Mariak, Patrick Vrbovsky, Odrej Benacka

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