Kurt Ostbahn & Die Kombo - Host Recht - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Kurt Ostbahn & Die Kombo - Host Recht

Host Recht
You're Right
Host recht
You're right
Spü di nua
Just stink yourself up
Weida deppat
You idiot
Host recht
You're right
Moch eanan neichn
Make a new one
Teppich fleckat
Stain the carpet
Host recht
You're right
Tanz weida auf
Keep dancing on
Meine Nerven
My nerves
De san eh nua
They're only good
Mea zum Werfn
For throwing
Host recht
You're right
Host recht
You're right
Moch im Hort
Do it in the yard
Jedn Tog in d'Hosn
Every day in your pants
Host recht
You're right
Renn wia a blinds
Run like a blind
Hendl üba d'Strossn
Chicken across the street
Host recht
You're right
Vaschluck de
Swallow the
Lego blocks
Oba trau di nocha
But don't you dare then
Rean und Wana
Cry and whine
Host recht
You're right
Host recht
You're right
Drah de
Turn up that
Deppnmusi lauda
Moronic music
Host recht
You're right
Friß ohne Frogn
Eat without asking
In frischn Gouda
In fresh Gouda
Host recht
You're right
Schau olle Mentscha
Look at all the people
Untat Kittln
Under their armpits
Spü unta da Tuchent
Play under the blanket
Mit dein Schnidl
With your little thing
Host recht
You're right
Host recht
You're right
Geh statt in d'Schui
Go to the movies instead of school
Hamlich in Proda
Sneak into the store
Host recht
You're right
Vasetz en Firmungs-Broda
Pawn your confirmation suit
Von dein Voda
From your father
Host recht
You're right
Moch weida so
Keep doing that way
Auf meine Kostn
At my expense
Schau de jo ned um
Don't bother looking around
Um an g'scheidn Postn
For a decent job
Host recht
You're right
Host recht
You're right
Hau a de nächste
Knock over the next one
Hockn daune
Sit down
Host recht
You're right
Renn umadum
Run around
Wia a so a Makaroni
Like a macaroni
Host recht
You're right
Valia beim Stoss gegn
Go into debt
Deine Freind, de Krätzn
Your friends, the scumbags
Und loss di fia d'Schuidn
And let them hit you
Haun mit nosse Fetzn
With wet rags
Host recht
You're right
Host recht
You're right
Ziag z'samm mit
Move in with
Dera nobln Trutschn
That noble bimbo
Host recht
You're right
Oba i kumm eich
But I won't give you any
Ned Kindahutschn
Child support
Host recht
You're right
Schiab ihra Bagasch
Shove her things
Ois schee hint eine
All the way in
De is se zum Hackln z'schod
She's too fat to walk
De Madam, de feine
The fine lady
Host recht
You're right
Host recht
You're right
Schenk ia no
Give her a
A Gartnhäusl
Little house
Host recht
You're right
Und gib deina Mamsch
And give your mom
Afoch en Weisl
A little tune
Host recht
You're right
Fliagts übas Weekend
Fly off for the weekend
Ruich auf Rom
To Rome
Des is da Dank fia ois
That's the thanks for everything
Gö, des is da Lohn
Oh, that's the reward
Oba so is a
But that's how it is
Mein Herr Sohn
My dear son
Imma scho gwesn
It's always been that way
Scho von Kleinauf
Since childhood
Kein Dankeschön
No thank you
Kein liebes Wort
No kind word
Imma nua de
Always just the
Hand aufhoidn
Hand held out
Mama i brauch des
Mom, I need this
Mama i des
Mom, I want this
Und de Mama is scho g'rennt
And mom ran off
Und wos is da Lohn, bitte
And what's the reward, please
Wos is de Ernte im Alter
What's the harvest in old age

Writer(s): Die Kombo

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