Kosta - Spomini - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kosta - Spomini

Kam usmerim naj poglede, ko bom prviè spregledu,
Where do I look when I first regain my vision?
Je ljubezen res slepa, sam jest se nism zavedu.
Is love really blind? I never questioned it then.
In zdej odpiram oèi, zato me tok še bolj boli,
And now that I'm opening my eyes, the current hurts even more,
Vsak spomin na lepe dni, obenem še zaskeli.
Every memory of good days brings another sting.
Kva bi mogu ti reèt, šokiran in obnemel,
What could I have said to you? I was shocked and speechless.
Ujel sem te z zadnjim pogledom, bil sem kot okamenel.
I caught you with a final look, like I was petrified.
Èutim te v dlaneh, v glavi slišm tvoj smeh,
I feel you in my hands, I hear your laughter in my head,
Vse kar mam so ti spomini in pa solze v oèeh.
All I have are these memories and tears in my eyes.
In ko sem najbolj na tleh, proti postaji pogledujem,
And when I am at my lowest, I look towards the station.
Ob oknu se sprašujem, èe si že v objemu tujem.
By the window, I wonder if you're already in someone's arms.
Ko bi bla vsaj tle, da vidiš kaj naèrtujem,
If only you were here, to see what I'm preparing.
Tebe pogrešam, vem še vedno te v zvezde kujem.
I miss you, I still adore you.
Èe si mela me rada, a si me mogla prizadet?
If you loved me, how could you hurt me?
Nisi hotla verjet, vedno si se mogla upret.
You didn't want to believe, you always had to resist.
No, upam da si sreèna, res upam, da si,
Well, I hope you're happy, I really do.
Z nekom, ki je del tebe in daje ti prave stvari.
With someone who is a part of you and gives you the right things.
Se ti ne zdi? Slika ne odgovori.
Don't you think? The photo won't answer.
Prebijam se skozi noèi, lažje je, ko se zdani.
I get through the nights; it's easier when it gets light.
Izpela se bo pesem, prepustu se bom tišini,
The song will finish, I'll give in to the silence.
Brez nasmeha in besed, naj priteèejo spomini...
Without smiles or words, let the memories flow...
Izpeta pesem, ob meni se prebuja tišina,
The song is finished, a silence awakens beside me.
Prižgana sveèa, poln pepelnik, v roki kozarec vina,
A lit candle, a full ashtray, a glass of wine in hand.
Oèi napol odprte, vzrte slike v vitrini,
Half-open eyes fixed on the images in the display window.
Vidm na koncu mi ostanejo samo spomini...
I see that all I have left are memories...
Èekiram stare cedeje, vse kar spominja na naju,
I check the old CDs, all the reminders of us.
Midva proti vsem, tko sem jest vedno vidu naju.
You and me against the world, that's how I always saw us.
Najbrž sem se zmotu, konc je vsega, kar sva mela,
I guess I was wrong, it's the end of everything we had.
A je res tko hudo, bi se lahko sporazumela?
Or is it really that bad, could we still understand each other?
Od ljudi dobila sva sam ljubosumje, laži,
You received only jealousy and lies from people.
Odkar sva šla narazen, noben se veè ne oglasi.
Since we separated, no one comes around anymore.
Ti metala si oèitke, kiri sploh ne držijo,
You made accusations that were not even true.
Iskala si udarce, ki prletijo in zavrtijo.
You sought out blows that hurt, stun, and shake.
Obèutki se spremenijo, si v poljubu dojela,
Feelings change, you realized it in the kiss.
Z objemi sem te dušil, ti si do me zaledenela.
I suffocated you with hugs, you grew cold to me.
Išèem te, da to povem, kako jest vidm stvari,
I'm searching for you, to tell you how I see things.
Veter nese besede, daljava jih razprši.
The wind carries words, distance disperses them.
Ne zapret vrat za sabo, ne pozabt na to,
Don't shut the door behind you, don't forget.
Ne me zredirat kr tko, ne reèt, da ti ni hudo.
Don't humiliate me like this, don't say that you're not hurting.
Ne kr zbrisat spominov, ne jih spravt v predale
Don't erase the memories, don't put them in drawers.
In prid kej sem, kjer sam ruševine so ostale.
And come by sometime, where I am, where ruins have remained.
Težko se bom sprjaznu s tem, te pogledu v oèi,
It will be hard to accept, to look you in the eye.
Tok resnice, tok laži, vse to - za ceno lepih dni.
A torrent of truth, a torrent of lies, all this - for the price of good days.
Sam ko ljubezni ni, takrat ljubezni veè ni
But when there's no love, then there's no love.
In èe se sam en trud za njo, veš ljubezen ne preživi.
And when only one tries for it, you know love won't survive.
Povej mi, kaj mi bo rep, èe zdele nism ob teb.
Tell me, what good is talking if I'm not with you now?
Izpela se je pesem in najdu sm te v seb...
The song has finished and I find you in myself...

Writer(s): K.štok

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