Kontrafakt - Strýček Jonatán - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kontrafakt - Strýček Jonatán

Strýček Jonatán
Uncle Jonathan
Myslím na Boha každý deň, dodáva mi silu,
I think about God every day, He gives me strength,
Posledné roky žijem s ním každú voľnú chvíľu.
In recent years, I live with Him every free moment.
Ďakujem za každé to ráno, že sa budím živý,
Thank you for every morning that I wake up alive,
že nemám vozík jak pie a nejsom krivý.
That I don't have a wheelchair like a pie and I'm not crooked.
Nechcem sa smáť, vóbec, brácho, nerobím si piu,
I don't want to laugh, brother, I'm not kidding at all,
Som pripravený čeliť osudu, čo núkami tu.
I'm ready to face destiny, what fates are here.
Sme iba pútnici, čo putujú po zemeguli,
We are just pilgrims wandering the globe,
Nemám 140kilovú hlavu ako Kuli.
I don't have a 140-kilogram head like a Kuli.
Nemóžem vedeť, kedy pride osudová rana,
I can't know when the fateful blow will come,
Pokorne žijem s tým a nechám to na mojho pána,
I live humbly with it and leave it to my master,
Dokonca života si každý hľadá svoju cestu,
Until the end of life, everyone is looking for their way,
Hľadá významy a nepouži záchrannú vestu.
Is looking for meanings and will not use a life jacket.
Nikto Ti nepomóže, budeš na to, brácho, sám,
Nobody will help you, you will be alone with it, brother,
Maj silnú psychiku, nečo po sebe zanechám,
Have a strong psyche, I will leave something behind,
Urob všetko preto, aby cesta mala zmyseľ,
Do everything to make the journey meaningful,
Nebuď dlžníkom, aby si nikomu nič nevisel.
Don't be a debtor so that you don't owe anyone anything.
Život je divadlo, v kerom hrá každý hladnú rolu,
Life is a theater in which everyone plays a hungry role,
Nenič si pád, smerom krky, brácho, drž sa dolu.
Don't break your neck, brother, keep your head down.
Móžeš mať pču mater, lóve, kuvy a byť smutný,
You can have a shitty mother, dough, bitches and be sad,
Pred smrťou neunikneš, pred tou sme si šeci rovní.
You can't escape death, we are all equal before it.
Sme božie deti, čo sa predbiehajú v pčovinách,
We are children of God, who outstrip each other in bullshit,
Dostal som rozum, svoju slobodu, tak koho vina.
I got the brains, my freedom, so whose fault is it.
Škulo chce nadávať nato, čo nikdy nedokáže,
The squint wants to swear at what he can never do,
Je mi ho ľúto, jeho očám, kerým nerozkáže.
I pity him, his eyes, which he cannot command.
Ďakujem, Bože, zato že tu s Tebou móžem byť,
Thank You, God, that I can be here with You,
Toto slová, keré tu budú po mne navždy žiť.
These are the words that will live after me forever.
Putujem po svete raz tam a sem,
I travel the world once there and back,
Putujem po svete raz tam a sem,
I travel the world once there and back,
Putu-putujem po svete raz tam a sem,
I travel-travel the world once there and back,
Putujem po svete raz tam a sem.
I travel the world once there and back.
Včera som mal konečne voľnú nedeľu,
Yesterday I finally had a free Sunday,
Dneska si vo Varšave dávam večeru,
Today I'm having dinner in Warsaw,
Zajtra musím chyciť vlak,
Tomorrow I have to catch a train,
Nahánam život, občas dostávame na frak (frak).
I'm chasing life, sometimes I get punched (punched).
Vždy keď chcem byť sebestačný, musím sa oprať sám (oprať sám),
Whenever I want to be self-sufficient, I have to do my own laundry (do my own laundry),
Svet je jednoduchý, služby treba oplácať,
The world is simple, services need to be repaid,
Len trochu zložitejších ľudí pár som postrácal,
I've lost only a few more complicated people,
Stále ich hľadám a často na to doplácam.
I keep looking for them and often pay for it.
Ideme ďalej, vec každého samého, vec každej samej,
Let's move on, it's everyone's own business, it's everyone's own business,
Musíš zhniť, tak ži, chceš si užiť, tak nalej,
You have to rot, so live, if you want to enjoy it, pour yourself a drink,
Každý by chcel veriť tej svojej starej
Everyone would rather believe their old woman
A hľadá tú, čo bude hrať rolu tej pravej.
And is looking for the one who will play the role of the right one.
Radšej krvy ako pče domáce (domáce),
Rat poison rather than domestic fleas (domestic fleas),
Jeden si proste hľadá svoje miesto na place (na place)
One is simply looking for his place on the set (on the set)
A neni čas sa zastaviť, čas dačo napraviť.
And there is no time to stop and fix something.
Chceš mať dačo vác, móre, si pomalý,
You want to have something more, baby, you're slow,
Neni čas kukať sa dozadu, čas pýtať sa o radu,
There is no time to look back, time to ask for advice,
Chceš žrať, postav sa do radu.
If you want to eat, stand in line.
Šeci sa naháňajú, šklbú a fajčia si ciciny,
Everyone is chasing, pulling and smoking their tits,
Aj tak nikdy nikde neni tými prvými.
But they are never the first ones anywhere.
Šeci sa naháňajú, šklbú a fajčia si kooti (kooti),
Everyone is chasing, pulling and smoking their roaches (roaches),
Každý je len hovno, na hovno sa obráti.
Everyone is just shit, will turn into shit.
Šeci sa naháňajú, šklbú a fajčia si cikuly,
Everyone is chasing, pulling and smoking their joints,
Aj keď po toľký krát začínajú od nuly,
Even though after so many times they start from scratch,
šeci sa naháňajú, šklbú a fajčia si kooti,
Everyone is chasing, pulling and smoking their roaches,
Každý je len hovno, keré sa potopí, móre.
Every one is just shit that sinks, baby.
Putujem po svete raz tam a sem (strýček Jonatán),
I travel the world once there and back (Uncle Jonathan),
Putu-putujem po svete raz tam a sem (strýček Jonatán),
I travel-travel the world once there and back (Uncle Jonathan),
Putujem po svete raz tam a sem (strýček Jonatán),
I travel the world once there and back (Uncle Jonathan),
Putu-putujem po svete raz tam a sem (strýček Jonatán).
I travel-travel the world once there and back (Uncle Jonathan).

Writer(s): Rytmus Rytmus

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