Kosta feat. Sharks - Spelte Se! - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kosta feat. Sharks - Spelte Se!

Spelte Se!
Play It!
Hočm it v parlament, si slišu, spust me not
I want to go to parliament, you hear, don’t stop me
Spel se stran, si šteknu, ti oviraš mi pot
Get out of the way, I understand, you’re blocking my way
Ne nism pršu na ogled, jest bi jih spravu v kot
I didn’t come for a tour, I’d put them in a corner
Jest bi jim povedu, si razumu, to kar me mot
I’d tell them, use your mind, what bothers me
K nimam takih cot k oni, a pol nism gospod
I don’t have those clothes like they do, but I’m not a gentleman
Nism skeširan k oni a se me lohka pohod
I’m not as rich as they are, but you can still respect me
Tle sm, reprezentiram preštevilne državljane
I’m here, representing numerous citizens
Ker država ljubi le elitne, redke, izbrane
Because the state loves only the elite, the few, the chosen ones
Vecini od mnogih, stvari v lajfu niso ble dane
For most of the many, things in life weren’t given
Vecina od nedanih, nas ni nabranih v klane
Most of the ungiven, we’re not gathered in clans
Vstop prepovedan, kdo pa sploh mislš da si
Entry forbidden, who do you think you are?
In ne zahtevi spoštovanja, ker tega tlele več ni
And don’t demand respect, because there’s no more of that here
Povejte mi, a vas boli, ali ste že preboleli
Tell me, are you in pain, or have you already gotten over it?
Ker ste gradili to državo z nepravičnimi streli
Because you built this country with unjust bullets
Razložte mi, kam naj gre človek ko zgubi čist vse
Explain to me, where should a person go when he loses everything?
Ko ni sposoben za delo, po vaše, kaj naj počne
When he’s not able to work, what should he do, in your opinion?
Povejte mi, kje loh mladina dones službo dobi
Tell me, where can young people get a job today?
Ker se v.i.p. Vezi zelo težko zaposli
Because it's very hard to get a job with VIP ties
Gospodje, naj čakam tiho, da se to spremeni
Gentlemen, should I wait silently for this to change?
Raj si pedenam svoj biz, ti cajti naujo pršli
I’d rather start my own business, these times have come
Razbite sanje med vrsticami v zgodbi uspeha
Shattered dreams between the lines in a success story
Kričijo, da pravice ni, in naj se repat ne neha
They scream that there’s no justice, and that the fight shouldn’t stop
Povejte mi gospodje, mogoče vi niste spal
Tell me, gentlemen, maybe you didn’t sleep
Ste zamižal, k so bombe na nedolžne metal
Did you close your eyes when bombs were thrown at innocent people?
Razložte mi, zakaj nismo popolni tko ko ste vi
Explain to me, why aren’t we perfect like you are?
Sam zihr kdo v vaših družinah tud travo kadi
I’m sure someone in your families smokes weed too
Ste to vi, a kdo od vaših pr 5 že osivi
Is that you, or did someone from your top 5 already turn gray?
X - sa da omedli, pije da lajf utopi
X - to faint, drinks to drown life
Povejte mi, sam se mi zdi, da se ne vlaga v izobrazbe
Tell me, it seems to me that you don’t invest in education
Če bo šlo tko v prihodnje, ne bo nobene preobrazbe
If it goes on like this in the future, there will be no transformation
Dvig izobrazbe, zgleda da to ni vaš cilj
Raising the level of education, it seems that this is not your goal
Zarad plač k jih mate ste še tapravo smer zgubil
Because of the salaries you have, you’ve even lost the right direction
Vi ste del načrta, v ki pazi na mase
You are part of a plan, in which they watch over the masses
Pazite nase in da masa v glavi zrase
Take care of yourselves and make sure the masses grow in their heads
Tle gre večini mladine sam za oblekce, klevete
Here, most young people only care about clothes, gossip
In tle nas hočjo met, vse v kletko ujete
And here they want to put us, all in a cage, trapped
In miselno osiromašene, brez linije odpora
And mentally impoverished, without a line of resistance
Duševno preplašene, sam da se fino začora
Mentally scared, just so we can dress nicely
Zato se spelte, ker to je krivo, ma kiro pravo
So play it, because this is wrong, but what’s right?
Vi ste krivi, ker ste ulce tle postavl na glavo
You’re to blame, because you’re putting the fools on top
Spelte se, prazne besede govorite
Play it, you’re speaking empty words
Težite, jezike vrtite, ne nardite
You’re nagging, twisting your tongues, you’re not doing anything
Kok je takih, ki dvigujejo pest, zato odprite
How many of them are raising their fists, so open
Oči - sharks (Kosta) dej preber jim levite
Your eyes - sharks (Kosta) just read them, the levites

Writer(s): Kosta štok

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