Your beautiful photos, even the power lines in the background bow down to you
Even the speed of light is willing to change its trajectory for you
Einstein is just talking nonsense
你微笑 你撒嬌 你玩貓 你扭動 小蠻腰
You smile, you pout, you play with cats, you twist your tiny waist
想投入 你懷抱 玩傳說 狂送頭 神操作like慢動作 我連看了三鐘頭 送禮物 u want more 都給你啦
Want to jump into your arms, play Legends, keep dying, amazing moves like slow motion, I watched for three hours straight, send gifts, you want more, here you go
香檳 鑽戒 豪華遊艇
Champagne, rings, luxury yachts
三更 半夜 還好有你陪
In the dead of night, it's good to have you by my side
你彈琴 泛淚 唱著流行樂
You play the piano, shed tears, sing pop songs
關靜音 更加放大你的美
Mute the sound, it makes your beauty even more amplified
愛上你的嬌滴滴 愛上你的笑咪咪
I love your sweet voice, I love your sweet smile
I just wanna give u everything
I just wanna give you everything
如果老天 對這緣份 有所恩眷 願 我們此生永不見面 Na saying
If heaven, has any mercy on this fate, may we never meet in this life, na saying
Please don't appear in front of me
Just wanna love you from a distance
Just wanna love you from a distance
Please don't appear in front of me
Just wanna love you from a distance
Just wanna love you from a distance
It's alright It's alright
It's alright It's alright
In this digital age
Everyone can be an internet celebrity, a beautiful woman or a handsome man
饒舌歌手 也能把歌喉 修成一個主流唱將
Even a rapper can polish his voice into a mainstream singer
Listen to me live
是否跟我看到你的本人一樣 法大
Is it the same as seeing you in person? Damn
Listen to me live
是否跟我看到你的本人一樣 法大
Is it the same as seeing you in person? Damn
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