Krankšvester - Slava - traduction des paroles en anglais

Slava - Krankšvestertraduction en anglais

You're all sick
You're all sick
Pušio sam krek, prizivo crnog đavla
I smoked crack, summoned the black devil,
Sve dok nisam otišo u crkvu Svetog Pavla
Until I went to St. Paul's Church.
Prijatelju Isuse, u raj će moja duša
My friend Jesus, my soul will go to heaven,
Pretvorio si bludnika u prekrasnoga muža
You turned a fornicator into a wonderful husband.
Hvala jer si iz mene protjerao vraga
Thank you for driving the devil out of me,
Što me tjero da se seksam prije sklopljenoga braka
Who made me have sex before marriage.
Razdijelio sam dobro i loše kao more Mojsije
I parted good and evil like the sea of Moses,
Prvi sam u redu kad na misi dijele hostije
I'm the first in line when they give out communion at mass.
Uvijek si uz mene i ne želim se odvojit
You're always with me and I don't want to be separated,
A nekada smo nerazdvojni bili ja i džoint
And once we were inseparable, me and the joint.
Prestao sam psovat i sramotit se na bini
I stopped cursing and embarrassing myself on stage,
3ki Stil i Sett, Hosana u visini
3ki Stil and Sett, Hosanna in the highest.
Ne treba nam džoint, heroin ni bomboin
We don't need a joint, heroin or bomboin
(Ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa)
(Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing)
Ne treba gljivoin, spidoin ni kokoin
We don't need mushrooms, speed or cocaine
(Ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa)
(Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing)
Nama treba vjera jer Sudnji dan je blizu
We need faith because Judgment Day is near
(Blizu, blizu, blizu, blizu, blizu, blizu, blizu, blizu)
(Near, near, near, near, near, near, near, near)
Nama treba Spasitelj, nama treba Isus (Isus)
We need a Savior, we need Jesus (Jesus)
Pa kaže
So he says
Slava Kristu, slava, slava Kristu
Glory to Christ, glory, glory to Christ
Slava Kristu, slava, slava Kristu
Glory to Christ, glory, glory to Christ
Slava Kristu, slava, slava Kristu
Glory to Christ, glory, glory to Christ
Slava Kristu, slava, slava Kristu
Glory to Christ, glory, glory to Christ
Da sam slušo vraga, skreno bih u Pakao (Skrr)
If I had listened to the devil, I would have gone to Hell (Skrr)
U Pakao (Skrr, skrr)
To Hell (Skrr, skrr)
U pakao
To hell
Nekoć mi je Nečastivi šaputo na jastuku
Once the Evil One whispered on my pillow
Da žene iskorištavam za erotsku gimnastiku
That I should use women for erotic gymnastics
Al' otkad mi je Isus pokuco na prozor duše
But since Jesus knocked on the window of my soul
U životu su mi istog trena procvjetale ruže
Roses blossomed in my life in that very moment
Više nisam trebao ni alkohol ni žene
I no longer needed alcohol or women
Otkad kleko sam pred Krista i on ušo je u mene
Since I knelt before Christ and he entered me
Oj Isuse, Isuse, ljubičice bijela
Oh Jesus, Jesus, white violet
Tebe dragi Kriste voli omladina cijela
All the youth loves you, dear Christ
Oj Kriste, Kriki, Kriki, Kriki, Kriste, oj
Oh Christ, Chris, Chris, Chris, Christ, oh
Sve bih Kriki Kriste dao kad bi bio moj
I would give everything, Chris Christ, if you were mine
Ne treba nam džoint, heroin ni bomboin
We don't need a joint, heroin or bomboin
(Ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa)
(Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing)
Ne treba gljivoin, spidoin ni kokoin
We don't need mushrooms, speed or cocaine
(Ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa)
(Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing)
Nama treba vjera jer Sudnji dan je blizu
We need faith because Judgment Day is near
(Blizu, blizu, blizu, blizu, blizu, blizu, blizu, blizu)
(Near, near, near, near, near, near, near, near)
Nama treba Spasitelj, nama treba Isus (Isus)
We need a Savior, we need Jesus (Jesus)
Pa kaže
So he says
Slava Kristu, slava, slava Kristu
Glory to Christ, glory, glory to Christ
Slava Kristu, slava, slava Kristu
Glory to Christ, glory, glory to Christ
Slava Kristu, slava, slava Kristu
Glory to Christ, glory, glory to Christ
Slava Kristu, slava, slava Kristu
Glory to Christ, glory, glory to Christ
Ne trebamo vodu i ne trebamo zrak
We don't need water and we don't need air
Nama treba Isus jer Isus Krist je jak
We need Jesus because Jesus Christ is strong
Ne trebamo Jalu i ne trebamo Bubu
We don't need Jala and we don't need Buba
Nama treba Isus da izliječimo gubu
We need Jesus to cure leprosy
Ne treba nam džoint, heroin ni bomboin
We don't need a joint, heroin or bomboin
(Ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa)
(Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing)
Ne treba gljivoin, spidoin ni kokoin
We don't need mushrooms, speed or cocaine
(Ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa, ništa)
(Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing)
Nama treba vjera jer Sudnji dan je blizu
We need faith because Judgment Day is near
(Blizu, blizu, blizu, blizu, blizu, blizu, blizu, blizu)
(Near, near, near, near, near, near, near, near)
Nama treba Spasitelj, nama treba Isus (Isus)
We need a Savior, we need Jesus (Jesus)
Pa kaže
So he says
Slava Kristu, slava, slava Kristu
Glory to Christ, glory, glory to Christ
Slava Kristu, slava, slava Kristu
Glory to Christ, glory, glory to Christ
Slava Kristu, slava, slava Kristu
Glory to Christ, glory, glory to Christ
Slava Kristu, slava, slava Kristu
Glory to Christ, glory, glory to Christ

Writer(s): Hrvoje Marjanovic, Davor Miletic

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