Kontrafakt - Jaké by to bolo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kontrafakt - Jaké by to bolo

Jaké by to bolo
What Would It Be Like
Nemôžeš vrátiť minulosť beriem ju takú - akú,
You can't bring back the past, I take it as it is,
Nemôžeš ovplyvniť tie sekundy strateného času.
You can't influence those seconds of lost time.
Nerýp sa v osude, bud v klude čo bude to bude,
Don't dig in fate, be calm, what will be will be,
Ponúkam moje srdce vytrhnuté z mojej hrude.
I offer you my heart, torn from my chest.
To čo som zmenil som robil to čo sa dalo,
What I changed I did what I could,
Ostatné je v Božích rukách, to sa stať malo.
The rest is in God's hands, it was meant to be.
Lenže jaké by to bolo, tak povedz Bože?
But what would it be like, so tell me God?
Ogrcané, osrané vydličky a nože...
Vomit-covered, shit-stained forks and knives...
Aké by to bolo keby sa foter nevyjebal na mamu?
What would it be like if my dad didn't screw mom?
Bol by som horší? Lepší? Komu by som držal stranu?
Would I be worse? Better? Whose side would I take?
Aké by bolo keby som nepísal rýmy,
What would it be like if I didn't write rhymes,
Chodil do roboty (nééé) dennodenne s pocitami zlými.
Went to work (nooo) every day with bad feelings.
Aké by to bolo keby som mal mrtolou decko
What would it be like if I had a dead child
Bol by som doebany z kostola moj zivot secko
I would be fucked up, from the church, my whole life
Ake by bolo keby som nehresil bol by som ako Vec
What would it be like if I didn't sin, I would be like Vec
Nikdo by ma neriesil
No one would care about me
Ake by to bolo keby nebol Kontrafakt
What would it be like if there was no Kontrafakt
Marne by ste vsteci cakali kto prelomi lad
You would all be waiting in vain for someone to break the ice
Moj talent, moja zbran, moja hudba, moj chram
My talent, my weapon, my music, my temple
To je jedine co mam preto vam sa spovedam
That's all I have, so I confess to you
Ake by to bolo keby som nemal vasu podporu
What would it be like if I didn't have your support
Mozno by to islo dolu spolu celime odporu/nenene/
Maybe it would go down together facing all the resistance/no no no/
Nechce sa mi pytat
I don't want to ask
Uz mi z toho more/jejeje/
I'm already sick of it/yeah yeah yeah/
Jee mi z toho co uz neovplyvnis, nevratis spat
I'm sick of what you can't influence, can't bring back
Ake by bolo keby minulost sa dala vratit
What would it be like if the past could be returned
Moj osud by som s nikym nemenil nechcem ho stratit
I wouldn't change my destiny with anyone, I don't want to lose it
Moj zivot v rukach pevne drzim a som hrdy
I hold my life firmly in my hands and I'm proud
Pozeram sa iba dopredu a chcem byt prvy
I only look ahead and I want to be first
Ake by to bolo keby som sa mohol vracic s5
What would it be like if I could go back
Aspon rok aspon mesac aspon tyzden aspon den
At least a year, at least a month, at least a week, at least a day
Ale zivot ide dalej nejde zvratit sled
But life goes on, the sequence can't be reversed
Udalosti cinov sklamanie viem
Events, actions, disappointment I know
Ze sa neneham zlomit hrdo kracam vpred
That I won't let myself be broken, I walk proudly forward
Nebojim sa prehier nebojim sa zmien
I'm not afraid of losing, I'm not afraid of changes
Lebo zivot ide dalej nejde zvratit svet
Because life goes on, the world can't be reversed
Jake by to bolo to sa nikdy nedozviem
What it would be like I'll never know
Jake by to bolo keby som si bol vybral inu cestu
What would it be like if I had chosen a different path
Hoci jaku inu mozno horsiu mozno lepsiu
Although what other maybe worse maybe better
Nebol by som nejaky muzikant pre par ludi umelec
I wouldn't be some kind of musician, an artist for a few people
Bol by som nejaky šuflikant daco umele
I would be some kind of craftsman, something artistic
Daco slusne co by sa lubilo mojej mame
Something decent that my mother would like
Je to v pii ze sa nezavdacis nikdy seckym je to dane
It's in the pee that you'll never please everyone, it's given
Keby som nebol Ego ale obycajny Michal
If I wasn't Ego but ordinary Michal
Bol by to obycajny zivot a nie Dolce Vita
It would be an ordinary life and not Dolce Vita
Keby som bol jednoduchy zaradeny v dave
If I was simple, ranked in the crowd
Kolke temy by pre mna boli nepoznane
How many topics would be unknown to me
Nevedel by som co je to fame co je to byt vzor
I wouldn't know what fame is, what it's like to be a role model
Co je to zit dokonaly sen
What it's like to live a perfect dream
Ale mal by som vacej casu a vacej kludu
But I would have more time and more peace
Na ludi kerym na mne fakt zalezi a vzdy tu budu
For people who really care about me and will always be there
Mozno by som nebol skazil tolko decek
Maybe I wouldn't have spoiled so many kids
Ale spolocnost by nikdy nevedela jak je to fakt vo svete
But society would never know how it really is in the world
Keby som namiesto pravdy robil ody na lasky
If instead of the truth I made odes to love
Nemal by som odpovede na secky otazky kere fakt jeu ludi
I wouldn't have answers to all the questions that people really have
Mozno by sa mali zamysliet ti druhi a prestat vynasat sudy
Maybe those others should think and stop passing judgment
Niekedy ked som sam rozmyslam jake by to mohlo byt
Sometimes when I'm alone, I wonder what it could be like
Keby som mohol daco zmenit po pripade napravit
If I could change something, maybe fix it
Vracic sa s5 o par dni stary ne
I'm going back a few days old no
Nechcem nic za secko dobre zle som vdacny nechcem ne
I don't want anything for everything good bad I'm grateful I don't want no
Ake by to bolo keby som sa mohol vracic s5
What would it be like if I could go back
Aspon rok aspon mesac aspon tyzden aspon den
At least a year, at least a month, at least a week, at least a day
Ale zivot ide dalej nejde zvratit sled
But life goes on, the sequence can't be reversed
Udalosti cinov sklamanie viem
Events, actions, disappointment I know
Ze sa neneham zlomit hrdo kracam vpred
That I won't let myself be broken, I walk proudly forward
Nebojim sa prehier nebojim sa zmien
I'm not afraid of losing, I'm not afraid of changes
Lebo zivot ide dalej nejde zvratit svet
Because life goes on, the world can't be reversed
Jake by to bolo to sa nikdy nedozviem
What it would be like I'll never know

Writer(s): Rytmus

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