Kube feat. Matti8 & Jakob - Screenshotta (feat. Matti8 & Jakob) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kube feat. Matti8 & Jakob - Screenshotta (feat. Matti8 & Jakob)

Screenshotta (feat. Matti8 & Jakob)
Screenshotta (feat. Matti8 & Jakob)
Ei oikee vakuuta sun stoori, boy
Your story doesn't really convince me, boy
Mee ny droppaa toi rooli pois
Go ahead and drop that role
Sun crewi saa mut nauraa
Your crew makes me laugh
Ei ne oo muusikoit, ne on koomikoit
They're not musicians, they're comedians
Luottojäbät kortilla
Trusted dudes on the card
Ne voi laskee metsurin sormilla
They can be counted on a lumberjack's fingers
Taas leikkasin yhen pois
I cut one off again
Hyvä, etten leikannu mun korvia
Good thing I didn't cut my ears
Kuullu iha liikaa, nähny iha tarpeeks
Heard too much, seen too much
Ne sneikkaa ja sniikkaa ja sit pyytelee anteeks
They sneak and sneak and then apologize
Mut ei me olla 'ait, ei me olla 'ait
But we're not tight, we're not tight
Annan sulle jotai, mitä siit sain?
I give you something, what did I get from it?
Ei me olla tight, ei me olla tight
We're not tight, we're not tight
Jos on pelkkää haippii, mitä hait?
If it's just hype, what's the point?
Droppaa sun roolis, ei mua kiinnosta
Drop your role, I'm not interested
Jos me ollaa fam, nii me ollaa tight
If we're fam, we're tight
et oo rudeboy, oot vaa screenshotta
You're not a rudeboy, you're just a screenshot
Eri jäbä eri seurois, eikä se oo 'ait
Different dude in different crowds, it's not real
Droppaa sun roolis, ei mua kiinnosta
Drop your role, I'm not interested
Jos me ollaa fam, nii me ollaa tight
If we're fam, we're tight
et oo rudeboy, oot vaa screenshotta
You're not a rudeboy, you're just a screenshot
Eri jäbä eri seurois, eikä se oo 'ait
Different dude in different crowds, it's not real
Diggaan auringonpaisteest, mut en sadekeleist
I dig sunshine, but not rainy days
Nää spedet ei diggaa meist, en diggaa spedeist
These clowns don't dig us, I don't dig clowns
Miks oot nii kileis, ooks risui seteis?
Why are you so shiny, are you in a pile of twigs?
Mee duunii tai rakentaa talo niist kepeist
Go to the dunes or build a house out of those twigs
Wario-status, nää gangstat on Luigi
Wario status, these gangsters are Luigi
"W" hatus, niil "L" ne on kuistil
"W" hatus, they have "L" on the porch
Badman forward badman muka
Badman forward badman face
Facebook badman, näädät hukas
Facebook badman, you'll be lost
Miks puhut ku nään, nii lataat
Why are you talking when I see you, so you're charging?
Jos todellisuudes sanot "Whadup?"
If you say "Whadup?" in reality
Sayonara, adios bitches
Sayonara, adios bitches
Selän takan ois ain sanottavaa mut
Behind my back there would always be something to say but
Oh boy, voi ooppa ny rehelline
Oh boy, can you be honest now
Jutut iha muuta ku tekemine
Things are quite different from doing
Puhut shotgunist, ei teil oo shotgunii
You're talking about a shotgun, you guys don't have a shotgun
Koko crewi takas takapenkille
The whole crew back to the back seat
Droppaa sun roolis, ei mua kiinnosta
Drop your role, I'm not interested
Jos me ollaa fam, nii me ollaa tight
If we're fam, we're tight
et oo rudeboy, oot vaa screenshotta
You're not a rudeboy, you're just a screenshot
Eri jäbä eri seurois, eikä se oo 'ait
Different dude in different crowds, it's not real
Droppaa sun roolis, ei mua kiinnosta
Drop your role, I'm not interested
Jos me ollaa fam, nii me ollaa tight
If we're fam, we're tight
et oo rudeboy, oot vaa screenshotta
You're not a rudeboy, you're just a screenshot
Eri jäbä eri seurois, eikä se oo 'ait
Different dude in different crowds, it's not real
Jengi tuntuu unohtavan, et me ollaa Suomes
People seem to forget that we are in Finland
Flexaa ja feikkaa iha ku ei tulis ikin kuolee
Flex and fake like they'll never die
Mul ei oo salattavaa, voin mennä joka puolel
I have nothing to hide, I can go anywhere
Oon ollu rehti alust asti, ei syytä huolee
I've been honest from the start, no need to worry
Vittuilen sen verran, mitä oma naama kestää
I swear as much as my own face can handle
Skippaan phony:t elämäst yht helposti, ku käsii pestää
I skip the phonies in life as easily as I wash my hands
Mite joku herää joka päivä eri roolis?
How does someone wake up every day in a different role?
Sit eri gangit, eri näädät, miten ne kestää?
Then different gangs, different scenes, how do they endure?
Enkä puhu mistää musast, vaan sun sisäsest minästä
And I'm not talking about some music, but your inner self
Ei kukaa rehti rehellisesti sust aidost pidä
No honest person honestly likes the real you
Sul sul ei ois clouttii, pitäiskö frendit sua minään?
You wouldn't have any clout, would your friends consider you anything?
Oo vaik rehelline ittelles, kokeile sitä (ay)
Be honest with yourself, try it (ay)
Droppaa sun roolis, ei mua kiinnosta
Drop your role, I'm not interested
Jos me ollaa fam, nii me ollaa tight
If we're fam, we're tight
et oo rudeboy, oot vaa screenshotta
You're not a rudeboy, you're just a screenshot
Eri jäbä eri seurois, eikä se oo 'ait
Different dude in different crowds, it's not real
Droppaa sun roolis, ei mua kiinnosta
Drop your role, I'm not interested
Jos me ollaa fam, nii me ollaa tight
If we're fam, we're tight
et oo rudeboy, oot vaa screenshotta
You're not a rudeboy, you're just a screenshot
Eri jäbä eri seurois, eikä se oo 'ait
Different dude in different crowds, it's not real

Writer(s): Jussi Hauta-aho

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