Kurtoazija feat. Djans - Vagabundo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kurtoazija feat. Djans - Vagabundo

A kad svane kraj, a kad svane kraj
And when the end dawns, and when the end dawns
Sedmi sprat i mrak u stanu
Seventh floor and darkness in the apartment
Nemoj da se hvalis gde si sinoc bila
Don't boast about where you were last night
Ako ista imas sa mnom ponovo u planu
If you have anything planned with me again
Ostani diskretna, sto me ne bi krila
Stay discreet, why wouldn't you hide me
Za moje zelje, mala, budi dobra vila
For my desires, girl, be a good fairy
Erogene zone osvajam sve k'o Atila
I conquer erogenous zones like Attila
Ova zlatna ribica u krevetu mi bila
This goldfish was in my bed
Pijana od dodira i ledenoga vina
Drunk from touch and ice-cold wine
Socna mandarina, moja konkubina
Juicy tangerine, my concubine
Moja seks masina, guzom mesa k'o turbina
My sex machine, mixing with her ass like a turbine
Koza meka, svila glatka kao u delfina
Soft skin, smooth silk like a dolphin's
Balavim na tebe, mala, previse se primam
I'm drooling over you, girl, I'm taking it too much
Budi mi kombina i ne glumi da si fina
Be my combination and don't pretend to be fine
Smiricu te bolje nego saka bensedina
I'll calm you down better than a handful of benzos
Noc je puna strasti, pozude, adrenalina
The night is full of passion, lust, adrenaline
Ti me radis bolje i od cistog kokaina
You do me better than pure cocaine
A ja sam samo vagabundo, vagabundo
And I'm just a vagabond, a vagabond
Veceras napravicu cudo, tebi bice ludo
Tonight I will make a miracle, you will be crazy
A ja sam samo vagabundo, vagabundo, znaj
And I'm just a vagabond, a vagabond, you know
Veceras svima bice ludo, a kad svane kraj
Tonight everyone will be crazy, and when the end dawns
Pozeska, sesti sprat, ti ne gledaj na sat
Pozeska, sixth floor, don't look at the clock
Jer ovo vece tebi bice k'o za rodjendan
Because this night will be like a birthday for you
Vutru motam u blant dok ti mi sisas vrat
I roll weed in a blunt while you suck my neck
Jer pored mene ti je praznik - srecan 8. mart
Because next to me it's a holiday - happy March 8th
I rodjendan i sve, ceka te zurka kod mene
And birthday and everything, a party is waiting for you at my place
'Ajde sad povedi drugarice
Come on now, bring your friends
Kuci dok se sminkas napij se
Get drunk while you're putting on your makeup at home
I razbij sve dok se spremas
And break everything while you're getting ready
Platicu ti taxi ako pare nemas
I'll pay for your taxi if you don't have money
Al' ujutru u gradski ima da odremas
But in the morning you'll have to sleep it off on the city bus
Nemoj da me drukas kad te
Don't tell on me when your
Pita keva gde si bila
Mom asks you where you were
Ziveo na drugom, ja vagabundo
Lived on the second floor, I'm a vagabond
Na ulici sam kunt'o, va-vagabundo
I'm a cunt on the street, va-vagabond
Cekao sam cudo, va-vagabundo
I was waiting for a miracle, va-vagabond
Ma ona samo prosla je sa bundom
But she just passed by with a fur coat
Ona, ona je sa bundom, ja vagabuno
She, she's with a fur coat, I'm a vagabond
Ona, ona je sa bundom, ja vagabuno, ja vagabundo
She, she's with a fur coat, I'm a vagabond, I'm a vagabond
Jos jedno jutro docek'o na ulici sa pljugom
Another morning greeted on the street with a cigarette
Potkrovlje, peti sprat
Attic, fifth floor
Destinacija je in, kad si sa mnom, what a fuck
The destination is in, when you're with me, what the fuck
Nemoj da mi kazes da ovo nisi htela
Don't tell me you didn't want this
Vidim da si spremna, mala, vidim da si smela
I see you're ready, girl, I see you're brave
Kao hotel hotela, kao zlato sto sija
Like a hotel of hotels, like gold that shines
Tebi prija prizor ispred tebe, kosulja od Guccija
You enjoy the view in front of you, a Gucci shirt
I malo, mala, djusa preko leda
And a little, girl, juice over ice
I malo svega - svega, sa vrha brega, haha
And a little bit of everything, from the top of the hill, haha
Kao da pucas na kos, kazes hocu jos
Like you're shooting on purpose, you say I want more
Al' znas da nemam vise jer sam bio jako los
But you know I don't have any more because I was really bad
Tvoje telo prsti, meni lepljivi su prsti
Your body tingles, my fingers are sticky
Kada lupim te po guzi od srece suzu pustis
When I slap your ass, you shed a tear of happiness
Kada stegnem ti grudi, ti mi uzdahe pruzis
When I squeeze your breasts, you give me sighs
Sa svima bi zbog mene prestala da se druzis
You would stop hanging out with everyone because of me
Znas da te budnom nocima vagabundo drzi
You know that the vagabond keeps you awake at night
Al' ja sam skitnica, mala, ja se ne drzim
But I'm a wanderer, girl, I don't stick around

Writer(s): Jovan Janković

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